225 research outputs found

    Business cycles in the Netherlands, 1815-1913

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    This article exploits a unique new dataset containing information on the economy of the Netherlands to date business cycles turning points in the 19th century (1815-1913) using a modern econometric technique. The business cycle in the Netherlands is compared to the international (UK and US) business cycle for the second half of the sample. We conclude that business cycles do exist in the Netherlands in the 19th century – even before 1870. The Netherlands follows the international business cycle before 1870 and after 1890. In the in-between period the Dutch production could not meet both domestic demand and export demand.

    Consumer demand in the Industrial Revolution: The Netherlands, 1815-1913

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    The industrial revolution is mostly seen as a supply side phenomenon. Ever since Gilboy stated that factors of demand may have been equally important, scholars have stressed the importance of investments and technological change. This paper re-considers Gilboy?s ideas, using the dataset of the Dutch historical national accounts for the nineteenth century. Using a counterfactual VAR analysis, it is investigated to what extent changes in (determinants of) consumer demand may have affected patterns of industrial development.

    Three phases of Dutch economic growth and technological change, 1815-1997

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    In this paper we analyze the dynamics of Dutch economic growth for the period 1815-1997. By applying a simple econometric technique, important braking points in the timeseries are traced. It seems that three phases of growth can be discerned and that these phases are characterized by different types of technology (steam, electricity as well as information and communication technology). The Dutch economy has not generated an overall productivity improvement from the first and third technological phase, but has been successful in exploiting the technological opportunities of the second phase.

    Three phases of Dutch economic growth and technological change, 1815-1997

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    In this paper we analyze the dynamics of Dutch economic growth for the period 1815-1997. By applying a simple econometric technique, important braking points in the timeseries are traced. It seems that three phases of growth can be discerned and that these phases are characterized by different types of technology (steam, electricity as well as information and communication technology). The Dutch economy has not generated an overall productivity improvement from the first and third technological phase, but has been successful in exploiting the technological opportunities of the second phase.
