16 research outputs found

    Dynamic olfactometry and modelling as methods for the assessment of odour impact of public utility objects

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    The methods used to the identification of odour concentrations from public utility objects, under Polish legal regulations have been presented with exemplary results of measurements by the dynamic olfactometry and model calculations. The results of the study indicate the usefulness of the dynamic olfactometry in determining odour concentrations (from point and area emission sources located in public utility objects) suitable in odour emissions calculations. Based on results of such calculations, it is possible to determine odour concentrations in the receptor points and to evaluate olfactory impact range of considered objects, taking into account all types of odour sources affecting the quality of air in the area under study. Selected methods – as an alternative to field research: measurements in the grid and in the plume – can be less time and cost consuming but also require careful planning the number of samples and proper selection of representative sampling areas, especially in the case of the area sources

    Stratygraficzne zróżnicowanie wybranych cech geochemicznych osadów równin akumulacji biogenicznej przylegających do jezior Kuźniczek, Kuźnik Mały i Kuźnik Duży w Rezerwacie Przyrody Kuźnik

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    The article shows the stratigraphic diversity of chosen geochemical features of peatbogs deposits that are adjacent to Lakes Kuźniczek, Kuźniczek Mały and Kuźniczek Duży in Kuźnik wildlife reserve. Palaeoecological analysis of accumulation biogenic basins depositscan enable reconstructions of main changes of habitat conditions during the nearest history. Analysis of deposits lithology and geochemistry make possible to define hydrological conditions indispensable to produce special genetic types

    Impact of Seasonal Variation of Odour Emission from Passive Area Sources on Odour Impact Range of Selected WWTP

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    Odour emission from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) is a common cause of odour nuisance to neighbouring areas and passive area sources such as primary clarifiers or sludge thickeners are the main objects contributing to odour nuisance of WWTP. Due to the peculiar character of those sources, odour emission from them can vary significantly depending on number of factors such as pH, temperature of sewage, wind velocity, BOD or COD load. Because of that, while estimating odour impact range of passive area sources by dispersion modelling it must be taken into consideration when odour emission data has been collected. This paper focuses on determining odour impact range of WWTP primary clarifiers for two various emission cases – maximum and minimum emission determined during 7 months of study. Maximum emission was observed during summer (August) and minimum one in winter season (February).The analysed object was mechanical biological wastewater treatment with full sludge treatment designed to collect sewage from one of the major polish cities.Collection of odour samples was carried out in accordance with the methodology described in VDI 3880 and PN-EN 13725. Odour concentration measurement was made using the method of dynamic olfactometry, in accordance with the procedures described in EN: 13725 "Air Quality. Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry”. For selected emission sources model calculations were conducted using Gasussian dispersion model for neighboring areas, which are exceptionally exposed to odours. Calculations showed big differences in odor impact range for two analysed emission scenarios – odour impact range calculated using emission data from August is almost two times greater than for calculations using emission data from February

    Forms of Occurrence of Selected Metals in Metallurgical Slags in Comparison with their Geochemical Properties

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    Badania składu chemicznego żużli hutniczych pochodzących zarówno z bieżącej produkcji, jak i składowanych przez wiele lat na zwałowiskach wykazały, że są one bardzo zróżnicowane. Żużle zawierają znaczne ilości metali, w tym metali ciężkich, obok pierwiastków z grupy niemetali i lantanowców. W artykule na podstawie badań mineralogiczno-chemicznych żużli stalowniczych oraz żużli po produkcji stali i rud Zn-Pb, scharakteryzowano formy występowania i powiązania ze składnikami fazowymi wybranych metali: żelaza, manganu, cynku, ołowiu i in. Stwierdzono, że metale w żużlach hutniczych mogą występować w postaci drobnych kropli nie oddzielonych od żużla w procesie hutniczym, tworzyć skupienia polimetaliczne, własne fazy (zwłaszcza tlenkowe) oraz ukrywać się w strukturach faz krzemianowych. Znaczna ilość metali jest rozproszona w szkliwie i substancji amorficznej. Prowadzone badania dostarczają informacji na temat występowania metali w żużlach hutniczych, co jest szczególnie istotne podczas wykonywania prac związanych z gospodarczym wykorzystaniem żużli. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza coraz częściej podejmowanych prób pozyskiwania pierwiastków z żużli hutniczych. Działania te determinują konieczność analizy składu chemicznego i fazowego żużli, gdyż mogą stanowić ważną wskazówkę np. przy opracowywaniu odpowiedniej technologii odzysku pierwiastków.Research of metallurgical slags chemical composition, originating both from current production as well as gathered in dumping grounds formany years, show that they are very diversified. Slags contain substantial amounts of metals, including heavy metals, apart from elements from groups of non-metals and lanthanoids. In the article occurrence forms and relations with phase components of selected metals (iron, manganese, zinc, lead and others) on the basis of mineralogical and chemical research on slags after steel and ore Zn-Pb production were characterized. It was stated that metals may occur in metallurgical slags as fine drops not separated from slag during a metallurgical process, may form polymetallic aggregates, their own phases (especially oxide ones) and hide in structures of silicate phases. A considerable amount of metals is dissipated in glaze and amorphous substance. The conducted research delivers information on the occurrence of metals in metallurgical slags, which is extremely important during work connected with economic exploitation of slags. It especially refers to increasing attempts of acquiring elements from metallurgical slags. These activities determine the necessity of analyzing chemical and phase composition of slags because they may be an important indication, for instance while working on a proper technology of elements recovery