11 research outputs found
Creativity in Early and Middle School Years
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Creativity in Middle and Late School Years
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Mother-Child Picture Test: Presentation of a New Method for the Evaluation of Mother-Child Relations
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
»En målares gåta«:—en berättelse som utgångspunkt för att studera kreativitet hos 10-åringar
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Extraction of information from continuously masked successive stimuli: An exploratory study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Status, threats and conservation challenges to key aquatic fauna (Crocodile and Dolphin) in National Chambal Sanctuary, India
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Genetic diversity of Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) revealed by AFLP analysis: an implication on the management of captive conservation
- Author
- A. Cresswell
- B.H. Chen
- B.H. Chen
- B.H. Chen
- D. Majer
- F. Balloux
- F.J. Keiper
- G.J.W. Webb
- G.S.C. Buso
- I. Pejic
- J. Liu
- J. Thorbjarnarson
- J. Thorbjarnarson
- J.S.C. Smith
- Kai-Ya Zhou
- L. Excoffier
- L. Huang
- Lei Huang
- N. Giannasi
- P. Vos
- R.P. Wang
- Ren-Ping Wang
- S. Kumar
- S. Travis
- T. Madsen
- U.G. Muller
- V. Yap
- Wei-Quan Zhu
- X.B. Wu
- X.B. Wu
- Y.D. Tan
- Y.J. Zhou
- Y.Q. Wang
- Y.Z. Ding
- Yi-Quan Wang
- Z.J. Huang
- Z.J. Huang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Solitude: An Exploration of Benefits of Being Alone
- Author
- Ainsworth M.D.S.
- Amabile T.M.
- Averill J.R.
- Barabasz M.
- Berlin I.
- Bogdan R.J.
- Byron
- Campbell D.T.
- Cassidy J.
- Colette
- Csikszentmihalyi M.
- Csikszentmihalyi M.
- Dennett D.
- Ernst J.M.
- Fisher L.
- France P.
- Hammitt W.E.
- Hammitt W.E.
- Hammitt W.E.
- Hendee J.C.
- Japenga A.
- Koch P.
- Larson R.
- Larson R.
- Larson R.W.
- Larson R.W.
- Marcoen A.
- Marshall N.J.
- Maslow A.H.
- Maslow A.H.
- Maynard J.
- McReynolds P.
- Merton T.
- Modell A.
- Nisenbaum S.
- Oliver D.
- Patterson M.E.
- Peplau L.A.
- Rank O.
- Rubin K.H.
- Schutz A.
- Shafer C.S.
- Shostrom E.L.
- Simpson J.A.
- Simpson J.A.
- Smith G.J.W.
- Spiro M.E.
- Storr A.
- Suedfeld P.
- Suedfeld P.
- Tellegen A.
- Triandis H.C.
- Warwick P.
- Westin A.
- Winnicott D.
- Wood L.A.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Can Creativity be Nurtured in Young Children?
- Author
- Aguilar T.E.
- Anderson H.H.
- Banta T.J.
- Barron F.
- Berreta S.
- Bozik M.
- Bruch E.B.
- Bruner J.S.
- Buden C.M.
- Child D.
- de Bono E.
- Doutre C.B.
- Dreyer A.
- Edwards M.O.
- Eleni Mellou
- Eriksson G.I.
- Eriksson S.
- Getzels J.W.
- Goetz E.M.
- Hennessey B.A.
- Iverson B.K.
- Jeanrenaud C.
- Jellen H.G.
- Jellen H.G.
- Jenkins J.E.
- Lane T.W.
- Leff H.L.
- Lytton H.
- Maltzman I.
- Maltzman I.
- Maslow A.H.
- Maslow A.H.
- Meizitis I.
- Mellou E.
- Meyer M.
- Montessori M.
- O'Brien M.A.
- Poole M.
- Shaw J.M.
- Smith G.J.W.
- Soriano De Alencar E.M.L.
- Staats A.W.
- Stein M.I.
- Taylor C.W.
- Teets S.T.
- Torrance E.P.
- Torrance E.P.
- Torrance E.P.
- Torrance E.P.
- Torrance E.P.
- Torrance E.P.
- Torrance E.P.
- Walberg H.J.
- Warnock M.
- Weisberg P.S.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Role of Predation in Shaping Crocodilian Natural History
- Author
- Acharjyo L.N
- Alderton D
- Alvarez del Toro M
- Alvarez del Toro M
- Anderson J
- Anonymous
- Audubon J.J
- Ayarzagüena J
- Basu D
- Biddell G
- Biswas S
- Blake S
- Blomberg G.E.D
- Blöhm T
- Borteiro C
- Brandt L.A
- Brandt L.A
- Britton A.R. C
- Burghardt G.M
- Burgin S
- Bustard H.R
- Bustard H.R
- Bustard H.R
- Bustard H.R
- Campbell H.W
- Campos Z
- Cansdale G
- Cavalcanti S.M.C
- Chibeba A.M
- Choudhury B.C
- Chowfin S.M
- Cintra R
- Clarke S.F
- Congdon J.D
- Cooper-Preston H
- Cott H.B
- Crawshaw P.G
- Da Silveira R
- Dalrymple G.H
- Darmakumarshinhji K.S
- Deitz D.C
- Deraniyagala P.E. P
- Descourtilz M.E
- Devenish S
- Ditmars R.L
- Dominguez-Laso J
- Elsey R.M
- Ferguson M.W. J
- Fogarty M.J
- Garrick L.D
- Goodwin T.M
- Gow G.F
- Graham A.D
- Gramentz D
- Gramentz D
- Greer A.E
- Guggisberg C.A. W
- Hadley D
- Hall P.M
- Hartwig G
- Herzog H.A
- Herzog H.A
- Heydt J.W
- Hippel E.V
- Huang Z
- Hunt R.H
- Hunt R.H
- Hutton J.M
- Hutton J.M
- Jelden D.C
- Kar S.K
- Kennett R
- Koch A
- Kushlan J.A
- Kushlan J.A
- Lang J.W
- Lang J.W
- Lang J.W
- Lang J.W
- Larriera A
- Larriera A
- Lawson D.P
- Levy C
- Lopez-Corcuera G
- Maehr D.S
- Magnusson W
- Magnusson W.E
- Marcó M.V.P
- Marioni B
- Marler P
- Martin J.E
- Matthew Brien
- Mazzotti F.J
- Mazzotti F.J
- Mazzotti F.J
- McIlhenny E.A
- McIlhenny E.A
- Medem F
- Medem F
- Medem F
- Medem F
- Medem F
- Messel H
- Montague J
- Moore J.C
- Navarro-Serment C.J
- Neal R.G
- Neill W.T
- Nichols J.D
- Ogden J
- Pauwels O.S.G
- Pienaar U. deV
- Pina C.I
- Platt S.G
- Platt S.G
- Platt S.G
- Platt S.G
- Platt S.G
- Platt S.G
- Pooley A.C
- Pooley A.C
- Pooley A.C
- Pooley A.C
- Pye J
- Rainwater T.R
- Rand A.S
- Rao R.J
- Reagan S.R
- Reddy P.S
- Reese A.M
- Richard Shine
- Richardson K.C
- Riley J
- Rivero-Blanco C
- Root A
- Rootes W.L
- Ross F.D
- Ruchira Somaweera
- Schmidt K
- Schmidt K.P
- Seijas A.E
- Shekher C
- Shield J
- Shine R
- Singh L.A.K
- Smith A.M.A
- Snow R.W
- Snow R.W
- Somaweera R
- Spawls S
- Stearns S.C
- Steel E.A
- Steel R
- Stevenson-Hamilton J
- Temsiripong Y
- Thorbjarnarson J
- Thorbjarnarson J.B
- Thorbjarnarson J.B
- Thorbjarnarson J.B
- Trivers R.L
- Tryon B.W
- Villamarin-Jurado F
- Vyas R
- Waitkuwait W.E
- Walkowich J
- Wallace K.M
- Webb G
- Webb G.J. W
- Webb G.J.W
- Webb G.J.W
- Webb G.J.W
- Wettstein O
- Whitaker N
- Whitaker R
- Whitaker R
- Whitaker R
- Whitaker R
- White A.W
- Wilkinson P.M
- Woodward A.R
- Worrell E
- Worrell E
- Publication venue
- 'Herpetologists League'
- Publication date
- Field of study