17,523 research outputs found

    Energy density of foods and beverages in the Australian food supply: influence of macronutrients and comparison to dietary intake.

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    OBJECTIVES: The energy density (ED) of the diet is considered an important determinant of total energy intake and thus energy balance and weight change. We aimed to compare relationships between ED and macronutrient content in individual food and beverage items as well as population diet in a typical Western country. DESIGN: Nutrient data for 3673 food items and 247 beverage items came from the Australian Food and Nutrient database (AusNut). Food and beverage intake data came from the 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey (a 24-h dietary recall survey in 13 858 people over the age of 2). Relationships between ED and macronutrient and water content were analysed by linear regression with 95% prediction bands. RESULTS: For both individual food items and population food intake, there was a positive relationship between ED and percent energy as fat and negative relationships between ED and percent energy as carbohydrate and percent water by weight. In all cases, there was close agreement between the slopes of the regression lines between food items and dietary intake. There were no clear relationships between ED and macronutrient content for beverage items. Carbohydrate (mostly sucrose) contributed 91, 47, and 25% of total energy for sugar-based, fat-based, and alcohol-based beverages respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between ED and fat content of foods holds true across both population diets and individual food items available in the food supply in a typical Western country such as Australia. As high-fat diets are associated with a high BMI, population measures with an overall aim of reducing the ED of diets may be effective in mediating the growing problem of overweight and obesity

    R.A.C.E. to Recovery Year 1 Evaluation Summary Report

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    Through a collaborative effort led by the Healthy Community Coalition, the multi-sector Rural Addiction Care Expansion (R.A.C.E.) to Recovery initiative consortium is utilizing evidence-based, community-wide response to impact and reduce the effects of the opioid epidemic in the Western Maine Public Health District/ Greater Franklin County. To assess and evaluate the implementation, successes, and challenges of the RACE to Recovery project, the Cutler Institute is collecting and analyzing data for both process and outcomes of the initiative. In the first year of the initiative, the Cutler evaluation team utilized both primary and secondary data to assess RACE to Recovery program implementation efforts, document project milestones, as well as examine programmatic successes and challenges. Data gathered in Year One included consortium and partner assessments, patient interviews, and administrative data. For more information, please contact M.Lindsey Smith, PhD, at [email protected]

    Long-range temporal organisation of limb movement kinematics in human neonates

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    Objective: Movement provides crucial sensorimotor information to the developing brain, evoking somatotopic cortical EEG activity. Indeed, temporal-spatial organisation of these movements, including a diverse repertoire of accelerations and limb combinations (e.g. unilateral progressing to bilateral), predicts positive sensorimotor outcomes. However, in current clinical practice, movements in human neonates are qualitatively characterised only during brief periods (a few minutes) of wakefulness, meaning that the vast majority of sensorimotor experience remains unsampled. Here our objective was to quantitatively characterise the long-range temporal organisation of the full repertoire of newborn movements, over multi-hour recordings. Methods: We monitored motor activity across 2–4 h in 11 healthy newborn infants (median 1 day old), who wore limb sensors containing synchronised tri-axial accelerometers and gyroscopes. Movements were identified using acceleration and angular velocity, and their organisation across the recording was characterised using cluster analysis and spectral estimation. Results: Movement occurrence was periodic, with a 1-hour cycle. Peaks in movement occurrence were associated with higher acceleration, and a higher proportion of movements being bilateral. Conclusions: Neonatal movement occurrence is cyclical, with periods consistent with sleep-wake behavioural architecture. Movement kinematics are organised by these fluctuations in movement occurrence. Recordings that exceed 1-hour are necessary to capture the long-range temporal organisation of the full repertoire of newborn limb movements. Significance: Future work should investigate the prognostic value of combining these movement recordings with synchronised EEG, in at-risk infants

    Temperature dependent photoluminescence of single CdS nanowires

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    Temperature dependent photoluminescence (PL) is used to study the electronic properties of single CdS nanowires. At low temperatures, both near-band edge (NBE) photoluminescence (PL) and spatially-localized defect-related PL are observed in many nanowires. The intensity of the defect states is a sensitive tool to judge the character and structural uniformity of nanowires. As the temperature is raised, the defect states rapidly quench at varying rates leaving the NBE PL which dominates up to room temperature. All PL lines from nanowires follow closely the temperature-dependent band edge, similar to that observed in bulk CdS.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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