82,369 research outputs found

    The distribution of financial wealth in the UK:evidence from 2000 BHPS data

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    Leveraging Contextual Cues for Generating Basketball Highlights

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    The massive growth of sports videos has resulted in a need for automatic generation of sports highlights that are comparable in quality to the hand-edited highlights produced by broadcasters such as ESPN. Unlike previous works that mostly use audio-visual cues derived from the video, we propose an approach that additionally leverages contextual cues derived from the environment that the game is being played in. The contextual cues provide information about the excitement levels in the game, which can be ranked and selected to automatically produce high-quality basketball highlights. We introduce a new dataset of 25 NCAA games along with their play-by-play stats and the ground-truth excitement data for each basket. We explore the informativeness of five different cues derived from the video and from the environment through user studies. Our experiments show that for our study participants, the highlights produced by our system are comparable to the ones produced by ESPN for the same games.Comment: Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 201

    The SES health gradient on both sides of the Atlantic

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    In this paper we investigate the size of health differences that exist among men in England and the United States and how those differences vary by Socio-Economic Status (SES) in both countries. Three SES measures are emphasized - education, household income, and household wealth - and the health outcomes investigated span multiple dimensions as well. International comparisons have played a central part of the recent debate involving the 'SES health gradient' with some authors citing cross-country differences in levels of income equality and mortality as among the most compelling evidence that unequal societies have negative impacts on individual health outcomes. In spite of the analytical advantages of making such international comparisons, until recently good micro data measuring both SES and health in comparable ways have not been available for both countries. Fortunately, that problem has been remedied with the fielding of two surveys - the Health and Retirement Survey (HRS) and the English Longitudinal Survey of Aging (ELSA). In order to facilitate the type of research represented in this paper, both the health and SES measures in ELSA and HRS were purposely constructed to be as directly comparable as possible. Our analysis presents data on some of the most salient issues regarding the social health gradient in health and the manner in which this health gradient differs for men across the two countries in question. There are a several key findings. First, looking across a wide variety of diagnosed diseases, average health status among mature men is much worse in America compared to England, confirming non-gender specific findings we reported in earlier research. Second, there exists a steep negative health gradient for men in both countries where men at the bottom of the economic hierarchy are in much worse health than those at the top. This social health gradient exists whether education, income, or financial wealth is used as the marker of SES. While the negative social gradient in male health characterizes men in both countries, it appears to be steeper in the United States. These central conclusions are maintained even after controlling for a standard set of behavioral risk factors such as smoking, drinking, and obesity and are equally true using either biological measures of disease or individual self-reports. In contrast to these disease based measures of health, the health of American men appears to be superior to the health of English men when self-reported subjective general health status is used as the measure of health status. This apparent contradiction does not result from differences in co-morbidity, emotional health, or ability to function all of which still point to mature American men being less healthy than their English counterparts. The contradiction most likely stems instead from different thresholds used by Americans and English when evaluation their health status on subjective scales. For the same 'objective' health status, Americans are much more likely to say that their health is good than are the English. Finally, we present preliminary data that indicates that feedbacks from new health events to household income are also one of the reasons that underlie the strength of the income gradient with health in England. Previous research has demonstrated its importance as one of the underlying causes in the United States and these results suggest that that conclusion should most likely be extended to England as well although further research is required on this topic

    Housing price volatility and downsizing in later life

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    In this paper, we modeled several types of housing transitions of the elderly in two countries -- Britain and the United States. One important form of these transitions involves downsizing of housing consumption, the importance of which among older households is still debated. This downsizing takes multiple forms, including reductions in the number of rooms per dwelling and the value of the home. There is also evidence that this downsizing is greater when house price volatility is greater and that American households try to escape housing price volatility by moving to places that are experience significantly less housing price volatility. Our comparative evidence in suggests that there is less evidence of downsizing in Britain. Our results indicate that housing consumption appears to decline with age in the US, even after controlling for the other demographic and work transitions associated with age that would normally produce such a decline. No such fall in housing consumption is found in Britain, largely because British households are much more likely to stay in their original residence

    Does Maternal Methadone Dose Correlate with Severity of Intrauterine Growth Restriction in Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome?

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    Introduction : Previous studies demonstrate a relationship between maternal opioid use during pregnancy and smaller head circumference of infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). The goal of this study is to correlate maternal methadone dose and severity of growth restriction in infants with NAS admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of infants (≥35 weeks gestation) exposed to in utero methadone, born between August 2006 and May 2018, and admitted to a Philadelphia NICU for medical therapy for NAS. Growth parameters (birth weight, birth length, and birth head circumference) were compared between infants exposed various doses of methadone. The groups were compared using ANOVA, Post-Hoc Tukey, Chi-square and extended Fisher exact tests. Results: A total of 686 infants met the study criteria; 109 in the High dose group, 359 in the Intermediate dose group, and 218 in the Low dose group. There was no significant difference in the use of other drugs or smoking during the pregnancy. Infants exposed to higher doses of methadone displayed significantly smaller head circumferences and lengths at birth. The mean birth weight was similar between the three groups. Discussion: There may be a danger in prescribing high doses of methadone to pregnant mothers, as they may hinder the growth of the infant. We need to conduct more studies investigating how low head circumference and length affect long term developmental outcomes. These findings may help guide physicians toward the optimum dose of methadone for mothers

    Simple Formula for Marcus-Hush-Chidsey Kinetics

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    The Marcus-Hush-Chidsey (MHC) model is well known in electro-analytical chemistry as a successful microscopic theory of outer-sphere electron transfer at metal electrodes, but it is unfamiliar and rarely used in electrochemical engineering. One reason may be the difficulty of evaluating the MHC reaction rate, which is defined as an improper integral of the Marcus rate over the Fermi distribution of electron energies. Here, we report a simple analytical approximation of the MHC integral that interpolates between exact asymptotic limits for large overpotentials, as well as for large or small reorganization energies, and exhibits less than 5\% relative error for all reasonable parameter values. This result enables the MHC model to be considered as a practical alternative to the ubiquitous Butler-Volmer equation for improved understanding and engineering of electrochemical systems

    Variation in Lepidopteran Occurrence in Hemlock-Dominated and Deciduous-Dominated Forests of Central Appalachia

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    Eastern hemlock, (Tsuga canadensis Carrière, Pinaceae), is threatened with extirpation by an exotic invasive herbivore, the hemlock woolly adelgid, (Adelges tsugae Annand, Homoptera: Adelgidae). Given this threat, a broader and more detailed knowledge of the community associated with eastern hem- lock is merited. As Lepidoptera are important members of forest communities, this study was initiated to determine the relative occurrence of Lepidoptera in hemlock-dominated and deciduous-dominated habitats by evaluating abundance, species richness, temporal variation, and composition overlap. Lepidoptera were surveyed using blacklight traps from May – August 2010 at two collection sites in the Appalachian region of eastern Kentucky. The first collection site was within a forest stand dominated by mixed deciduous species, the second site possessed an overstory of eastern hemlock. Lepidoptera ≥ 20 mm in wingspan were identified and enumerated, yielding a total of 1,020 individuals of ≥ 137 species and 18 families. The total number of Lepidoptera captured in May and June was fewer than in July and August (P ≤ 0.05). The composition of the assemblage varied between collection sites as well as seasonally; 85 species were identified at the deciduous site and 107 species were identified at the hemlock site. While 27 species were recorded only at the deciduous site, 49 species were unique to the hemlock site. Of those unique to the hemlock site, five species were either detritivores or conifer specialists. These data demonstrate the importance of both deciduous and hemlock-dominated forest habitats for many species of Lepidoptera in Appalachia. Our study forms a foundation for understanding species richness patterns of Lepidoptera in hemlock forests in North America and is a useful baseline for comparisons of richness and diversity post invasion by the hemlock woolly adelgid