3 research outputs found

    Rodzaj zabiegu a lęk, depresja i przystosowanie do choroby u kobiet z rozpoznanym rakiem piersi

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    Diagnoza nowotworu jest zawsze traumatycznym doświadczeniem, obciążającym zarówno emocjonalnie, jak i fizycznie. Pacjentki z chorobą nowotworową piersi odczuwają silny lęk, który uniemożliwia prawidłowy proces leczenia i rehabilitacji. Często przedłużające się uczucie przygnębienia, nastrój depresyjny mogą spowodować zmiany w funkcjonowaniu psychicznym i społecznym. Mimo rozwoju medycyny często konieczna jest amputacja piersi. Mastektomia powoduje zmiany w sylwetce kobiety, przez co prowadzi do zmian w sferze psychicznej, w postaci nasilonego lęku, przygnębienia, a także powstania depresji. Celem pracy było określenie, czy kobiety, u których zdiagnozowano nowotwór piersi, różnią się poziomem nasilenia lęku, depresji oraz sposobem przystosowania się psychicznego do choroby nowotworowej w zależności od rodzaju przeprowadzonego zabiegu chirurgicznego. Uzyskane wyniki badań nie wykazały istotnych różnic między pacjentkami po mastektomii a pacjentkami po zabiegu oszczędzającym. Połowa przebadanych kobiet miała obniżony nastrój, u większości zanotowano średni i wysoki poziom lęku oraz tendencję do aktywnych form zmagania się z chorobą

    Mood disorders among people with obesity

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    Obesity is a growing public health concern in modern societies. This is a major health concern. It has been implicated as a risk factor for several physical illnesses, functional limitations and poor quality of life. However, while the physical consequences of obesity are well established, the relationship between obesity and mental health is still unclear. The question this study aimed to answer was whether the associations between obesity and mood disorders are occurring in the sanatorium patients population. The results found a significant association between obesity and mood disorders. It is still unclear whether the relationship between obesity and depression is causal, and if so, whether obesity causes depression or depression causes obesity. Implications for health care providers and suggestions for future research are discussed

    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle Training (PFMT) and Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) in Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective. The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle training and extracorporeal magnetic innervation in treatment of urinary incontinence in women with stress urinary incontinence. Methods. The randomized controlled trial enrolled 128 women with stress urinary incontinence who were randomly allocated to either one out of two experimental groups (EG1 or EG2) or the control group (CG). Subjects in the experimental group 1 (EG1) received 12 sessions of pelvic floor muscle training, whereas subjects in the experimental group 2 (EG2) received 12 sessions of extracorporeal magnetic innervation. Subjects in the control group (CG) did not receive any therapeutic intervention. The following instruments were used to measure results in all study groups at the initial and final assessments: Revised Urinary Incontinence Scale (RUIS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), and King’s Health Questionnaire (KHQ). Results. In both experimental groups, a statistically significant decline in depressive symptoms (BDI-II) and an improvement in urinary incontinence severity (RUIS) and quality of life (KHQ) were found in the following domains: “social limitations,” “emotions,” “severity measures,” and “symptom severity scale.” Moreover, self-efficacy beliefs (GSES) improved in the experimental group that received ExMI (EG2). No statistically significant differences were found between all measured variables in the control group. Comparative analysis of the three study groups showed statistically significant differences at the final assessment in the quality of life in the following domains: “physical limitations,” “social limitations,” “personal relationships,” and “emotions.” Conclusion. Pelvic floor muscle training and extracorporeal magnetic innervation proved to be effective treatment methods for stress urinary incontinence in women. The authors observed an improvement in both the physical and psychosocial aspects