7,659 research outputs found

    Projective toric varieties as fine moduli spaces of quiver representations

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    This paper proves that every projective toric variety is the fine moduli space for stable representations of an appropriate bound quiver. To accomplish this, we study the quiver QQ with relations RR corresponding to the finite-dimensional algebra (⨁i=0rLi)\bigl(\bigoplus_{i=0}^{r} L_i \bigr) where L:=(OX,L1,...c,Lr)\mathcal{L} := (\mathscr{O}_X,L_1, ...c, L_r) is a list of line bundles on a projective toric variety XX. The quiver QQ defines a smooth projective toric variety, called the multilinear series ∣L∣|\mathcal{L}|, and a map Xβ†’βˆ£L∣X \to |\mathcal{L}|. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the induced map to be a closed embedding. As a consequence, we obtain a new geometric quotient construction of projective toric varieties. Under slightly stronger hypotheses on L\mathcal{L}, the closed embedding identifies XX with the fine moduli space of stable representations for the bound quiver (Q,R)(Q,R).Comment: revised version: improved exposition, corrected typos and other minor change

    Cones of Hilbert functions

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    We study the closed convex hull of various collections of Hilbert functions. Working over a standard graded polynomial ring with modules that are generated in degree zero, we describe the supporting hyperplanes and extreme rays for the cones generated by the Hilbert functions of all modules, all modules with bounded a-invariant, and all modules with bounded Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. The first of these cones is infinite-dimensional and simplicial, the second is finite-dimensional but neither simplicial nor polyhedral, and the third is finite-dimensional and simplicial.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Uniform bounds on multigraded regularity

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    We give an effective uniform bound on the multigraded regularity of a subscheme of a smooth projective toric variety X with a given multigraded Hilbert polynomial. To establish this bound, we introduce a new combinatorial tool, called a Stanley filtration, for studying monomial ideals in the homogeneous coordinate ring of X. As a special case, we obtain a new proof of Gotzmann's regularity theorem. We also discuss applications of this bound to the construction of multigraded Hilbert schemes.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Syzygies, multigraded regularity and toric varieties

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    Using multigraded Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, we study the equations defining a projective embedding of a variety X. Given globally generated line bundles B_1, ..., B_k on X and integers m_1, ..., m_k, consider the line bundle L := B_1^m_1 \otimes ... \otimes B_k^m_k. We give conditions on the m_i which guarantee that the ideal of X in P(H^0(X,L)) is generated by quadrics and the first p syzygies are linear. This yields new results on the syzygies of toric varieties and the normality of polytopes.Comment: improved exposition and corrected typo
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