227 research outputs found

    Interkulturelle Empfindlichkeit und Toleranz der Jugendlichen in einer sich wandelnden Welt

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    This article presents background information for culturally appropriate pedagogy of adolescents in a diverse and changing world. The author elaborates the influence of the gap between political principles, social values, private convictions and moral norms, illustrated by the examples of ethnic conflicts and sexual violence of European pluralistic democracy. Than he presents and compares the results of numerous studies, which emphasize the importance of intercultural education and intercultural competence development which signifies constant development and understanding of the relationship among cultures which implies understanding and accepting of the characteristic beliefs and conducts of specific social groups within plural society, which stand out with their uniqueness in relation to dominant culture, race, ethnicity, religion, physical and/or mental capability, gender and/or sexual orientation. Intercultural contents were, also stated, as well as toleration in CNF, which is open, democratic and inclusive. In conclusion he points out some of the implications for intercultural education across school (curriculum) development and explains why is important to understand the wide range of new challenges that child and adolescents face in our rapidly changing global world.Članak predočava sadržaje vezane uz kulturalno prikladnu pedagogiju adolescenata u raznolikom i promjenjivom svijetu. Autor elaborira utjecaje koji dovode do raskoraka između političkih principa, socijalnih vrijednosti, privatnih uvjerenja i moralnih normi, na primjerima etničkih sukoba i seksualnog nasilja europske pluralističke demokracije. Potom predstavlja i uspoređuje rezultate brojnih istraživanja koji govore o važnosti interkulturalnog odgoja i obrazovanja i razvoja interkulturalnih kompetencija, a predstavljaju neprekidan razvoj i razumijevanje veza među kulturama. To podrazumijeva razumijevanje i prihvaćanje karakterističnih uvjerenja i ponašanja specifičnih društvenih skupina unutar pluralističkog društva koje se ističu svojom posebnošću u odnosu na dominantnu kulturu, rasu, etničku pripadnost, religiju, fizičke i/ili mentalne sposobnost, spol i/ili spolnu orijentaciju. Interkulturalni su sadržaji, kao i tolerancija, sastavni dio Hrvatskog nacionalnog kurikuluma koji je otvoren, demokratičan i inkluzivan. U zaključku autor ističe implikacije interkulturalnog odgoja i obrazovanja za razvoj školskog kurikuluma i objašnjava zašto je važno razumjeti širok spektar novih izazova s kojima se djeca i adolescenti suočavaju u modernom društvu koje se vrtoglavo mijenja na globalnoj razini.Der Beitrag präsentiert inhaltlich die kulturell angemessene Pädagogik der Jugendlichen in einer vielfältigen und sich wandelnden Welt. Der Autor erläutert die Einflüsse, die zum Zwiespalt unter politischen Grundsätzen, sozialen Werten, privaten Überzeugungen und moralischen Normen führen, indem er Beispiele von ethnischen Konflikten und sexueller Gewalt in der europäischen pluralistischen Demokratie nennt. Dann präsentiert und vergleicht er die Ergebnisse aus zahlreichen Studien, die die Wichtigkeit der interkulturellen Erziehung und Bildung und der Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenzen zeigen, und die eine ununterbrochene Entwicklung und das Verständnis von den Zusammenhängen unter den Kulturen darstellen. Dies impliziert das Verständnis und die Anerkennung der charakteristischen Überzeugungen und Verhaltensweisen bestimmter gesellschaftlicher Gruppen innerhalb einer pluralistischen Gesellschaft, die durch ihre Besonderheit in Bezug auf die herrschende Kultur, Rasse, ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Religion, körperliche und/oder geistige Fähigkeiten, Geschlecht und/oder sexuelle Orientierung auffallen. Interkulturelle Inhalte sind, wie die Toleranz, ein integraler Bestandteil des kroatischen nationalen Curriculums, das offen, demokratisch und integrativ ist. Zum Abschluss weist der Autor auf die Auswirkungen der interkulturellen Erziehung und Bildung auf die Entwicklung des Schulcurriculums hin und erklärt, warum es wichtig ist, eine breite Palette von neuen Herausforderungen zu verstehen, denen Kinder und Jugendlichen in einer modernen und sich auf der globalen Ebene rasch wandelnden Gesellschaft begegnen

    Anisotropic Transport Properties of Complex Metallic Alloys

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    Anisotropic transport properties (electrical resistivity, ρ, and thermal conductivity, κ) of the Y-phase Al-Ni-Co, o-Al13Co4 and Al4(Cr,Fe) complex metallic alloys were investigated. They belong to the class of decagonal approximant phases with stacked-layer crystallographic structure and allowed us to study the evolution of anisotropic transport properties with increasing structural complexity and the unit cell size.</p

    Toplinska vodljivost ikosaedarskih kvazikristala i-Al72Pd19.5Mn8.5

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    Thermal, K(T) , and electrical conductivity, σ(T), measurements of the polygrain icosahedral quasicrystal i-Al72Pd19.5Mn8.5 are reported in the temperature range 10 K – 300 K. Electrical conductivity shows an anomalous behaviour with a minimum at 120 K and the room temperature value σRT = 83000 Ω−1m−1. Thermal conductivity at a room temperature is KRT ≈ 3.4 W/mK, and by lowering temperature, K(T) shows a broad minimum at 120 K, and a shallow maximum around 30 K. Temperature behaviour of thermal conductivity is explained by the Debye model in the temperature range below 50 K, and in the frame of the variable range hopping model above 120 K.Izvješćujemo o mjerenjima toplinske, K(T), i električne, σ(T), vodljivosti višezrnatih ikosaedarskih kvazikristala i-Al72Pd19.5Mn8.5 u području temperatura 10 K – 300 K. Električna vodljivost pokazuje anomalno ponašanje s minimumom na 120 K i vrijednošću σRT = 83000 Ω−1m−1 na sobnoj temperaturi. Toplinska vodljivost na sobnoj temperaturi je KRT ≈ 3.4 W/mK, i ima plitak maksimum oko 30 K. Temperaturna se ovisnost toplinske vodljivosti objašnjava Debyevim modelom za temperature ispod 50 K, dok na osnovi modela preskakanja s promjenljivim dosegom iznad 120 K

    Toplinska vodljivost ikosaedarskih kvazikristala i-Al72Pd19.5Mn8.5

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    Thermal, K(T) , and electrical conductivity, σ(T), measurements of the polygrain icosahedral quasicrystal i-Al72Pd19.5Mn8.5 are reported in the temperature range 10 K – 300 K. Electrical conductivity shows an anomalous behaviour with a minimum at 120 K and the room temperature value σRT = 83000 Ω−1m−1. Thermal conductivity at a room temperature is KRT ≈ 3.4 W/mK, and by lowering temperature, K(T) shows a broad minimum at 120 K, and a shallow maximum around 30 K. Temperature behaviour of thermal conductivity is explained by the Debye model in the temperature range below 50 K, and in the frame of the variable range hopping model above 120 K.Izvješćujemo o mjerenjima toplinske, K(T), i električne, σ(T), vodljivosti višezrnatih ikosaedarskih kvazikristala i-Al72Pd19.5Mn8.5 u području temperatura 10 K – 300 K. Električna vodljivost pokazuje anomalno ponašanje s minimumom na 120 K i vrijednošću σRT = 83000 Ω−1m−1 na sobnoj temperaturi. Toplinska vodljivost na sobnoj temperaturi je KRT ≈ 3.4 W/mK, i ima plitak maksimum oko 30 K. Temperaturna se ovisnost toplinske vodljivosti objašnjava Debyevim modelom za temperature ispod 50 K, dok na osnovi modela preskakanja s promjenljivim dosegom iznad 120 K

    Prikaz knjige Vesne Bilić: Nove perspektive, izazovi i pristupi nasilju među vršnjacima

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