147,717 research outputs found

    Marvin: A Heuristic Search Planner with Online Macro-Action Learning

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    This paper describes Marvin, a planner that competed in the Fourth International Planning Competition (IPC 4). Marvin uses action-sequence-memoisation techniques to generate macro-actions, which are then used during search for a solution plan. We provide an overview of its architecture and search behaviour, detailing the algorithms used. We also empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of its features in various planning domains; in particular, the effects on performance due to the use of macro-actions, the novel features of its search behaviour, and the native support of ADL and Derived Predicates

    Adherence to prophylaxis in adolescents and young adults with severe haemophilia, A qualitative study with patients

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Abstract Introduction: Reported levels of adherence to prophylaxis among young people with haemophilia (YPH) vary widely and are predominately based on estimations made by healthcare professionals and parents. Reasons for (non)adherence among YPH in particular have not been evidenced. Aim: to examine experiences in relation to prophylaxis with YPH themselves, and barriers and facilitators to their adherence. Methods: 11 Participants were recruited in five haemophilia centres across England and Wales. All patients who met the inclusion criteria (aged 12-25, diagnosed with haemophilia, on prophylaxis) were approached during a routine check-up appointment, and all participants who agreed to take part were interviewed. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results: Self-reported adherence to prophylaxis was good. Few participants admitted to intentionally skipping injections although they reported sometimes forgetting. However, due to the increasingly personalised and flexible approach to prophylaxis, adherence is not straightforward to define. Barriers to adherence included a busy lifestyle, dislike of the intravenous injection, venous access issues, anxiety or stress and being out of one’s normal routine. Support was an important facilitator to adherence, including support from health professionals at the haemophilia centre as well as friends. Parents appear to be very involved with their sons’ haemophilia management, even after their sons leave home. Conclusion: What this study adds is that the increasingly flexible and personalized approach to managing prophylaxis in haemophilia may sometimes lead to confusion around treatment frequency and dosing. This may lead to accidental non-adherence, which is distinct from both skipping and forgetting. Advice from haemophilia teams may not always be consistent, and is likely to be interpreted differently by different individuals. Some additional training and education of patients and their families to increase their knowledge and skills around prophylaxis may reduce this confusion and therefore is likely to improve adherence further.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Studies of waveform requirements for intermediate mass-ratio coalescence searches with advanced detectors

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    The coalescence of a stellar-mass compact object into an intermediate-mass black hole (intermediate mass-ratio coalescence; IMRAC) is an important astrophysical source for ground-based gravitational-wave interferometers in the so-called advanced configuration. However, the ability to carry out effective matched-filter based searches for these systems is limited by the lack of reliable waveforms. Here we consider binaries in which the intermediate-mass black hole has mass in the range 24 - 200 solar masses with a stellar-mass companion having masses in the range 1.4 - 18.5 solar masses. In addition, we constrain the mass ratios, q, of the binaries to be in the range 1/140 < q < 1/10 and we restrict our study to the case of circular binaries with non-spinning components. We investigate the relative contribution to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the three different phases of the coalescence: inspiral, merger and ringdown. We show that merger and ringdown contribute to a substantial fraction of the total SNR over a large portion of the mass parameter space, although in a limited portion the SNR is dominated by the inspiral phase. We further identify three regions in the IMRAC mass-space in which: (i) inspiral-only searches could be performed with losses in detection rates L in the range 10% < L < 27%, (ii) searches based on inspiral-only templates lead to a loss in detection rates in the range 27% < L < 50%$, and (iii) templates that include merger and ringdown are essential to prevent losses in detection rates greater than 50%. We investigate the effectiveness with which the inspiral-only portion of the IMRAC waveform space is covered by comparing several existing waveform families in this regime. Our results reinforce the importance of extensive numerical relativity simulations of IMRACs and the need for further studies of suitable approximation schemes in this mass range.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    How effective is harassment on infalling late-type dwarfs?

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    A new harassment model is presented that models the complex, and dynamical tidal field of a Virgo like galaxy cluster. The model is applied to small, late-type dwarf disc galaxies (of substantially lower mass than in previous harassment simulations) as they infall into the cluster from the outskirts. These dwarf galaxies are only mildly affected by high speed tidal encounters with little or no observable consequences; typical stellar losses are <10%<10\%, producing very low surface brightness streams (μB>31\mu_B > 31 mag arcsec−2^{-2}), and a factor of two drop in dynamical mass-to-light ratio. Final stellar discs remain disc-like, and dominated by rotation although often with tidally induced spiral structure. By means of Monte-Carlo simulations, the statistically likely influences of harassment on infalling dwarf galaxies are determined. The effects of harassment are found to be highly dependent on the orbit of the galaxy within the cluster, such that newly accreted dwarf galaxies typically suffer only mild harassment. Strong tidal encounters, that can morphologically transform discs into spheroidals, are rare occurring in <15%<15 \% of dwarf galaxy infalls for typical orbits of sub-structure within Λ\LambdaCDM cluster mass halos. For orbits with small apocentric distances (<<250 kpc), harassment is significantly stronger resulting in complete disruption or heavy mass loss (>90%>90 \% dark matter and >50%> 50 \% stellar), however, such orbits are expected to be highly improbable for newly infalling galaxies due to the deep potential well of the cluster.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Evidence for Two Distinct Morphological Classes of Gamma-Ray Bursts from their Short Timescale Variability

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    We have analyzed the 241 bursts for which peak counts \C exist in the publicly available Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) catalog. Introducing peak counts in 1024 ms as a measure of burst brightness \B and the ratio of peak counts in 64 and 1024 ms as a measure of short timescale variability \V, we find a statistically significant correlation between the brightness and the short timescale variability of \g-ray bursts. The bursts which are smoother on short timescales are both faint and bright, while the bursts which are variable on short timescales are faint only, suggesting the existence of two distinct morphological classes of bursts.Comment: 9 pages + 2 Postscript figures available upon request; LATEX v. 2.0

    GRB990123: The Case for Saturated Comptonization

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    The recent simultaneous detection of optical, X-ray and gamma-ray photons from GRB990123 during the burst provides the first broadband multi-wavelength characterization of the burst spectrum and evolution. Here we show that a direct correlation exists between the time-varying gamma-ray spectral shape and the prompt optical emission. This combined with the unique signatures of the time-resolved spectra of GRB990123 convincingly supports earlier predictions of the saturated Comptonization model. Contrary to other suggestions, we find that the entire continuum from optical to gamma-rays can be generated from a single source of leptons (electrons and pairs). The optical flux only appears to lag the gamma-ray flux due to the high initial Thomson depth of the plasma. Once the plasma has completely thinned out, the late time afterglow behavior of our model is the same as in standard models based on the Blandford-McKee (1976) solution.Comment: 10 pages, including 3 figures and 1 table, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letter
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