687 research outputs found

    Braneworld Flux Inflation

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    We propose a geometrical model of brane inflation where inflation is driven by the flux generated by opposing brane charges and terminated by the collision of the branes, with charge annihilation. We assume the collision process is completely inelastic and the kinetic energy is transformed into the thermal energy after collision. Thereafter the two branes coalesce together and behave as a single brane universe with zero effective cosmological constant. In the Einstein frame, the 4-dimensional effective theory changes abruptly at the collision point. Therefore, our inflationary model is necessarily 5-dimensional in nature. As the collision process has no singularity in 5-dimensional gravity, we can follow the evolution of fluctuations during the whole history of the universe. It turns out that the radion field fluctuations have a steeply tilted, red spectrum, while the primordial gravitational waves have a flat spectrum. Instead, primordial density perturbations could be generated by a curvaton mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, references adde

    Radionic Non-uniform Black Strings

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    Non-uniform black strings in the two-brane system are investigated using the effective action approach. It is shown that the radion acts as a non-trivial hair of the black strings. From the brane point of view, the black string appears as the deformed dilatonic black hole which becomes dilatonic black hole in the single brane limit and reduces to the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole in the close limit of two-branes. The stability of solutions is demonstrated using the catastrophe theory. From the bulk point of view, the black strings are proved to be non-uniform. Nevertheless, the zeroth law of black hole thermodynamics still holds.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Black holes and a scalar field in an expanding universe

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    We consider a model of an inhomogeneous universe including a massless scalar field, where the inhomogeneity is assumed to consist of many black holes. This model can be constructed by following Lindquist and Wheeler, which has already been investigated without including scalar field to show that an averaged scale factor coincides with that of the Friedmann model. In this work we construct the inhomogeneous universe with an massless scalar field, where we assume that the averaged scale factor and scalar field are given by those of the Friedmann model including a scalar field. All of our calculations are carried out in the framework of Brans-Dicke gravity. In constructing the model of an inhomogeneous universe, we define the mass of a black hole in the Brans-Dicke expanding universe which is equivalent to ADM mass if the mass evolves adiabatically, and obtain an equation relating our mass to the averaged scalar field and scale factor. As the results we find that the mass has an adiabatic time dependence in a sufficiently late stage of the expansion of the universe, and that the time dependence is qualitatively diffenrent according to the sign of the curvature of the universe: the mass increases decelerating in the closed universe case, is constant in the flat case and decreases decelerating in the open case. It is also noted that the mass in the Einstein frame depends on time. Our results that the mass has a time dependence should be retained even in the general scalar-tensor gravitiy with a scalar field potential. Furthermore, we discuss the relation of our results to the uniqueness theorem of black hole spacetime and gravitational memory effect.Comment: 16 pages, 3 tables, 5 figure

    Radion and Holographic Brane Gravity

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    The low energy effective theory for the Randall-Sundrum two brane system is investigated with an emphasis on the role of the non-linear radion in the brane world. The equations of motion in the bulk is solved using a low energy expansion method. This allows us, through the junction conditions, to deduce the effective equations of motion for the gravity on the brane. It is shown that the gravity on the brane world is described by a quasi-scalar-tensor theory with a specific coupling function omega(Psi) = 3 Psi / 2(1-Psi) on the positive tension brane and omega(Phi) = -3 Phi / 2(1+Phi) on the negative tension brane, where Psi and Phi are non-linear realizations of the radion on the positive and negative tension branes, respectively. In contrast to the usual scalar-tensor gravity, the quasi-scalar-tensor gravity couples with two kinds of matter, namely, the matters on both positive and negative tension branes, with different effective gravitational coupling constants. In particular, the radion disguised as the scalar fields Psi and Phi couples with the sum of the traces of the energy momentum tensor on both branes. In the course of the derivation, it has been revealed that the radion plays an essential role to convert the non-local Einstein gravity with the generalized dark radiation to the local quasi-scalar-tensor gravity. For completeness, we also derive the effective action for our theory by substituting the bulk solution into the original action. It is also shown that the quasi-scalar-tensor gravity works as holograms at the low energy in the sense that the bulk geometry can be reconstructed from the solution of the quasi-scalar-tensor gravity.Comment: Revtex4, 18 pages, revised version, conclusions unchanged, references adde

    Brane World Effective Action at Low Energies and AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    A low energy iteration scheme to study nonlinear gravity in the brane world is developed. As a result, we obtain the brane world effective action at low energies. The relation between the geometrical approach and the approach using the AdS/CFT correspondence is also clarified. In particular, we find generalized dark radiation as homogeneous solutions in our iteration scheme. Moreover, the precise correspondence between the bulk geometry and the brane effective action is established, which gives a holographic view of the brane world.Comment: Revtex4, 12 pages, references added. Version accepted for publicaton in Phys. Rev.

    59Co-NMR Knight Shift of Aligned Crystals and Polycrystalline Samples of Superconducting Na0.3CoO2.1.3H2O

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    Temperature (T) dependence of 59Co-NMR Knight shifts K of Na0.3CoO2.1.3H2O has been studied, where samples of randomly oriented powder and aligned crystals have been used for the applied magnetic fields H // ab plane and H //c-axis, respectively. For both directions of H, the shift K decreases below the superconducting transition temperature Tc(H) with decreasing T, indicating that the superconducting electron pairs are in the singlet state. The upper critical fields Hc2(T) determined from the K(H)-T curves are found to be consistent with the values reported by the resistivity measurements for both directions of H.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, J.Phys. Soc. Jpn 74 (2005) No.

    Influence of Mg, Ag and Al substitutions on the magnetic excitations in the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CuCrO2

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    Magnetic excitations in CuCrO2_{2}, CuCr0.97_{0.97}Mg0.03_{0.03}O2_{2}, Cu0.85_{0.85}Ag0.15_{0.15}CrO2_{2}, and CuCr0.85_{0.85}Al0.15_{0.15}O2_{2} have been studied by powder inelastic neutron scattering to elucidate the element substitution effects on the spin dynamics in the Heisenberg triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CuCrO2_{2}. The magnetic excitations in CuCr0.97_{0.97}Mg0.03_{0.03}O2_{2} consist of a dispersive component and a flat component. Though this feature is apparently similar to CuCrO2_{2}, the energy structure of the excitation spectrum shows some difference from that in CuCrO2_{2}. On the other hand, in Cu0.85_{0.85}Ag0.15_{0.15}CrO2_{2} and CuCr0.85_{0.85}Al0.15_{0.15}O2_{2} the flat components are much reduced, the low-energy parts of the excitation spectra become intense, and additional low-energy diffusive spin fluctuations are induced. We argued the origins of these changes in the magnetic excitations are ascribed to effects of the doped holes or change of the dimensionality in the magnetic correlations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Numerical Renormalization Group Approach to a Quantum Dot Coupled to Normal and Superconducting Leads

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    We study transport through a quantum dot coupled to normal and superconducting leads using the numerical renormalization group method. We show that the low-energy properties of the system are described by the local Fermi liquid theory despite of the superconducting correlations penetrated into the dot due to a proximity effect. We calculate the linear conductance due to the Andreev reflection in the presence of the Coulomb interaction. It is demonstrated that the maximum structure appearing in the conductance clearly characterizes a crossover between two distinct spin-singlet ground states, i.e. the superconducting singlet state and the Kondo singlet state. It is further elucidated that the gate-voltage dependence of the conductance shows different behavior in the superconducting singlet region from that in the Kondo singlet region.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; a typo in eq. (B.5) corrected, which does not affect any other results of the pape

    Distinguishing d-wave from highly anisotropic s-wave superconductors

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    Systematic impurity doping in the Cu-O plane of the hole-doped cuprate superconductors may allow one to decide between unconvention al ("d-wave") and anisotropic conventional ("s-wave") states as possible candidates for the order parameter in these materials. We show that potential scattering of any strength always increases the gap minima of such s-wave states, leading to activated behavior in temperature with characteristic impurity concentration dependence in observable quantities such as the penetration depth. A magnetic component to the scattering may destroy the energy gap and give rise to conventional gapless behavior, or lead to a nonmonotonic dependence of the gap on impurity concentration. We discuss how experiments constrain this analysis.Comment: 5 page

    Magnetic properties of superconducting cobalt oxides NaxCoO2.yH2O

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    Studies of the NMR Knight shift K of Na0.3CoO2.yH2O have been carried out in detail. The suppression of K by the occurrence of the superconductivity reported previously by the present authors in both magnetic field directions perpendicular and parallel to the c axis has been confirmed, indicating that the Cooper pairs are in the singlet state. The anisotropy of the suppression amplitudes is consistent with the anisotropy of the hyperfine coupling constant Aspin estimated by the K-kai plot. It has also been found that even samples, which do not exhibit a significant amount of the Curie-Weiss-like increase of the uniform magnetic susceptibility kai with decreasing temperature T, exhibit the superconducting transition, which indicates that the superconducting Na0.3CoO2.1.3H2O is not necessarily be in the proximity region of the ferromagnetic phase. It has also been confirmed that the superconducting transition temperature Tc of the samples prepared by mixing Na0.7CoO2, H2O (or D2O) and bromine for 4 h, and separating the resultant powder from the solution by filtration, depends on the elapsed time t after filtration. For these samples, the Curie constant of kai estimated at low temperatures increases with t, supporting the idea that the number of the lattice imperfection possibly due to the oxygen-vacancy-formation increases with t. Even for such samples, the superconductivity appears, which seems to exclude the possibility of the anisotropic superconducting order parameter. These results are favorable for the full-gapped superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, submitted to JPS