5 research outputs found

    3D FEM analysis of pounding response of bridge structures at a canyon site to spatially varying ground motions

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    Previous studies of pounding responses of adjacent bridge structures under seismic excitation were usually based on the simplified lumped mass model or beamcolumn element model. Consequently, only 1D point to point pounding, which is usually in the longitudinal direction of the bridge, could be considered. In reality, pounding could occur along the entire surfaces of the adjacent bridge structures. Moreover, spatially varying transverse ground motions generate torsional responses of bridge decks and these responses may cause eccentric poundings. That is why many pounding damages occurred at corners of the adjacent decks as observed in almost all previous major earthquakes. A simplified 1D model cannot capture torsional response and eccentric poundings. To more realistically investigate pounding between adjacent bridge structures, a two-span simply-supported bridge structure located at a canyon site is established with a detailed 3D finite element model in the present study. Spatially varying ground motions in the longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions at the bridge supports are stochastically simulated as inputs in the analysis. The pounding responses of the bridge structure under multi-component spatially varying ground motions are investigated in detail by using the finite element code LS-DYNA. Numerical results show that the detailed 3D finite element model clearly captures the eccentric poundings of bridge decks, which may induce local damage around the corners of bridge decks. It demonstrates the necessity of detailed 3D modelling for a more realistic simulation of pounding responses of adjacent bridge decks to earthquake excitations

    On the effectiveness of rotational friction hinge damper to control responses of multi-span simply supported bridge to non-uniform ground motions

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    Base isolation techniques have been extensively used to improve the seismic performance of the bridge structures. The decoupling of the bridge decks from the piers and abutments using rubber isolator could result in significant reduction in seismic forces transmitted to the bridge substructures. However, the isolation devices could also increase the deck displacement and thus enhance the possibility of pounding and unseating damage of bridge decks. Moreover, previous investigations have shown that pounding and unseating damages on isolated bridges exacerbate due to the spatial variation in earthquake ground motions. Recent earthquakes revealed that isolation bearing could also be damaged due to the excessive movements of decks during large earthquake events. This study proposes the use of rotational friction hinge dampers to mitigate the damages that could be induced by large displacement of bridge decks, particularly focusing on pounding and unseating damages and bearing damages. The device is capable of providing large hysteretic damping and the cost of installing the devices is relatively economical. This article presents numerical investigations on the effectiveness of these devices on a typical Nepalese simply supported bridge subjected to spatially varying ground motions. The results indicate that rotational friction hinge dampers are very effective in mitigating the relative displacement and pounding force, as well as controlling the bearing deformation and pier drift. It is also revealed that the effectiveness of the device is not significantly affected by small changes in the slip forces; thus, small variations in the optimum slip forces during the lifetime of the bridge do not warrant any adjustment or replacement of the device

    Seismic response analysis of multiple-frame bridges with unseating restrainers considering ground motion spatial variation and SSI

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    Unseating damages of bridge decks have been observed in many previous major earthquakes due to large relative displacement exceeding the available seat length. Steel cable restrainers are often used to limit such relative displacements. Present restrainer design methods are based on the relative displacements caused by the different dynamic characteristics of adjacent bridge structures. However, the relative displacements in bridge structures are not only caused by different dynamic characteristics of adjacent bridge segments. Recent studies indicated that differential ground motions at supports of bridge piers and Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) could have a significant influence on the relative displacement of adjacent bridge components. Thus the present design methods could significantly underestimate the relative displacement responses of the adjacent bridge components and the stiffness of the restrainers required to limit these displacements. None of the previous investigations considered the effects of spatially varying ground motions in evaluating the adequacy of the restrainers design methods. Moreover, the code recommendation of adjusting the fundamental frequencies of adjacent bridge structures close to each other to mitigate relative displacement induced damages is developed based on the uniform ground motion assumption. Investigations on its effectiveness to mitigate the relative displacement induced damages on the bridge structures subjected to spatially varying ground motion and SSI are made. This paper discusses the effects of spatially varying ground motions and SSI on the responses of the multiple-frame bridges with unseating restrainers through inelastic bridge response analysis

    Propagation of electromagnetic waves through a turbulent atmosphere

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