22 research outputs found

    Sociology of Preschool Childhood: Age Dynamics of the Child's Play

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    AbstractThe article presents the results of a poll of 1936 parents, who's preschool children visit Moscow kindergartens, about organization of child's play activity. It continues a cycle of works about preschool sociology conducted by researchers of Institute for Sociology of Education RAE. Special attention is given to the consideration of place of joint play of parents with their child in general structure of family leisure time and involvement of parents in child's play. Besides we analyze representations of parents about game preferences of preschoolers: what toys and games are preferred by their children. The analysis is conducted on the impact of a number of demographic (gender, age) and social stratification factors (material status, education level, composition of the family, etc.)

    Students’ and teachers’ views on the goals and purposes of school education

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    Background. Studying students’ and teachers’ views on the goals and purposes of the teaching and upbringing process is important in connection with the modernizationm of school education. Their attitude to these issues characterizes the social psychological context that determines the role of school in cultural and value-based education of adolescents. The Objective of the research is to determine the differences between the students’ and teachers’ views on the goals and purposes of school education in relation to the three areas of analysis: between students and teachers, between members of schools types (general education, in-depth study of particular subjects, gymnasium and lyceum), between generations of teachers and students as of 1991 and 2017. Design. The paper presents the results of survey questionnaire conducted by the Centre for Sociology of Education, IEM RAE, Moscow, Russia, in 2017. The sample included 11 803 students of 7-11 grades and 4 999 school teachers. The data are further compared with the results of the survey 1 conducted in 1991 (sample included 162 students and 681 teachers). Questions concerning goal orientations of school education are considered at two levels: pragmatic («What should school give to students?») and value-based («Who should schools prepare their students for?»). Research Results. At the pragmatic level, students attach greater importance to the issues of professional identity, whereas teachers regard the traditional functions of education. At the value-based level for students, the individualistic attitudes are more typical, whereas teachers place a greater value on socially regular patterns. Members of the gymnasia and lyceums more often note the importance of the cultural development as well as communication and interaction between students. Unlike gymnasia and lyceums, general education schools put a greater emphasis on normal behaviour and participation in public life. The admission requirements have increased for socializing functions and training, and also the individualistic attitudes in modern education compared with 1991 have been in the focus of attention. Simultaneously, the importance of creative activity is decreasing and education is aimed at supporting social institution. Factor analysis has revealed three meaningful juxtapositions in relation to which the goals of school education are structured: «norm – self-actualisation», «convention – principle», «romantic approach – pragmatic approach». Conclusion. This research reveals particular goals and purposes for modern school education in students’ and teachers’ minds that allows them to improve the educational process

    Adolescent in social networks: on the issue of social psychological well-being

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    Background. Digital technologies have long become an integral part of everyday life. Internet and Social Networking Sites (SNS) are considered to be one of the socialization institutions along with traditional school and family. Objective. The research is concerned with studying the peculiarities of teenagers’ social psychological well-being when using SNS. The analysis aims at revealing the impact of demographic, social stratifying and social psychological factors on the type of adolescent self-performance at SNS, their attitude towards regulations of interaction at SNS, their concern about potential risks and also opinions about the effects of SNS socialization on their personality. Design. The paper is based on the results of 2074 school-aged adolescent survey conducted in 2016 in Moscow region, Russia. Results. According to the survey, the adolescent well-being when using SNS depends on the type of their self-presentation. The data showed that affective significance of social networking for adolescents who seek the attention of the strangers produces a negative impact on their emotional well-being: those who refer to their SNS profile as “provocative” are more likely to feel the “addiction to virtual interaction and other’s opinions” – 17.4% (mean 7.1%; p≤ .0004), being disturbed by “more popular profiles” – 21,7% (mean 4.2%; p≤ .00001). Conclusion. The survey showed that nowadays adolescents deem the SNS as the most important communicative field where the fundamental age-related changes take plaare foundce. The tendency to expand social contacts by means of virtual communication was found to produce negative impact on adolescent personal development and social interaction in real life

    Vygotsky's criticism of fascism in German psychology of the 1930s: political, socio-psychological and personal contexts

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    Background. This study discusses one of the last Vygotsky`s works — the fourth chapter in «Fascism in Psychoneurology» bulletin (1934). Motivation of the author to write this text is analyzed in the broad context of sociopolitical and personal aspects of his life: general growth of sociopsychological tension, repressions that touched Vygotsky`s family in 1930s, personally significant Jewish question and antisemitism in nazi Germany. In addition, joint letter from R.N. Vygodskaya and L.S. Vygotsky to D.I. Vygodsky published for the first time. This letter mentioned the arrest of Vygotsky`s cousin L.I. Vygodsky. Objective. The aim of the study was to reconstruct personal meanings and circumstances of L.S. Vygotsky in writing a chapter for «Fascism in Psychoneurology» bulletin. Methods. Elements of source analysis, search and analysis of archival documents, theoretical analysis of literature on L.S. Vygotsky`s biography. Results. The analysis showed that Vygotsky and Luria`s criticism of Fascism in psychology is built around several topics: criticism of the basic anthropological idea of the Third Reich about the predestination of human development depending on «blood and race»; an analysis of the process of politicization and ideologization of science, exemplified by the concept of «Integrationstypologie» introduced by E.R. Jaensch, which Vygotsky criticizes; political self-defense of Soviet scientists against possible persecution; the issue of national self-determination of Soviet Jewish scientists. Conclusion. Authors of this article suggested that this work may be seen not only as a scientific criticism and assertion of humanistic values in psychology but also as an act of political self-defense from sanctions and persecution that took place during the second half of the 1930s

    Lev Vygotsky between two revolutions: on the political self-determination of the scientist

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    The paper presented texts of the three previously unknown Lvygotsky’s journal notes and comments on them. These texts were published in mid-July and early September 1917 in the Jewish weekly «New Path» under the pseudonym «L.S.» and «W». In these texts, Lev Vygotsky describes the features of the political behaviour of the Jewish population in connection with the revolutionary events in Russia. On the one hand, a clear discrepancy between the activation of party work and political rhetoric is mentioned, and on the other hand, reduction of the significance of Jewish communal life is highlighted. As a key characteristic of social and psychological wellbeing of the Jewish population Vygotsky singles out absenteeism, i.e. the lack of interest in politics. Eventually the scientist captures the increase in uncertainty in the Jewish environment and fear of the future political, social and economic reforms in Russia. In the comments on Vygotsky notes, there are definitions relating to the various features of the activities of the Jewish political parties and public organizations, information about various policy documents and staff characterized by social and political situation before the elections in the Consituent Assembly (Uchreditel’noe Sobranie). Particular attention is paid to the analysis of stylistic and structural features of the commented text construction. By implicit quoting the relationship between Vygotsky’s texts and the works of other authors is identified. Particular attention is paid to the author’s attitude to religious texts, which allows to select a characteristic feature of the «double vision» of real events of the revolution against the background of the Jewish history. The comments help to single out features of the political identity of the young Lev Vygotsky in the period between the two revolutions, which is important to study his biography and understanding of his world view

    Socio-psychological features of value orientations in postgraduate students

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    Background. In the present situation, which certain studies describe as a crisis in the system of research staff training and which is characterized by low number of postgraduate students filling up the staff of scientific institutions, it is extremely important to study the specifics of motivation and value sphere of postgraduate students’ personality. Objective. Analysis of the socio-psychological characteristics that postgraduate students’ values have. Design. The study is based on a monitoring questionnaire survey of graduate students conducted in 2019 by employees of the RAO Information and the analytical center. The empirical data were processed using methods of mathematical statistics (statistical software packages SPSS and StatSoft Statistica). The study involved students of postgraduate research bodies that train postgraduate students in the field of education sciences, as well as postgraduates of pedagogical universities situated in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in other regions of the Russian Federation. A total of 803 respondents were interviewed. The study was aimed at assessing the hierarchy of life values in graduate students and the influence of socio-demographic factors, social stratification, and socio-psychological factors on the relevance of postgraduate students’ life values. Results. The results of the study indicate that the leading positions in the structure of postgraduate students’ life values are occupied by basic values (“family”, “good health” and “material well-being”) and by the most relevant values associated with self-actualization. It is shown that the value orientations of postgraduate students are determined by the influence of a number of socio-demographic factors (gender, age, presence and composition of the family), social stratification (financial status, educational status of parents) and socio-psychological factors (having or not clear-cut future plans, emotional assessment of one’s prospects, having or not emigration plans) factors. The comparison of the opinions of postgraduates and research staff showed that postgraduates are more focused on values related to self-actualization, as well as on traditionalist values. Conclusions. The core of postgraduate students’ life values structure if formed by the basic values and, in addition, the values related to self-actualization of individual. The value orientations of postgraduate students are determined by a number of socio-demographic factors, social stratification and socio-psychological factors. It was found out that at a certain age the structure of life values in postgraduate students changes significantly, in accordance with the aims of age development. It is shown that changes in graduate students’ family status make them reconsider the structure of life values. It is also noted that the restructuring of life values in graduate students, when if it proceeds in accordance with the values of natives in “Western” countries, contributes to the formation of emigration attitudes

    Researcher in the field of education: barriers in actualising scientific work

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    Background. The paper presents the results of a sociological study that focuses on the attitude towards the reform of the Russian researcher sphere in education. Much attention is paid to the influence of various stumbling blocks that influence the efficacy of research work. The relevance of the study is due to the psychological barriers for understanding the features of the creative self-actualised researcher. Objective. The influence of age and social factors of professional status (e.g. scientific degree, scientific title, position) on the importance of various barriers that reduce the efficacy of scientists’ work is analyzed. Design. According to the authorship questionnaire, which included 72 questions, 721 researchers were interviewed. The survey was conducted in different cities and towns of Russia, the respondents included those with different levels of scientific qualifications, and different experience of research work. Results. The research showed that in the hierarchy of various barriers, those that are associated with the material and social status of the researcher are dominating. Psychological barriers themselves play an important role: lack of promotional opportunities, lack of professional communication environment, strained relations with management and colleagues. Correlation dependence between the barrier concerning funding of new projects and such motivational attitudes as aspiration to independence and professional self-actualisation are revealed. The upgraded position reduces satisfaction of material needs, and, on the other hand, the importance of those factors that concern career self-actualisation (e.g. funding a new research project) is emphasized. It is established that socio-psychological factors (satisfaction with the results of their professional activities, position in the scientific team) actualize the significance of barriers that fix the unfortunate socio-psychological relations in the team. Conclusion. The obtained results allow to conclude that dissatisfaction with their material and social status for researchers are the most significant barriers preventing the research work. The study revealed a characteristic set of motivational attitudes related to the researcher’s desire for independence and self-actualisation. Te survey materials showed that the combination of reasech work and teaching is subjectively perceived as a barrier that prevents career self-actualisation

    Play Activity of Preschool Children: Joint Play with Parents, Game Preferences and Favorite Toys

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    The article analyses the representations of preschool childrens parents about their childs play activity. First of all the research deals with the consideration of place of joint play of children and parents in general structure of family leisure time and involvement of parents in childs play (as a participant or as a manager of a role-playing game). Besides we analyze preschoolers game preferences: favorite toys and games of children. The article is based on the materials obtained from the sociological poll of 1936 parents, whose children attend Moscow kindergartens. The research was conducted by the Institute of Sociology of Education (Russian Academy of Education) in 1997. During the analysis of the materials special attention was given to the influence of various demographic and socially-stratification factors on the answers of parents about play activity of preschoolers.Статья посвящена изучению представлений родителей детей дошкольного возраста об игровой деятельности их ребенка. Специальное внимание уделено рассмотрению места совместной игры родителей с ребенком в структуре семейного досуга; включенности родителей в игру своих детей (в том числе как организатора сюжетно-ролевого пространства игры); игровым предпочтениям дошкольников (выявлению любимых игр и игрушек). В работе анализируется влияние различных демографических и социально-стратификационных факторов на представления родителей об игровой деятельности детей дошкольного возраста. Работа основана на материалах, полученных в ходе анкетного социологического опроса, проведенного сотрудниками Института социологии образования РАО в 2007 году. В ходе исследования было опрошено 1936 родителей детей дошкольного возраста (от 1,5 до 7 лет), посещающих ДОУ города Москвы (всего 45 ДОУ)

    Особенности личностных изменений студентов на этапе первого года обучения в театральном колледже

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    The article presents the results of a longitudinal research of personal characteristics of actor students, on the base of the Moscow Theater College under the direction of the national artist of USSR O.P. Tabakov. The research started in 2010 and has been conducted up to present days and its work with the scientific program began in 1976. These results were received by R. Cattell’s 16 PF test. In the research were interviewed 96 actor students. Discussed dynamics of personal change during the first year in the theatre college; the differences between successful and unsuccessful students and the results of structural analysis of the personal characteristics were received by R. Cattell’s 16 PF test. The obtained results show that during the first year of studying the general direction of students’ personality changes is oriented to the increase of emotional sensitivity, motivation and anxiety, as well as to the reduction of radicalism. The major differences between successful and unsuccessful acting students appear in directions of personality changes throughout the first year. One of the important points is the fact of change itself: students who remain static or demonstrate individual changes, which do not coincide with the group tendency, are less successful. The structural analysis of personal characteristics of successful students enabled us to determine two invariant factors: “emotional excitability/control” and “emotional openness”, which represent two mandatory features of a successful actor. Other personality scales are subjected to transformation under the influence of external factors and teaching techniquesВ статье представлены результаты лонгитюдного исследования личностных особенностей студентов-актеров, которое осуществляется на базе Московского театрального колледжа под руководством народного артиста СССР О.П. Табакова. Исследование проводится с 2010 года по настоящее время и продолжает цикл исследований авторов, начатый в 1976 г. Представлены результаты, полученные с помощью опросника Р. Кеттелла 16 PF на материале опроса 96 студентов театрального колледжа. Обсуждается динамика личностных изменений первокурсников, различия между успешными и неуспешными студентами, приводятся результаты структурного анализа личностных характеристик по тесту Кеттелла. Полученные материалы показывают, что в течение первого года обучения общее направление личностных изменений студентов-актеров ориентировано на повышение эмоциональной восприимчивости, мотивации и тревожности, а также на снижение радикализма студентов; наиболее существенные отличия между успешными и неуспешными студентами-актерами проявляются в направлении личностных трансформаций в течение обучения на первом курсе. Важным моментом является сам факт личностных изменений: студенты, демонстрирующие статичность или индивидуальные изменения, не соответствующие общим групповым тенденциям, являются менее успешными. Структурный анализ личностных характеристик успешных студентов позволил выделить два инвариантных фактора – «эмоциональная возбудимость/регулировка» и «эмоциональная открытость», фиксирующих обязательные для успешного актера личностные особенности. Другие личностные шкалы подвержены трансформациям под влияниям внешних факторов и педагогических воздействи

    Ideals and anti-ideals students of the basic and senior school

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    The paper is devoted to the study of representations of the ideals and anti-ideals in secondary and high schools students. The study is important due to connection with the peculiarities of modern adolescent socialization in the context of contemporary social cultural realities. Shaping the world view in students is significantly influenced by the choice of values and the social role model. In this regard, the aim of this study was to examine gender and age dynamics of different groups of personalities related to the politics and spiritual culture in the structure of ideals and anti-idials in modern adolescents. Aggravation of the internal and external political situation, politically-oriented media content and society as a whole, the introduction of information technologies in various spheres of life, the «western» background of cultural values and information environment, the shift of sex-role identification has a significant influence on gender-specific and age-specific dynamics and significance of different groups of personalities in the structure of ideals and anti-idials in modern adolescents are based on the data of content analysis and a questionnaire survey of 2,273 students, grades 5-11. The features of the structure of ideals and anti-idials of boys and girls, which are formed under the influence of gender identification are characterized. The analysis of the students’ groups of ideals and anti-idials is held depending on their belonging to the Russian and foreign cultures. The students’ representations of the ideals and anti-idials are of a mixed structure, dominated by the personalities of the real people in comparison with the images (characters of works of literature, cinema, cartoons). The sphere of political culture and ideology (politicians, historical figures) that presents male personalities is significant for boys. For girls, besides politics, the literary field (writers and movie actors) is more important, where the proportion of male staff increases substantially when getting on years. Analysis of ideals and anti-idials representation of «male» and «female» characters in the literary and artistic field has allowed to confirm the trend identified in previous studies: getting on years girls more and more build an image of themselves in positive samples, choosing the «female» characters as perfect role model. The «male» characters are often referred by girls among their anti-idials