8 research outputs found

    Формирование единой сети связей классификаций научно-технической информации. (Часть 2. «Переходники» между классификациями. Распределение видов смысловых связей рубрик)

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    For today, the RNPLS&T’s single network of classifications comprises four classification systems, i. e. State Rubicator of Sci-tech Information (GRNTI, version 2021) as the network foundation and core of the State System of Sci-tech Information, UDC (UDC tables in Russian), Classification Codes of the Higher Attestation Commission, WoS categories and subject areas, and international OECD classification. The semantic matches between the GRNTI headings and codes of the other classifications are defined as logical matching relations, extension inclusion and overlapping including that of key terms and word combinations used for indexing the thematic subject. Three types of semantic relations are determined: equivalency, hierarchy, and association. The statistics of matches in hierarchical levels of GRNTI thematic sections are cited. Based on the statistical analysis, the principal type of semantic matches is identified, along with the largest ratios for every type of relations for each of the classification under examination. The functional options for the single networked headings as the system of interrelated classifications of science objects are demonstrated as exemplified by crossrubrication of subject areas within the Critical Technologies List.Разрабатываемая в ГПНТБ России единая сеть взаимосвязанных классификаций на настоящий момент охватывает четыре классификационных системы: ГРНТИ (версия 2021 г.), который составляет основу разрабатываемой сети и является базовым рубрикатором ГСНТИ, УДК (таблицы УДК на русском языке), классификатор ВАК, классификации предметных областей и предметных категорий WoS и международный классификатор ОЭСР. Смысловые соответствия между рубриками ГРНТИ и кодами других классификаций определены как отношения логического совпадения, включения и пересечения объёмов понятий, в том числе ключевых терминов и словосочетаний, индексирующих тематику конкретных рубрик. Установлены три вида смысловых связей рубрик: эквивалентность, иерархическая подчинённость и ассоциация. Приведена статистика распределения видов установленных смысловых соответствий по иерархическим уровням тематических разделов государственного рубрикатора. На основе анализа статистических характеристик определён основной вид смысловых соответствий, а также наибольшие доли всех видов связей по каждой сопоставляемой с ГРНТИ классификации. На примере «перекрёстного» рубрицирования тематических направлений Перечня критических технологий продемонстрированы функциональные возможности формируемой единой сети связей рубрик как системы взаимосвязанных классификаций научных объектов различных категорий

    Формирование единой сети связей классификаций научно-технической информации. (Часть 1. «Переходники» между классификациями. Методологические подходы к сопоставлению классификаций)

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    The Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology has been developing the single network of links between the classifications of various types of scientific subjects with the core GRNTI (State Rubricator of Sci-tech In-formation, The Rubricator) as the backbone classifier of the State System of Sci-tech Information (GSNTI). The key universal approaches toward science data rep-resentation to support compatibility and integration of information resources classified within different systems are defined. The procedure for building the network of matching headings and subjects in sci-tech classifications is described. Based on intellectual analysis method and the principle of classification synonymy through semantic comparison of hierarchy branches and conceptual comparison of subject numbers of individual thematic headings, the tables of interreflections of the Rubricator headings and codes in other classifications are generated. The UDC and Rubricator are matched on the first level of the Rubricator classes. Totally, 144 semantic matches for the Rubricator thematic classes are found. Matching the Rubricator to HAC classifier (Higher Attestation Commission), OECD international classifier, WoS subject domains and categories is accomplished for all three Rubricator levels. Through matching the Rubricator and HAC classifier, approx. 7,000 matches are identified; the Rubricator and OECD classifier – about 11,500 matches, and the Rubricator and WoS classification – over 18,000 match-es identified.В ГПНТБ России разрабатывается единая сеть связей классификаций научных объектов различных категорий, «ядром» которой является Государственный рубрикатор научно-технической информации (ГРНТИ) – базовый классификатор Государственной системы научно-технической информации (ГСНТИ). В статье определены основные универсальные подходы к представлению научных данных для обеспечения совместимости и интеграции информационных ресурсов, систематизированных различными классификациями. Описан механизм формирования сети рубрикационных и предметных соответствий между классификациями научно-технической информации. С помощью метода интеллектуального анализа на основе принципа обеспечения синонимичности классификаций через семантическое сопоставление ветвей иерархии и понятийно-терминологическое сопоставление предметных индексов конкретных тематических рубрик разработаны таблицы взаимных отражений рубрик ГРНТИ и кодов других классификационных систем. Сопоставление ГРНТИ с Универсальной десятичной классификацией (УДК) выполнено по первому уровню всех разделов государственного рубрикатора. По тематическим классам ГРНТИ установлено 144 смысловых соответствия. Сопоставление ГРНТИ с Общероссийским классификатором специальностей высшей научной квалификации (ВАК), международным классификатором Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), предметными областями и категориями классификаций Web of Science (WoS) выполнено по всем трём уровням ГРНТИ. При сопоставлении ГРНТИ с классификатором ВАК установлено около 7 000 соответствий, при сопоставлении ГРНТИ с международным классификатором ОЭСР – порядка 11 500 соответствий, при сопоставлении ГРНТИ с классификациями WoS – свыше 18 000 соответствий

    Mechanism of Increasing the Sustainability of Socio-economic Development of Regions with Using GIS-technologies

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    The purpose of the work is to develop a mechanism for increasing the socio-economic development sustainability of the region based on the application of modern GIS technologies. The subject of this work is the organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of constructing a geoinformation system for modeling the spatial development of territories. This system is aimed at achieving sustainable economic growth in the region. The methods of empirical research (observation, comparison, collection and study of information), methods of current and prospective analysis and theoretical and practical material synthesis were used in the work. The article analyzes the available publications on the issues of regional sustainable development, which allowed to conclude of necessity to introduce modern geoinformation systems for the operational collection, processing and analysis of primary information on indicators of socio-economic development of the territories. The developed mechanism for increasing the sustainability of the socio-economic development of the region using geo-information systems includes three conceptual blocks: creation and functioning of a regional GIS-center with constant fi of databases and updating of operating systems; geoinformation system of macroeconomic and spatial territory development data analysis; modeling of regional development taking into account individual features of the territory and targets for sustainable socio-economic development. This mechanism is designed to increase the stability of the socio-economic development of the region, by taking into consideration the balance of interests of the state, business and society. This will ensure a non-decreasing rate of opportunity growth to meet the needs of present and future generations who live in the given territory and the preservation of the environment. The proposed mechanism for increasing the stability of spatial development of regions on the basis of geoinfrational technologies is a tool for improving the management system in the framework of implementing the state and regional economic policy of spatial development of Russia. The use of geoinformation systems in the development of measures to increase the sustainable socio-economic development of the region contributes to improving the quality of the complex system state analysis. It contributes to the solution of practical problems in allocating resources or analyzing the effectiveness of their deployment. It also contributes to the implementation of the strategic planning principles using digital technologies and to ensure the timeliness of the decisions made in the field under investigation

    Development and validation of spectrophotometric procedure for quantitative determination of flavonoid content used to control the quality of mixture herbal product

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    Species, known as mixture herbal products, are compositions of several types of crushed, sometimes whole, medicinal plant materials with additives; they are a widely used dosage form in the Russian Federation. A large range of species are produced at the pharmaceutical companies. In pharmacopoeial analysis, the most popular and widely used method for the determination of flavonoids, suitable for the standardization of species, is the method of differential spectrophotometry, based on the complexation of flavonoids with aluminum chloride. In accordance with modern requirements for the drugs production, the validation of analytical methods is a prerequisite for the creation of pharmacopoeial monographs projects regulating the quality of pharmaceutical substances of plant origin. Therefore, it is necessary to validate analytical methods for their intended use in evaluating the drug quality. This article discusses/presents the main stages of development and validation (by parameters: accuracy, precision, specificity, linearity) of the methodology for determining total flavonoid content using original species 'Fitourol' as a model. © 2019 Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

    Development and validation of the quantitative determination procedure of iodine in the iodides form in the kelp thallus by the ionometry method

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    Introduction: Iodine is an important compound in the kelp thallus; it should be determined to control the quality of crude herbal drugs of Laminaria sp. The ionometry method is perspective iodine (in the iodides form) determination method in the crude herbal drugs; it is characterized by the availability and relative cheapness of iodide-selective electrodes and equipment in general. This method provides an effective combination of the determination step with the fast, simple, and safe step of sample preparation. Aim: The current study aims to develop and validate a simple, effective procedure for the quantitative determination of iodine in the form of iodide by ionometry in the kelp thallus (Laminaria sp.). Materials and methods: The determination of iodides was carried out by using the 'Ecotest-120' pH meter. 'Ekom-I' was used as an ion-selective electrode. Silver chloride electrode 'ESR 10101' was used as a reference electrode. Results and Discussion: The developed procedure has a suitable level of linearity (correlation coefficient = 0.9995%), correctness (variation coefficient = 1.58%), repeatability (variation coefficient = 6.67%), and analytical area (0.03-209.4 μg/mL analyte in the test solution). The procedure allows us to determine iodine in the form of iodides with an accuracy comparable to the accuracy of neutron activation analysis and can be recommended as an alternative to titrimetric methods existing in the world-leading pharmacopoeias. © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications. All rights reserved