42 research outputs found
Introduction. Declared on the rapid development and pace of construction, which increases the need for high-risk work, in particular: climbing works and works at height using a special climbing order. The types of work during which there is a risk of accidents are presented. The dynamics of events that led to fatal accidents according to the statistics of the State Labor Service of Ukraine is highlighted. The relevance of the justification for the choice of climbing equipment for the rescuer, who will work to rescue workers, depending on the height. Purpose. Justification for the choice of climbing equipment for a rescuer who is carrying out work to rescue a worker who is suspended at a height. Development of a clear algorithm of actions of the rescuer-climber.Research methods. Analysis of current norms and rules on how to conduct rescue operations in rescuing a victim who hung at a height. Identify the main shortcomings that exist today in the conduct of rescue operations at height. An analysis of current norms and rules shows that the requirements for rescuing workers suspended at height are presented in general and without a clear algorithm for action.Presenting main material. To rescue a victim at risk of falling from a height, a rescue plan must be developed for a specific area or structure, taking into account all the features of rescue when working at height. The rescue plan should include detailed procedures for rescue and self-rescue methods, equipment used, training requirements, specialized training for rescuers, etc. Training of rescuers-climbers should be carried out with a certain frequency and a typical training plan. A list of rescue equipment at a height to rescue a suspended worker is recommended.Conclusion. A clear algorithm of actions of the rescuer-climber is offered at the descent of the rescuer to the victim on the main rope of the victim; the descent of the rescuer to the victim on a safety rope of the victim; lifting the rescuer to the victim on the main rope of the victim; lifting the rescuer to the victim on the victim’s safety rope. Specified equipment is recommended to the rescuer for rescue work at height.Вступ. Наголошено на стрімкому розвитку та темпах будівництва, що збільшує потребу у роботах підвищеної небезпеки, зокрема: верхолазних роботах та роботах на висоті з використанням спеціального верхолазного спорядження. Представлено види робіт під час виконання яких існує загроза нещасних випадків. Висвітлено динаміку подій, що призвела до нещасних випадків зі смертельним наслідком за статистичними даними Державної служби України з питань праці. Представлено актуальність щодо обґрунтування вибору верхолазного спорядження для рятувальника, який проводить роботи з порятунку робітника, що завис на висоті. Мета. Обґрунтування вибору верхолазного спорядження для рятувальника, який проводить роботи з порятунку робітника, котрий завис на висоті. Розроблення чіткого алгоритму дій рятувальника-верхолаза. Методи дослідження. Аналіз чинних норм та правил щодо способів проведення рятувальних робіт при порятунку потерпілого, який завис на висоті. Визначення основних недоліків, що існують сьогодні при прове-денні рятувальних робіт на висоті. Аналізом чинних норм та правил встановлено, що вимоги до рятування завислих на висоті людей представлено в загальному вигляді та без чіткого алгоритму виконання дій. Виклад основного матеріалу. Для порятунку потерпілого, що піддається ризику падіння з висоти, пови-нен бути розроблений план порятунку для конкретної місцевості чи споруди з врахуванням усіх особливостей порятунку при роботі персоналу на висоті. План порятунку повинен містити детальні процедури щодо методів рятування та саморятування, використовуване обладнання, вимоги до підготовки, спеціалізоване навчання для рятувальників тощо. Навчання рятувальників-верхолазів має проводитись з визначеною періодичністю та типовим планом підготовки. Рекомендовано перелік спорядження для проведення рятувальних робіт на висоті для порятунку завислого потерпілого. Висновок. Запропоновано чіткий алгоритм дій рятувальника-верхолаза при: спуску рятувальника до потерпілого по основній мотузці потерпілого; спуску рятувальника до потерпілого по страхувальній мотузці потерпілого; підйомі рятувальника до потерпілого по основній мотузці потерпілого; підйомі рятувальника до потерпілого по страхувальній мотузці потерпілого. Рекомендовано конкретне спорядження рятувальнику для проведення рятувальних робіт на висоті
Modern technologic objects are among the critical objects of information security. Intrusions into technologic objects' information systems can lead to a violation of technological processes that can cause serious consequences. Monitoring and correlation of information security events allows to reduce time of detection and response to information security incidents.Современные техногенные объекты являются одними из критически важных объектов информационной безопасности. Вторжения в информационные системы техногенных объетов могут привести к нарушению технологических процессов, которые могут повлечь за собой серьезные последствия. Мониторинг и корреляция событий информационной безопасности позволяет сократить время обнаружения и реагирования на инциденты информационной безопасности
Monitoring of internet-facing technogenic objects
Исследована возможность обнаружения и мониторинга техногенных объектов Республики
Беларусь, доступных из сети Интернет. Предложен метод обнаружения, основанный на анализе данных
публичных сервисов Shodan и Censys. Разработано программное обеспечение, позволяющее
автоматизировать мониторинг.The approach to detection and monitoring of Internet-facing technogenic objects has been described.
The method of analysis of public services Shodan and Censys has been proposed. The automation monitoring
software has been developed
Modern technologic objects are among the critical objects of information security. Intrusions into technologic objects' information systems can lead to a violation of technological processes that can cause serious consequences. Monitoring and correlation of information security events allows to reduce time of detection and response to information security incidents
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Cattle Weight Gains in Relation to Stocking Rate on Rough Fescue Grassland
The effects of 4 stocking rates (1.2, 1.6, 2.4, and 4.8 AUM/ha) on cattle production were examined, over a 35-year period, on a Rough Fescue (Festuca scabrella Torr.) Grassland. Forage productivity was reduced at the higher stocking rates. This resulted in a shortened grazing season in the field stocked at 4.8 AUM/ha. Although individual animals' weights decreased with increased stocking rate, cattle gains per unit area increased. Average daily gain of cows was greatest in May but declined to become a loss in September. Calves showed maximum gains from June to July and never lost weight. Stocking rate affected the relative magnitude of average daily gain as well as the trend over the grazing season.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Journal of Range Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform August 202
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Vegetation response to time-controlled grazing on Mixed and Fescue Prairie
Improved carrying capacity of grasslands has been attributed to the effect of time-controlled grazing with high animal density, which can be achieved by increased stocking rates as well as by fencing. Therefore, a study was conducted to test the hypothesis that time-controlled grazing with high animal densities and high stocking rates will improve grassland condition. The study was made over a 6-year period on 3 sites with time-controlled grazing imposed. One site was on native grassland in the Fescue Prairie and 2 sites, 1 on seeded and the other on native grassland, were in the Mixed Prairie. On each site, stocking densities averaged 3, 6, and 15 cow-calf pairs/ha, respectively, and stocking rates averaged 1.65, 4.45, and 2.72 animal unit months/ha, respectively. Species composition and root mass and distribution were compared on grazed and protected areas within each site. Utilization averaged about 80% of available forage over the study period. Range condition was less on grazed areas than on protected areas in the Fescue Prairie (38 vs 53% of climax) and in the Mixed Prairie (49 vs 53%). Average ash-free root mass, throughout the sampling profile, tended to be greater on the ungrazed vs the grazed area of the native Mixed Prairie site but not on the seeded Mixed Prairie or Fescue Prairie sites. The grazed areas of the Mixed Prarie sites tended to have more available phosphorus, possibly due to the application of manure, but less nitrogen and organic matter. The results led to a rejection of the hypothesis and a conclusion that high animal density and high stocking rates with time-controlled grazing would result in range deterioration.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Journal of Range Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform August 202
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Distribution of nitrogen fractions in grazed and ungrazed fescue grassland Ah horizons
Grazing affects the plant ecology and adds excreta, thereby influencing soil N relationships. Consequently, total N, mineralizable N, exchangeable N, hydrolyzable N, and urease activity were assessed at the Agriculture Canada Research Substation, Stavely, Alberta, in the Ah horizons on rough fescue (Festuca scabrella Torr.) grasslands stocked at either light (0.8 ha/AUM) or very heavy (0.2 ha/AUM) fixed rates for 38 years and in exclosures located within each field for an equal period of time. Even though total N expressed as t/ha per Ah horizon remained the same, changes in various N fractions were nevertheless evident. Grazing resulted in more NH4 +/- N and NO3-N in both fields at the time of sampling and each was greater at the higher stocking rate. Although soil N was less mineralizable, it was more acid-hydrolyzable at the higher stocking rate. Urease activity also increased. The effect on soil N characteristics of increased excreta loads is complex and still not well understood.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Journal of Range Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform August 202
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Vegetation and soil responses to short-duration grazing on fescue grasslands
The effects of animal impact on soil chemical and physical properties as well as range condition were measured over a 5-year period to test the hypothesis that animal impact can improve the nutrient and water status of the soil and promote grassland succession. A seventeen-pasture short-duration grazing system was established in 1981 on 972 ha. The pastures were stocked on average with 278 cows with calves from 1982 to 1986, which was about twice to triple the recommended rate of 0.8 AUM/ha. Increased grazing pressure reduced range condition as reflected by a loss of desirable species such as rough fescue (Festuca scabrella Torr.). Soil moisture was always higher in soils of ungrazed exclosures. Soil bulk density increased while hydraulic conductivity decreased with grazing. Litter was not significantly incorporated into the soil with hoof action. Chitin-N, as a measure of fungal biomass, decreased significantly under the increased grazing pressure. The hypothesis that animal impact would improve range condition was rejected since impact, in the manner applied during the study, resulted in retrogression of the grasslands.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Journal of Range Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform August 202