172 research outputs found

    Two-fluid magnetic island dynamics in slab geometry: I - Isolated islands

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    A set of reduced, 2-D, two-fluid, drift-MHD equations is derived. Using these equations, a complete and fully self-consistent solution is obtained for an isolated magnetic island propagating through a slab plasma with uniform but different ion and electron fluid velocities. The ion and electron fluid flow profiles around the island are uniquely determined, and are everywhere continuous. Moreover, the island phase-velocity is uniquely specified by the condition that there be zero net electromagnetic force acting on the island. Finally, the ion polarization current correction to the Rutherford island width evolution equation is evaluated, and found to be stabilizing provided that the anomalous perpendicular ion viscosity significantly exceeds the anomalous perpendicular electron viscosity

    Fast Zonal Field Dynamo in Collisionless Kinetic Alfven Wave Turbulence

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    The possibility of fast dynamo action by collisionless kinetic Alfven Wave turbulence is demonstrated. The irreversibility necessary to lock in the generated field is provided by electron Landau damping, so the induced electric field does not vanish with resistivity. Mechanisms for self-regulation of the system and the relation of these results to the theory of alpha quenching are discussed. The dynamo-generated fields have symmetry like to that of zonal flows, and thus are termed zonal fields

    Probability of Pulse Overlap as a Quantitative Indicator of Signal Environment Complexity

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    Introduction. Simultaneous operation of numerous sources of radio emission form complex signal environment. Different devices with the common name “wideband analyzers” (WBA) are widely used to analyze and to control such environment. There is currently a need for developing the quantitative characteristics of a complex signal environment, which will make it possible to predict the stability of the WBA operation.Aim. The development of the indicator of the signal environment complexity, which will make possible the quantitative assessment of such environment.Materials and methods. To provide the desired indicator, simulation and mathematical tools for random events description are used. All calculations are performed using MatLab.Results. The principles of disturbances in the WBA receiver and algorithmic errors in the processing of overlapped signals are described. To quantify the “complexity” of the signal environment it is proposed to use the probability that pulses from several sources overlap in time. This allows one to compare signal environments with each other. The new analytical expression for estimating the pulse overlap probability is proposed. Functions of the pulse overlap probability from the complex signal environment parameters were obtained.Conclusion. According to the comparative analysis of the calculations using proposed analytical expression and simulation, the new expression allows one to achieve the calculation speed up to 6 orders of magnitude higher with an error below 7% compared to the simulation. The high performance of the calculations using the proposed expression allows one to simulate the complex signal environment in dynamics more efficiently.Introduction. Simultaneous operation of numerous sources of radio emission form complex signal environment. Different devices with the common name “wideband analyzers” (WBA) are widely used to analyze and to control such environment. There is currently a need for developing the quantitative characteristics of a complex signal environment, which will make it possible to predict the stability of the WBA operation.Aim. The development of the indicator of the signal environment complexity, which will make possible the quantitative assessment of such environment.Materials and methods. To provide the desired indicator, simulation and mathematical tools for random events description are used. All calculations are performed using MatLab.Results. The principles of disturbances in the WBA receiver and algorithmic errors in the processing of overlapped signals are described. To quantify the “complexity” of the signal environment it is proposed to use the probability that pulses from several sources overlap in time. This allows one to compare signal environments with each other. The new analytical expression for estimating the pulse overlap probability is proposed. Functions of the pulse overlap probability from the complex signal environment parameters were obtained.Conclusion. According to the comparative analysis of the calculations using proposed analytical expression and simulation, the new expression allows one to achieve the calculation speed up to 6 orders of magnitude higher with an error below 7% compared to the simulation. The high performance of the calculations using the proposed expression allows one to simulate the complex signal environment in dynamics more efficiently

    On the Need to Take into Account Economic Factors when Determining the Amount of Administrative Penalties for Committing Offensesin the Field of Traffic

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    The article analyzes the reasons for the Commission of certain administrative offenses in the field of traffic. It is concluded that the Commission of offenses for which the responsibility is provided for in article12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation “Non-compliance with the requirements of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners”, part 3 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation “Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established By the rules of the road” and a number of others, is caused primarily by economic factors, including the apparent disproportion between the amount of administrative punishment and economic benefit received by the offender in case of non-compliance with the established rules. In this regard, the author proposes to take into account not only the social danger of the committed illegal action, but also the economic component that affects the choice of the road user between the lawful and illegal variant of behavior when establishing the amount of punishment for administrative offenses in the field of road safety