28 research outputs found

    Wealth rheology

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    We study wealth rank correlations in a simple model of macro-economy. To quantify rank correlations between wealth rankings at different times, we use Kendall's τ\tau and Spearman's ρ\rho, Goodman--Kruskal's γ\gamma, and the lists' overlap ratio. We show that the dynamics of wealth flow and the speed of reshuffling in the ranking list depend on parameters of the model controlling the wealth exchange rate and the wealth growth volatility. As an example of the rheology of wealth in real data, we analyze the lists of the richest people in Poland, Germany, the USA and the world.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, for "Entropy and Social Physics", https://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/special_issues/Social_Physic

    Serum sICAM, sVCAM and sE-selectin levels in colorectal cancer patients.

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers of the gastrointestinal tract and the fourth cause of cancers death in the world. Soluble adhesion molecules (CAMs) are thought to have an important role in host defense against carcinogenesis. They are biomarkers of inflammation and indicators of the immune response to tumors. The study included 40 CRC patients without remote metastases and 24 control subjects. Serum concentrations of sE-selectin, sICAM and sVCAM in patients with CRC were investigated by ELISA method. The level of the sCAMs decreased significantly after radical tumor resection. Preoperative serum concentrations of sICAM and sVCAM in CRC patients were significantly higher compared to the control group, whereas there were no differences regarding serum sE-selectin. Serum levels of sE-selectin, sICAM and sVCAM correlated significantly with each other. There was a significant correlation of serum levels of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1, but not sE-selectin, with TNM stage and lymph node involvement. No significant relationship was found between serum concentrations of sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 and sE-selectin in CRC patients and patients' age or gender. Our findings suggest that an improved understanding of the mechanisms of membrane shedding of sICAM, sVCAM and sE-selectin is required to delineate their role in tumor progression

    A Random Matrix Approach to VARMA Processes

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    We apply random matrix theory to derive spectral density of large sample covariance matrices generated by multivariate VMA(q), VAR(q) and VARMA(q1,q2) processes. In particular, we consider a limit where the number of random variables N and the number of consecutive time measurements T are large but the ratio N/T is fixed. In this regime the underlying random matrices are asymptotically equivalent to Free Random Variables (FRV). We apply the FRV calculus to calculate the eigenvalue density of the sample covariance for several VARMA-type processes. We explicitly solve the VARMA(1,1) case and demonstrate a perfect agreement between the analytical result and the spectra obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed method is purely algebraic and can be easily generalized to q1>1 and q2>1.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Torbiele watroby bablowcowe - problem diagnostyczny i leczniczy

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    In the Department of General Surgery of Medical University 11 patients with hydatid cysts of liver were operated. Ultrasonography and computer tomography allowed to define exact localization, size and contents of the cysts, what made possible planning of operating procedure. In 2 cases nonanatomic resection of liver parenchyma was performed, in 2 ones with coexisting stornach neoplasm just excision of the frontal wall of the cyst and emptying of the interior. In all the other cases the cysts were removed with surrounding liver tissue. Late results of surgical treatment with albendazol therapy are good. Diagnosis of echinococcic desease should be precised, considering with possibility of coexisting foci in other organs


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    In the Department of General Surgery of Medical University 11 patients with hydatid cysts of liver were operated. Ultrasonography and computer tomography allowed to define exact localization, size and contents of the cysts, what made possible planning of operating procedure. In 2 cases nonanatomic resection of liver parenchyma was performed, in 2 ones with coexisting stornach neoplasm just excision of the frontal wall of the cyst and emptying of the interior. In all the other cases the cysts were removed with surrounding liver tissue. Late results of surgical treatment with albendazol therapy are good. Diagnosis of echinococcic desease should be precised, considering with possibility of coexisting foci in other organs

    Zaburzenia równowagi kwasowo-zasadowej i elektrolitowej oraz zmiany stężenia wskaźników mineralnych surowicy w przebiegu pokarmowej dystrofii mięśni cieląt

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    Selenium is an essential nutrient, which is crucial for proper body function. Its role is complemented by vitamin E. Nutritional muscular dystrophy (NMD) is one of the main disorders caused by a selenium deficiency. NMD most often affects calves at the age of 4 to 6 weeks. The study was performed on 40 Holstein-Friesian (HF) calves divided into two groups of 20 animals each. Control group calves were administered an IM injection of selenium and vitamin E on the second day of life. The experimental group comprised calves with symptoms of NMD. Samples of the biceps femoris muscle were collected from six animals in each group for histopathological analyses to confirm changes in muscle parameters. Blood samples were obtained from all animals on three different dates. The following blood parameters were determined in laboratory analyses: pH, pCO 2 , pO 2 , HCO 3 – , BE, O 2 SAT, the concentrations of Na + , K + , Cl – , and Ca and P levels. A drop in pH, an increase in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen, a significant decrease in bicarbonate ion concentrations and hemoglobin oxygen saturation as well as a base deficit were reported in the group of calves demonstrating symptoms of NMD. The above changes point to the development of uncompensated metabolic acidosis due to increased levels of pyruvic acid and lactic acid produced as a result of anaerobic processes that accompany muscle fiber degeneration. Minor fluctuations in sodium and chloride levels were observed throughout the experiment, but their concentrations remained within the norm in animal groups. Potassium levels were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group. The serum concentrations of inorganic phosphorus and calcium were within the reference range in both groups. In calves, NMD leads to disruptions in the acid-base equilibrium and the electrolyte balance, which are manifested by uncompensated metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia. Significant changes in calcium and phosphorus levels are not observed in the blood serum of calves affected by NMD

    Czas utrzymywania sie dodatnich wynikow badan serologicznych u osob operowanych z rozpoznaniem bablowicy watroby - obserwacje wlasne

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    The purpose of this Work was to analyse results of serologie examinations and complaints reported by patients who were operated on echinococcal liver cysts. The analysis was conducted on patients who were qualified to surgical removal of echionococcal liver cysts. Persons who were analysed answered the questionaires and 11 of them send sera for serologie examination. The questionaires consisted of questions about time since operation, complaints before and after operation abdomen pains, distensions, vomits, exanthema, weakness, headaches). Results showed that patient were from 1 to 6 years after operation. Among 11 who send sera 18% results were negative (2 and 6 years after operation) and 82% was positive. Analysis of 15 questionnaires showed that majority of patients still had the complaints that were present before operation