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    Companies are faced with a multitude of environmental influences. The dynamism of these influences is more and more turbulent. Also the interactions of the companies with their relevant environment are dynamic and complex. Porter has identified five forces that are widely used to assess the structure of any industry. This paper discusses the situation in the field of competitive forces: customers, competitors, technology, and suppliers. The research compares all the Slovene companies with companies in the hotel industry. The researched population includes the companies with more than 20 employees. According to the results of the ANOVA tests, the basic hypothesis that there are no statistically significant differences in the perception of trends in competitive environment between all surveyed companies and hotel companies is generally confinned, with the exception of only two of the eleven statements.Hotelska poduzeća se suočavaju s višestrukim razvojnim utjecajima. Interakcija utjecaja hotelskih poduzeća s njihovim okruženjem sve je dinamičnija i kompleksnija. U ovom radu obrađeni su odnosi sudionika “tržišne utakmice”: kupci, natjecatelji (proizvođači), tehnologije i dobavljači. U istraživanju natjecateljskih snaga u poduzećima s više od 20 zaposlenih uspoređena su sva slovenska poduzeća s poduzećima u hotelskoj industriji. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju hipotezu da nema bitnih razlika između poduzeća u drugim djelatnostima i poduzeća koja nude hotelske proizvode. Za hotelska poduzeća znakovito je da u svom poslovanju više rabe informacijske tehnologije nego u drugim poduzećima

    Poreklo i genetička struktura nekoliko mađarskih divljih i domestifikovanih populacija potočne pastrmke na osnovu PCR-RFLP i mikrosatelitskih markera

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    U Evropi je, na osnovu studija mitohondrijalne DNK, identifikovano pet evolutivnih linija potočne pastrmke (Salmo trutta m. fario L. 1758): Atlanska, Dunavska, Mediteranska, Jadranska i Mramorna. Mađarske linije bi teorijski trebalo da pripadaju Dunavskoj liniji na osnovu hidrogeografije zemlje, ipak, ovo nije potvrđeno genetičkim studijama. Korišćeni su molekularni markeri da bi se ispitalo genetička pozadina populacije potočne pastrmke u Mađarskoj. Istraživanja su uključila jedini matični nasad potočne pastrmke u Mađarskoj, kao i po jedna populacije u planinskim vencima Bükk, Aggtelek, Börzsöny i Visegrádi, po jedna populacija u svakom. Genetička analiza je do sada sprovedena na 533 individue, isečak peraja je uzorkovan sa svake ribe i PCR-RFLP (kontrolni region mitohondrijalne DNK, laktat dehidrogenaza i somatolaktin geni), kao i analiza mikrosatelitnih markeri (BFRO002, OMM1064, Ssa408uos, SsoSL417, SsoSL438) su bili korišćeni da bi se razlikovale Dunavska i Atlanska linija potočne pastrmke. Na osnovu genetičke analize mitohondrijalne DNK divljih populacija, udeo Dunavskog haplotipa je nizak (< 10 %), sa izuzetkom potoka Apátkúti u planinama Visegrádi, gde je nađena relativno visok udeo Dunavskog haplotipa (34%). 401 analizirani primerak matičnog jata farme je skoro u potpunosti Atlanski haplotip, što ukazuje na efekat osnivača. Iako su kasnije prikupljeni primerci iz obližnjeg potoka i pridodati matičnom jatu, njihov broj je bio ograničen jer su uglavnom svi bili mužjaci. Budući da je jedino matično jato u Mađarskoj, ribe sa ove farme se koriste za poribljavanje od strane ribolovaca, što može dovesti do značajnog uticaja na prirodne populacije. Na osnovu analize nuklearnih markera sve populacije su veoma heterogene. Veliki udeo (60-80%) Atlanskih alela primećen za ove markere na svim lokacijama gde je obavljano uzorkovanje ukazuje na efekat intenzivnog poribljavanja mađarskih salmonidnih regiona. Analize mikrosatelitskih markera su ukazale na visoku heterozigotnost i Hardy-Weinberg-ovu ravnotežu svih populacija

    Biološke i ekološke karakteristike crnke umbra krameri kao osnov za in-situ i ex-situ zaštitu

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    The analysis of ecological characteristics and morphological-genetic differentiation of populations of the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum, 1792) from the localities Lugomir and Bakreni Batar in Serbia and the locality Gromiželj in Bosnia and Herzegovina provides a basis for future activities related to in situ and ex situ conservation of one of the most endangered species in the region. Physical and chemical habitat parameters, aquatic plant and fish species composition, as well as invertebrate assemblages from mud and submerged vegetation at all investigated localities are consistent with the literature data which indicates that European mudminnow lives in typical habitats within its range. Population structure was analysed with regard to measured body lengths and weights, sex ratio and the age of the sampled individuals. The results show that the mean lengths and weights of the most frequent age classes (1+ and 2+) are rather uniform at all investigated localities. Younger (0+) and older (3+ and 4+) individuals were recorded in Gromiželj; males outnumber females in samples from Lugomir and Bakreni Batar, while females outnumber males in samples from Gromiželj. Individuals from Gromiželj show the highest absolute and relative growth. The growth of this species varies and depends on several factors, such as physical and chemical environmental parameters, food availability, population density, presence of predators, etc. Qualitative and quantitative composition of European mudminnow diet was determined on the basis of its gastrointestinal contents. The obtained results indicate that the European mudminnow is a zoophagous species and an opportunistic predator. The morphological variability (body size and shape) was analyzed using the methods of geometric morphometrics, while the genetic diversity of the analyzed populations was determined by applying the molecular-genetic methods (microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA). These analyses indicate high level of compatibility between the morphological variability and the genetic diversity. Namely, the Danube River population from Lugomir differs from the Sava River populations from Bakreni Batar and Gromiželj, the latter two having a significantly higher level of similarities and relatedness. All obtained results are extremely important for implementing the adequate measures of active protection, conservation, and improvement of recent populations, most notably repopulation, reintroduction, and aquaculture of the European mudminnow in ex situ conditions and at controlled natural spawning sites within their habitats.Na osnovu analize ekoloških karakteristika i morfološko-genetičke diferencijacije populacija crnke (Umbra krameri Walbaum, 1792) sa lokaliteta Lugomir i Bakreni Batar u Srbiji kao i sa lokaliteta Gromiželj u Bosni i Hercegovini, dat je osnov za buduće aktivnosti na in-situ i ex-situ zaštiti jedne od najugroženijih vrsta riba na ovim prostorima. Analiza fizičko-hemijskih parametara vode i kvalitativnog sastava zajednice biljaka, riba, akvatičnih beskičmenjaka iz mulja i submerzne vegetacije pokazala je da su na svim istraživanim lokalitetima rezultati u skladu sa literaturnim podacima koji ukazuju na to da crnka naseljava tipična staništa u okviru svog areala. U odnosu na dužinu i težinu, pol i uzrast uzorkovanih jedinki, analizirana je struktura populacija, koja je pokazala da su na svim istraživanim lokalitetima srednje vrednosti dužinskih i težinskih parametara kod najfrekventnijih uzrasnih klasa (1+ i 2+) prilično ujednačene, da su na Gromiželju evidentirane i mlađe (0+) i starije (3+ i 4+) jedinke, kao i da mužjaci dominiraju u uzorcima iz Lugomira i Bakrenog Batara, a ženke u uzorku iz Gromiželja. Analizom dužinskog i težinskog rasta, najveći apsolutni i relativni priraštaj ustanovljen je kod jedinki sa lokaliteta Gromiželj, a konstatovano je i da rast crnke varira i zavisi od više faktora, kao što su fizičko-hemijski parametri sredine, dostupnost hrane, gustina populacija, prisutni predatori itd. Na osnovu želudačno-crevnog sadržaja utvrđen je kvalitativno-kvantitativni sastav ishrane crnke, koji ukazuje na to da crnka predstavlja zoofagnu vrstu i oportunističkog predatora. Metodama geometrijske morfometrije analizirana je varijabilnost spoljašnje morfologije, odnosno varijabilnost veličine i oblika tela istraživanih populacija, a upotrebom molekularno-genetičkih metoda (mikrosateliti i mitohondrijalna DNK), utvrđena je i genetička raznovrsnost analiziranih populacija. Uz visok stepen podudarnosti dobijenih rezultata korišćenjem navedenih metoda, utvrđeno je jasno razdvajanje dunavske populacije sa lokaliteta Lugomir u odnosu na savske populacije sa lokaliteta Bakreni Batar i Gromiželj, koje pokazuju znatno veći stepen međusobne sličnosti i srodnosti. Svi dobijeni rezultati ovih istraživanja od izuzetne su važnosti za preduzimanje odgovarajućih mera aktivne zaštite, očuvanja i unapređenja stanja recentnih populacija, od kojih su najznačajniji repopulacija, reintrodukcija i akvakultura crnke u ex situ uslovima i u kontrolisanim prirodnim plodištima na samim staništima

    Primena krioprezervacije sperme na gajenje i očuvanje salmonidnih vrsta: saradnja Slovenije i Mađarske

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    U svrhu očuvanja dve salmonidne vrste koje su autohtone u slivu reke Soče u Sloveniji, pastrmske glavatice (Salmo marmoratus) i lipljena Jadranskog porekla (Thymallus thymallus) primenjena je krioprezervacija sperme. Populacije ovih vrsta ozbiljno su ugrožene hibridizacijom i introgresijom sa alohtonim vrstama: potočnom pastrmkom (Salmo trutta m. fario) i lipljenom Dunavskog porekla koji su unešeni u sliv reke Soče u dvadesetom veku. Ribolovački klub Tolmin, koji upravlja jednim delom reke Soče, razvio je akcioni plan za očuvanje genetskih resursa i restauraciju autohtonih vrsta u njihova primarna staništa. Ovaj akcioni plan podrazumeva prestanak poribljavanja alohtonim salmonidnim vrstama koje mogu da naprave hibride sa lokalnim vrstama, identifikaciju postojećih “čistih” vrsta, stvaranje matica od onih jedinki koji pripadaju čistim vrstama, poribljavanje potomcima čistih vrsta, stvaranje “utočišta” za postojeće čiste vrste i stalni monitoring populacija riba u njihovim vodotokovima. Genetske analize ovih populacija izvršili su naučnici sa Odeljenja za Nauke o životinjama Univerziteta u Ljubljani. Krioprezervacija sperme Jadranskog lipljana i pastrmske glavatice čini sastavni deo akcionog plana za očuvanje od 2009. godine. Kada je reč o lipljanu, ne postoji više ni jedna čista populacija, stoga je cilj programa očuvanja povećanje udela Jadranskog genotipa kod matica. Sperma i uzorak peraja uzorkovani su od divljih mužjaka na mestu mresta. Sperma je krioprezervirana i sačuvana dok genetske analize nisu završene za svaki od uzoraka (2-3 nedelje). Krioprezervirana sperma koja je sadržala veću količinu Jadranskog genotipa nego što je to na početku definisano je otopljena i iskorišćena za fertilizaciju jaja takozvanih ‘Jadranskih’ ženki. Potomstvo iz jaja oplođenih krioprezerviranom spermom je odgajeno do matica i trenutno 70-80% matica lokalnog lipljana potiče iz krioprezervirane sperme. Kada je reč o pastrmskoj glavatici, krioprezervirana sperma se koristi za stvaranje ‘utočišta’. Sperma se sakuplja od divljih mužjaka čiste populacije pre sezone mresta (rani novembar) a zatim se krioprezervira. Sperma se čuva u tečnom azotu do sezone mresta (decembar-januar) kada dolazi do oplodnje jaja ženki koje pripadaju identičnoj populaciji. Oplodnja se obavlja krioprezerviranom supermom. Jaja u stadijumu očne mrlje se zatim nasade u veštačka gnezda u pripremljenom potoku koji predstavlja ‘utočište’. Stoga veliki broj mužjaka iz čiste populacije učestvuje u stvaranju novih populacija, dok u isto vreme nije potrebno ukloniti mužjake iz originalne populacije, a nasađivanje jaja u stadijumu očne mrlje obezbeđuje obeležavanje nove teritorije. Isti protokol se koristi za krioprezervaciju obe vrste: sperma se meša u odnosu 1:1 sa ekstenderom koji sadrži 200 mM glukoze, 40 mM KCl, 30 mM trisa (pH iznosi 8.0 sa cc. HCl) a metanol se koristi kao krioprotektant u finalnoj koncentraciji od 10% v/v . Cevčice od 0.5-ml se pune rastvorenom spermom koja se zatim zamrzava u pari tečnog azota na 3cm iznad nivoa azota u trajanju od 3 minuta. Pošto se sačuva u tečnom azotu, uzorci se tope u vodenoj kupatilu na 40 °C u trajanju od 13 sekundi. Ovako razvijeni protokol rezultira u 50-70% izmrešćenih jedinki kod obe vrste.Sperm cryopreservation was applied to the conservation efforts of two salmonid species autochthonous to the drainage of the Soča river in Slovenia, the marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) and the Adriatic lineage of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus). Populations of these species were seriously compromised by hybridization and introgression with allochthonous species: the brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) and the Danubian lineage of the grayling that were introduced to the Soča drainage during the 20th century. The Angling club of Tolmin, that manages a part of the Soča system has developed an action plan for the conservation of the genetic resources and restoration of the autochthonous species in their original habitats. This action plan includes the cessation of the stocking of any allochthonous salmonids that could hybridize with the local species, identification of existing pure populations, establishment of broodstocks of non-introgressed individuals, stocking the rivers with the progeny of the broodstocks, creation of „sanctuary” streams for the existing pure populations and continuous monitoring of fish populations in their watercourses. Genetic analyses of the populations are conducted by scientists from the Department of Animal Science of the University of Ljubljana. Cryopreservation of sperm from the Adriatic grayling and the marble trout has constituted an integral part of the conservation activities since 2009. In case of the grayling, no pure populations remain, thus, the objective of the conservation program is to increase the proportion of Adriatic genotype in the broodstock. Sperm and fin clips were collected from wild males on the spawning grounds. Sperm was cryopreserved and stored until the genetic analysis was completed on each sample (2-3 weeks). Cryopreserved sperm of individuals containing higher than a pre-defined proportion of Adriatic genotype was thawed and used for fertilization of eggs known „Adriatic” females. Progeny hatching from eggs fertilized with cryopreserved sperm was grown to broodstock and currently 70-80% of the local grayling broodstock originates from cryopreserved sperm. In case of the marble trout, sperm cryopreservation is used in the creation of „sanctuary” streams. Sperm is collected from wild males of a given pure population prior to the spawning season (early November) and cryopreserved. Sperm is stored in liquid nitrogen until the spawning season (December-January) when eggs of females from the identical population are fertilized with the cryopreserved sperm. Eyed eggs are then stocked into artificially created nests in the prepared „sanctuary” stream. Thus, a high number of males of the given pure population participates in the creation of the new population, removal of males from the original population is unnecessary, and stocking of eyed eggs ensures imprinting at the new location. The same protocol is used for cryopreservation of both species: sperm is mixed at a ratio of 1:1 with an extender containing 200 mM glucose, 40 mM KCl, 30 mM Tris (pH set to 8.0 with cc. HCl) and methanol is used as a cryoprotectant at 10% v/v final concentration. Diluted sperm is loaded into 0.5-ml straws and frozen in the vapor of liquid nitrogen at 3 cm above the level of nitrogen for 3 minutes. Following storage in liquid nitrogen, samples are thawed at a 40 °C water bath for 13 sec. The developed protocol results in 50-70% hatch in both species

    European e-Delphi process to define expert consensus on electrochemotherapy treatment indications, procedural aspects, and quality indicators in melanoma

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    The application of electrochemotherapy in patients with melanoma lacks consensus regarding treatment indications, procedural aspects, and quality indicators. A large European expert panel engaged in a Delphi process, and provided consensus recommendations on patient selection criteria, procedural aspects of electrochemotherapy, and quality indicators with benchmarks to improve future research and current clinical practice.Lay summary Electrochemotherapy is an effective locoregional therapy for skin metastases from melanoma, a problem faced by almost half of patients with metastatic disease. The lack of comparative studies and the heterogeneity of its clinical application among centres make it challenging to support consistent, evidence-based recommendations. To address this unmet need, a three-round online survey was conducted to establish a consensus on treatment indications, standard operating procedures, and quality indicators. In the survey, a panel of 100 European melanoma experts agreed on 56 statements that can be used to improve patient selection, homogenize treatment application, and monitor outcomes.Background Skin metastases are an important co-morbidity in melanoma. Despite broad adoption, electrochemotherapy implementation is hindered by a lack of treatment indications, uncertainty regarding procedural aspects, and the absence of quality indicators. An expert consensus may harmonize the approach among centres and facilitate comparison with other therapies. Methods An interdisciplinary panel was recruited for a three-round e-Delphi survey. A literature-based 113-item questionnaire was proposed to 160 professionals from 53 European centres. Participants rated each item for relevance and degree of agreement on a five-point Likert scale, and received anonymous controlled feedback to allow revision. The items that reached concordant agreement in two successive iterations were included in the final consensus list. In the third round, quality indicator benchmarks were defined using a real-time Delphi method. Results The initial working group included 122 respondents, of whom 100 (82 per cent) completed the first round, thus qualifying for inclusion in the expert panel (49 surgeons, 29 dermatologists, 15 medical oncologists, three radiotherapists, two nurse specialists, two clinician scientists). The completion rate was 97 per cent (97 of 100) and 93 per cent (90 of 97) in the second and third rounds respectively. The final consensus list included 54 statements with benchmarks (treatment indications, (37); procedural aspects, (1); quality indicators, (16)). Conclusion An expert panel achieved consensus on the use of electrochemotherapy in melanoma, with a core set of statements providing general direction to electrochemotherapy users to refine indications, align clinical practices, and promote quality assurance programmes and local audits. The residual controversial topics set future research priorities to improve patient care