18 research outputs found

    Mobile based vibration monitoring and its application to road quality monitoring in deep underground mine

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    Road quality is an important issue in everyday life for all car owners. This issue seems to be critically important in underground mines, where LHD machines are used for material transport. One of the biggest problems for LHD operation is relatively quick tires degradation. One of possible reasons might be road surface quality, indeed. However, driver's skills as well as ways of machine operation (loading, acceleration, breaking...) might also play a crucial role. Nowadays, many of machines are equipped with onboard monitoring system that allows to monitor basic parameters (speed, torque, temperatures, pressures etc.) at some predefined components. To complete the picture, we propose to use proposed already (but not for mining applications) vibration measurement for road roughness evaluation. To measure vibration acceleration is relatively easy task (we used simple smartphone here), unfortunately method of parametrization and concluding about road quality is still a challenge in mining case. In this paper we have presented a short communication related to first experimental work and some ideas how to deal with this problem using statistical tools for signal modeling

    Mobile based vibration monitoring and its application to road quality monitoring in deep underground mine

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    Road quality is an important issue in everyday life for all car owners. This issue seems to be critically important in underground mines, where LHD machines are used for material transport. One of the biggest problems for LHD operation is relatively quick tires degradation. One of possible reasons might be road surface quality, indeed. However, driver's skills as well as ways of machine operation (loading, acceleration, breaking...) might also play a crucial role. Nowadays, many of machines are equipped with onboard monitoring system that allows to monitor basic parameters (speed, torque, temperatures, pressures etc.) at some predefined components. To complete the picture, we propose to use proposed already (but not for mining applications) vibration measurement for road roughness evaluation. To measure vibration acceleration is relatively easy task (we used simple smartphone here), unfortunately method of parametrization and concluding about road quality is still a challenge in mining case. In this paper we have presented a short communication related to first experimental work and some ideas how to deal with this problem using statistical tools for signal modeling

    CYBEREMOTIONS – Collective Emotions in Cyberspace

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    AbstractEmotions are an important part of most societal dynamics. As with face to face meetings, Internet exchanges may not only include factual information but may also elicit emotional responses; how participants feel about the subject discussed or other group members. The development of automatic sentiment analysis has made large scale emotion detection and analysis possible using text messages collected from the web. We present results of two years of studies performed in the EU Large Scale Integrating Project CYBEREMOTIONS (Collective emotions in cyberspace) Our goal is to understand the role of collective emotions in creating, forming and breaking-up ICT mediated communities and to prepare the background for the next generation of emotionally-intelligent ICT services. Project results have already attracted a lot of attention from various mass media and research journals including the Science and New Scientist magazines. Nine Project teams are organised in three layers (data, theory and ICT output)

    Comparison of reorganized versus unaltered cardiology departments during the COVID-19 era: a subanalysis of the COV-HF-SIRIO 6 study

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    Background: Since the beginning of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, numerous cardiology departments were reorganized to provide care for COVID-19 patients. We aimed to compare the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital admissions and in-hospital mortality in reorganized vs. unaltered cardiology departments. Methods: The present subanalysis is a multicenter retrospective COV-HF-SIRIO 6 study that includes all patients (n = 101,433) hospitalized in 24 cardiology departments in Poland between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020, with a focus on patients with acute heart failure (AHF). Results: Reduction of all-cause hospitalizations was 50.6% vs. 21.3% for reorganized vs. unaltered cardiology departments in 2020 vs. 2019, respectively (p < 0.0001). Considering AHF alone respective reductions by 46.5% and 15.2% were registered (p < 0.0001). A higher percentage of patients was brought in by ambulance to reorganized vs. unaltered cardiology departments (51.7% vs. 34.6%; p < 0.0001) alongside with a lower rate of self-referrals (45.7% vs. 58.4%; p < 0.0001). The rate of all-cause in-hospital mortality in AHF patients was higher in reorganized than unaltered cardiology departments (10.9% vs. 6.4%; p < 0.0001). After the exclusion of patients with concomitant COVID-19, the mortality rates did not differ significantly (6.9% vs. 6.4%; p = 0.55). Conclusions: In cardiology departments reorganized to provide care for COVID-19 patients vs. unaltered ones, observed: i) a greater reduction in hospital admissions in 2020 vs. 2019; ii) higher rates of patients brought by ambulance and lower rates of self-referrals; and iii) higher all-cause in-hospital mortality for AHF due to COVID-19 related deaths

    Rola parków naukowo-technologicznych w komunikacji między instytucjami naukowymi a przemysłem

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    Among the ways to bridge the gap between the research communities and the industry, one of the best known are the Science and Technology Parks. The scope of the offered services, the scale of operations and their revenues vary considerably. The largest parks gather companies, whose revenues may reach billions of dollars. Achieving such success requires, from the park operators, much more than offering attractive prices for office space. Moreover, it requires well-coordinated activities, based on a long term vision, from the central governments. The paper presents an analysis of the factors determining the success or fiasco of science and technology parks, both in worldwide and Polish context.Wśród sprawdzonych na świecie sposobów zbudowania mostu między instytucjami naukowymi a przemysłem są parki naukowo-technologiczne. Skala ich funkcjonowania, zakres usług, osiągane przychody są bardzo zróżnicowane. Największe parki gromadzą firmy o przychodach idących w dziesiątki miliardów dolarów. Osiągnięcie takiego sukcesu wymaga od operatorów parku znacznie więcej niż atrakcyjnych warunków wynajmu powierzchni użytkowej. Co więcej, wymaga skoordynowanych, długofalowych działań na poziomie władz centralnych. Artykuł przedstawia próbę analizy czynników wpływających na sukces lub porażkę parków, zarówno w kontekście światowym jak polskim

    Social Depolarization and Diversity of Opinions—Unified ABM Framework

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    Most sociophysics opinion dynamics simulations assume that contacts between agents lead to greater similarity of opinions, and that there is a tendency for agents having similar opinions to group together. These mechanisms result, in many types of models, in significant polarization, understood as separation between groups of agents having conflicting opinions. The addition of inflexible agents (zealots) or mechanisms, which drive conflicting opinions even further apart, only exacerbates these polarizing processes. Using a universal mathematical framework, formulated in the language of utility functions, we present novel simulation results. They combine polarizing tendencies with mechanisms potentially favoring diverse, non-polarized environments. The simulations are aimed at answering the following question: How can non-polarized systems exist in stable configurations? The framework enables easy introduction, and study, of the effects of external “pro-diversity”, and its contribution to the utility function. Specific examples presented in this paper include an extension of the classic square geometry Ising-like model, in which agents modify their opinions, and a dynamic scale-free network system with two different mechanisms promoting local diversity, where agents modify the structure of the connecting network while keeping their opinions stable. Despite the differences between these models, they show fundamental similarities in results in terms of the existence of low temperature, stable, locally and globally diverse states, i.e., states in which agents with differing opinions remain closely linked. While these results do not answer the socially relevant question of how to combat the growing polarization observed in many modern democratic societies, they open a path towards modeling polarization diminishing activities. These, in turn, could act as guidance for implementing actual depolarization social strategies

    The role of science and technology parks in communication processes between research institutions and industry

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    Among the ways to bridge the gap between the research communities and the industry, one of the best known are the Science and Technology Parks. The scope of the offered services, the scale of operations and their revenues vary considerably. The largest parks gather companies, whose revenues may reach billions of dollars. Achieving such success requires, from the park operators, much more than offering attractive prices for office space. Moreover, it requires well-coordinated activities, based on a long term vision, from the central governments. The paper presents an analysis of the factors determining the success or fiasco of science and technology parks, both in worldwide and Polish context

    Assessment of the load-bearing capacity of CFA piles with the base extended by the jet grouting method on the construction of the S6 expressway

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pali CFA z podstawą poszerzoną metodą iniekcji strumieniowej, wykonanych podczas budowy obiektów mostowych drogi ekspresowej S6 na odcinku Kiełpino - Kołobrzeg. Wykonano badania 15 pali i na podstawie tych badań oceniono nośność obliczeniową oraz graniczną pali, które porównano z obciążeniem obliczeniowym według projektu. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynikało, że średnia wartość wskaźnika nośności obliczeniowej pali na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wyniosła 1,08. Trzy pale usytuowane w lewej części podpory A w obiekcie MS-74 charakteryzowały się mniejszą nośnością obliczeniową na podstawie badania w porównaniu do obciążenia obliczeniowego według projektu. Na podstawie badań sondą CPT stwierdzono, że grunty w tym miejscu charakteryzowały się słabszymi parametrami geotechnicznymi niż wynikało z wcześniejszych badań. Z tego powodu we wszystkich palach lewej części tej podpory wykonano pod podstawami pali metodą iniekcji strumieniowej dodatkowe kolumny z cementogruntu, co spowodowało istotne zwiększenie nośności tych pali.The paper presents the test results of CFA piles with extended base using a jet grouting method, executed during construction of bridge objects on the expressway S6, section Kiełpino - Kołobrzeg. There were 15 piles tested and calculated and ultimate load capacities were evaluated and compared with design load capacity of these piles. The test results confirmed that the average value of design bearing capacity ratio based on the test results was equal to 1,08. The tree piles located on the left side of the support A at the object MS-74 had lower calculated load capacity determined on the basis of the test in comparison with its design load capacity. It was confirmed on the basis of the CPT tests that soils in this place had lower geotechnical parameters in comparison with the previous tests. Because of this additional soilcement columns were constructed in all piles located on the left side of this support which caused significant increase of load capacity of these piles

    Quasilocalized modes in crystalline and partially crystalline high-entropy alloys

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    High entropy alloys (HEAs) are designed by mixing multiple metallic species in nearly the same amount to obtain crystalline or amorphous materials with exceptional mechanical properties. Here we use molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the role of positional and compositional disorder in determining the low-frequency vibrational properties of CrMnFeCoNi HEAs with a varying degree of amorphous order. Our results show that the expected dependence of the density of states on the frequency as D(ω)∼ω^{4} is recovered for amorphous HEAs and is also observed for partially crystallized alloys with deviations that depend on the degree of crystallization. We find that the quasilocalized vibrations are still visible in crystalline HEAs, albeit suppressed compared to the corresponding amorphous alloys. Our work offers a unified perspective to describe HEA mechanical properties in terms of their vibrational density of states

    Case reportCongestive heart failure and continuous murmur in patient after lumbar disc surgery – a case report

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    We present a case of a 61-year-old female who was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of congestive heart failure. Diagnosis of arteriovenous fistula was suggested by the echocardiographic signs of high-output state and a continuous murmur heard especially close to the surgical scar from an intervention on the L4-L5 disc that the patient had undergone eight months before. Aortography confirmed arteriovenous fistula between the right common iliac artery and inferior vena cava. After surgical closure of the fistula, normal cardiac function was restored