176 research outputs found
Hilbert series for twisted commutative algebras
Suppose that for each n >= 0 we have a representation of the symmetric
group S_n. Such sequences arise in a wide variety of contexts, and often
exhibit uniformity in some way. We prove a number of general results along
these lines in this paper: our prototypical theorem states that if can be
given a suitable module structure over a twisted commutative algebra then the
sequence follows a predictable pattern. We phrase these results precisely
in the language of Hilbert series (or Poincar\'e series, or formal characters)
of modules over tca's.Comment: 28 page
GL-equivariant modules over polynomial rings in infinitely many variables
Consider the polynomial ring in countably infinitely many variables over a
field of characteristic zero, together with its natural action of the infinite
general linear group G. We study the algebraic and homological properties of
finitely generated modules over this ring that are equipped with a compatible
G-action. We define and prove finiteness properties for analogues of Hilbert
series, systems of parameters, depth, local cohomology, Koszul duality, and
regularity. We also show that this category is built out of a simpler, more
combinatorial, quiver category which we describe explicitly.
Our work is motivated by recent papers in the literature which study
finiteness properties of infinite polynomial rings equipped with group actions.
(For example, the paper by Church, Ellenberg and Farb on the category of
FI-modules, which is equivalent to our category.) Along the way, we see several
connections with the character polynomials from the representation theory of
the symmetric groups. Several examples are given to illustrate that the
invariants we introduce are explicit and computable.Comment: 59 pages, uses ytableau.sty; v2: expanded details in many proofs
especially in Sections 2 and 4, Section 6 substantially expanded, added
references; v3: corrected typos and Remark 4.3.3 from published versio
Gr\"obner methods for representations of combinatorial categories
Given a category C of a combinatorial nature, we study the following
fundamental question: how does the combinatorial behavior of C affect the
algebraic behavior of representations of C? We prove two general results. The
first gives a combinatorial criterion for representations of C to admit a
theory of Gr\"obner bases. From this, we obtain a criterion for noetherianity
of representations. The second gives a combinatorial criterion for a general
"rationality" result for Hilbert series of representations of C. This criterion
connects to the theory of formal languages, and makes essential use of results
on the generating functions of languages, such as the transfer-matrix method
and the Chomsky-Sch\"utzenberger theorem.
Our work is motivated by recent work in the literature on representations of
various specific categories. Our general criteria recover many of the results
on these categories that had been proved by ad hoc means, and often yield
cleaner proofs and stronger statements. For example: we give a new, more
robust, proof that FI-modules (originally introduced by Church-Ellenberg-Farb),
and a family of natural generalizations, are noetherian; we give an easy proof
of a generalization of the Lannes-Schwartz artinian conjecture from the study
of generic representation theory of finite fields; we significantly improve the
theory of -modules, introduced by Snowden in connection to syzygies of
Segre embeddings; and we establish fundamental properties of twisted
commutative algebras in positive characteristic.Comment: 41 pages; v2: Moved old Sections 3.4, 10, 11, 13.2 and connected text
to arxiv:1410.6054v1, Section 13.1 removed and will appear elsewhere; v3:
substantial revision and reorganization of section
Representations of categories of G-maps
We study representations of wreath product analogues of categories of finite
sets. This includes the category of finite sets and injections (studied by
Church, Ellenberg, and Farb) and the opposite of the category of finite sets
and surjections (studied by the authors in previous work). We prove noetherian
properties for the injective version when the group in question is
polycyclic-by-finite and use it to deduce general twisted homological stability
results for such wreath products and indicate some applications to
representation stability. We introduce a new class of formal languages
(quasi-ordered languages) and use them to deduce strong rationality properties
of Hilbert series of representations for the surjective version when the group
is finite.Comment: 27 pages, split off from arXiv:1409.1670v1; v2: added Section 5.2 on
wreath product version of Murnaghan's stability theorem; v3: significant
rewrite; v4: corrected some proof
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