24 research outputs found

    Will We be Helped from Abroad? A Case of Visceral Leishmaniasisis in Crimea

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    The article presents a case of non-endemic, rare disease in the Crimea — the visceral form of leishmaniasis in 11-month-old child, which clinically occurs with prolonged fever, hepatolienal syndrome with manifestations of hepatitis, anemia, thrombocytopenia. Establishing final definitive diagnosis was preceded by diagnoses: acute intestinal infection, salmonellosis, hepatitis, fever of unknown origin, cytomegalovirus infection. The final diagnosis — visceral leishmaniasis was made in Israel by the results of liver biopsy with the discovery of Leishman — Donovan bodies. The child was treated with AmBisome (liposomal amphotericin B). After the treatment the child with his recovery returned to Ukraine. It is suggested that the above incident was a manifestation of the course of multicomponent non-cyclic infectious process


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    This article examines the secretory activity of rat skin tissue in an experiment at the stages of regeneration after thermal trauma, taking into account age periodization. To evaluate the effectiveness of clinical treatment methods, it is necessary to study the morphological features of skin regeneration in different age groups. Wounds received as a result of a burn are distinguished by a special course of the wound process due to the specificity and duration of the stage of restoring the integrity of the skin. The results of a study of the secretory activity of TC on the 3rd, 7th and 14th days of the wound process are presented. A comparative characteristic of the secretory activity of TC in different age groups was carried out and a different degree of secretory activity of tissue basophils was revealed depending on age periodization. The optimal method of wound treatment depends on knowledge of the structural and functional features of the extracellular matrix of the connective tissue of the dermis.В данной статье рассматривается секреторная активность тучных клеток (ТК) кожи крысы в эксперименте на этапах регенерации после термической травмы с учетом возрастной периодизации. Для оценки эффективности клинических методов лечения необходимо изучить морфологические особенности регенерации кожи в разных возрастных группах. Раны, полученные вследствие ожога, отличаются особым течением раневого процесса в связи со специфичностью и длительностью этапа восстановления целостности кожного покрова. Представлены результаты исследования секреторной активности ТК на 3-е, 7-е и 14-е сутки раневого процесса. Проведена сравнительная характеристика секреторной активности ТК в разных возрастных группах и выявлена различная степень секреторной активности тканевых базофилов в зависимости от возрастной периодизации. Оптимальный метод лечения ран зависит от знания структурно-функциональных особенностей внеклеточного матрикса соединительной ткани дермы


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    One of the indicators characterizing the normal state of the body is its physical development. In modern conditions, in a number of cases, deviations of physical development from standards are observed depending on the influence of environmental factors, nutrition, social status, and region of residence. Assessment of physical development plays a fundamental role in early diagnosis and identification of individuals with a predisposition to various nosological forms. The article reflects the results of complex anthropometry using the generally accepted classification of somatotypes.Одним из показателей, характеризующих нормальное состояние организма, является его физическое развитие. В современных условиях наблюдаются в ряде случаев отклонения физического развития от стандартов в зависимости от влияния факторов окружающей среды, питания, социального статуса, региона проживания. Оценка физического развития играет основополагающую роль в ранней диагностике и выявлению лиц с предрасположенностью к различным нозологическим формам. В статье отражены результаты комплексной антропометрии с использованием общепринятой классификации соматотипов


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    A significant increase in attention to anthropological research is associated with the demand for practical medicine in the expansion of modern anthropological knowledge. The aim of the work was to determine the content of fat and muscle components of the body, depending on the constitutional affiliation in girls of 18-20 years of age. The method of complex anthropometry determined the constitutional affiliation of 150 girls, representatives of the Slavic ethnic group, residents of Moscow. Four groups of the studied somatotypes were identified: leptosomal, mesosomal, megalosomal, and indeterminate groups. Data on the absolute and percentage content of fat and muscle mass depending on the type of constitution, materials on the individual variability of the severity of these signs were obtained. The data can be used as standards in the analysis of the physical development of girls, which is important for a personalized approach in preventive and clinical medicine.Существенное повышение внимания к антропологическим исследованиям связано с востребованностью практической медицины в расширении современных антропологических знаний. Целью работы явилось определение содержания жирового и мышечного компонентов тела в зависимости от конституциональной принадлежности у девушек 18-20-летнего возраста. Методом комплексной антропометрии определили конституциональную принадлежность 150 девушек, представительниц славянского этноса, жительниц г. Москвы. Определены четыре группы исследуемых соматотипов: лептосомная, мезосомная, мегалосомная, неопределенная группа. Получены данные об абсолютном и процентном содержании жировой и мышечной масс в зависимости от типа конституции, материалы об индивидуальной изменчивости выраженности этих признаков. Данные могут быть использованы в качестве нормативов при анализе физического развития девушек, что важно для персонифицированного подхода в профилактической и клинической медицине

    Features of histotopography of skin mast cells when simulating a burn under conditions of using various methods of regional exposure

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    The issues of skin regeneration during thermal injury are an ur-gent problem of modern biomedicine. The quality and speed of res-toration of the damaged epidermis largely ensures the quality of life of patients. The optimal method of wound treatment depends, inter alia, on knowledge of the structural and functional features of the extracellular matrix of the connective tissue of the dermis, including the amphora and fibrous components. Material and methods. In a study on adult Wistar rats, we modeled second degree burns of the posterior surface of the torso with an area of 10% of the body surface for the purpose of histological and immunohistochemical assessment of the involvement of mast cells in the wound process and their importance in the implementation of collagen fibrillogenesis in various protocols for the treatment of burn wounds. A planimetric analysis was carried out to obtain quantitative data on the content of mast cells per mm2 of the skin, their histotopography and morphofunctional typing were determined to assess the secretory activity. Results. The study revealed that the burn wound caused an increase in the population of skin mast cells with certain histotopo-graphic patterns, in particular, predominant accumulation in the peripheral region of the alteration zone. An increase in the secre-tory activity of mast cells led to a systemic reconstruction of the extracellular matrix, stimulating the healing processes by activat-ing the formation of the fibrous component of the connective tissue. After thermal exposure, a significant increase in tryptase expression in the mast cell population was revealed when using water with an increased content of molecular hydrogen. Conclusion. The revealed features of various protocols of wound management in the efficiency of regenerative processes are due to the degree of involvement of mast cells in fibrillogenesis using direct and indirect pathways. Thus, the molecular mechanisms of extracellular matrix remodeling, induced by the secretory activity of mast cells, are promising targets for intensifying the regenerative effects of pharmacological agents. © 2021, Human Stem Cell Institute. All rights reserved