1,648 research outputs found

    Analytic Results for Massless Three-Loop Form Factors

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    We evaluate, exactly in d, the master integrals contributing to massless three-loop QCD form factors. The calculation is based on a combination of a method recently suggested by one of the authors (R.L.) with other techniques: sector decomposition implemented in FIESTA, the method of Mellin--Barnes representation, and the PSLQ algorithm. Using our results for the master integrals we obtain analytical expressions for two missing constants in the ep-expansion of the two most complicated master integrals and present the form factors in a completely analytic form.Comment: minor revisions, to appear in JHE

    The Dimensional Recurrence and Analyticity Method for Multicomponent Master Integrals: Using Unitarity Cuts to Construct Homogeneous Solutions

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    We consider the application of the DRA method to the case of several master integrals in a given sector. We establish a connection between the homogeneous part of dimensional recurrence and maximal unitarity cuts of the corresponding integrals: a maximally cut master integral appears to be a solution of the homogeneous part of the dimensional recurrence relation. This observation allows us to make a necessary step of the DRA method, the construction of the general solution of the homogeneous equation, which, in this case, is a coupled system of difference equations.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Foundation and generalization of the expansion by regions

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    The "expansion by regions" is a method of asymptotic expansion developed by Beneke and Smirnov in 1997. It expands the integrand according to the scaling prescriptions of a set of regions and integrates all expanded terms over the whole integration domain. This method has been applied successfully to many complicated loop integrals, but a general proof for its correctness has still been missing. This paper shows how the expansion by regions manages to reproduce the exact result correctly in an expanded form and clarifies the conditions on the choice and completeness of the considered regions. A generalized expression for the full result is presented that involves additional overlap contributions. These extra pieces normally yield scaleless integrals which are consistently set to zero, but they may be needed depending on the choice of the regularization scheme. While the main proofs and formulae are presented in a general and concise form, a large portion of the paper is filled with simple, pedagogical one-loop examples which illustrate the peculiarities of the expansion by regions, explain its application and show how to evaluate contributions within this method.Comment: 84 pages; v2: comment on scaleless integrals added to conclusions, version published in JHE

    An Analytic Result for the Two-Loop Hexagon Wilson Loop in N = 4 SYM

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    In the planar N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, the conformal symmetry constrains multi-loop n-edged Wilson loops to be basically given in terms of the one-loop n-edged Wilson loop, augmented, for n greater than 6, by a function of conformally invariant cross ratios. We identify a class of kinematics for which the Wilson loop exhibits exact Regge factorisation and which leave invariant the analytic form of the multi-loop n-edged Wilson loop. In those kinematics, the analytic result for the Wilson loop is the same as in general kinematics, although the computation is remarkably simplified with respect to general kinematics. Using the simplest of those kinematics, we have performed the first analytic computation of the two-loop six-edged Wilson loop in general kinematics.Comment: 17 pages. Extended discussion on how the QMRK limit is taken. Version accepted by JHEP. A text file containing the Mathematica code with the analytic expression for the 6-point remainder function is include

    A New Algorithm For The Generation Of Unitarity-Compatible Integration By Parts Relations

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    Many multi-loop calculations make use of integration by parts relations to reduce the large number of complicated Feynman integrals that arise in such calculations to a simpler basis of master integrals. Recently, Gluza, Kajda, and Kosower argued that the reduction to master integrals is complicated by the presence of integrals with doubled propagator denominators in the integration by parts relations and they introduced a novel reduction procedure which eliminates all such integrals from the start. Their approach has the advantage that it automatically produces integral bases which mesh well with generalized unitarity. The heart of their procedure is an algorithm which utilizes the weighty machinery of computational commutative algebra to produce complete sets of unitarity-compatible integration by parts relations. In this paper, we propose a conceptually simpler algorithm for the generation of complete sets of unitarity-compatible integration by parts relations based on recent results in the mathematical literature. A striking feature of our algorithm is that it can be described entirely in terms of straightforward linear algebra.Comment: 20 pages; My apologies to Krzysztof Kajda for misspelling his name in v1; in v3: the labeling of the variables in (4.5) and eqs. (4.20) and (4.21) was adjusted to match the notation used in the rest of Section 4. I thank York Schroeder for pointing out the notational inconsistenc

    The Form Factors and Quantum Equation of Motion in the sine-Gordon Model

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    Using the methods of the 'form factor program' exact expressions of all matrix elements are obtained for several operators of the quantum sine-Gordon model alias the massive Thirring model. A general formula is presented which provides form factors in terms of an integral representation. In particular charge-less operators as for example the current of the topological charge, the energy momentum tensor and all higher currents are considered. In the breather sector it is found the quantum sine-Gordon field equation holds with an exact relation between the 'bare' mass and the normalized mass. Also a relation for the trace of the energy momentum is obtained. All results are compared with Feynman graph expansion and full agreement is found.Comment: TCI-LaTeX, 21 pages with 2 figur

    Hepta-Cuts of Two-Loop Scattering Amplitudes

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    We present a method for the computation of hepta-cuts of two loop scattering amplitudes. Four dimensional unitarity cuts are used to factorise the integrand onto the product of six tree-level amplitudes evaluated at complex momentum values. Using Gram matrix constraints we derive a general parameterisation of the integrand which can be computed using polynomial fitting techniques. The resulting expression is further reduced to master integrals using conventional integration by parts methods. We consider both planar and non-planar topologies for 2 to 2 scattering processes and apply the method to compute hepta-cut contributions to gluon-gluon scattering in Yang-Mills theory with adjoint fermions and scalars.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures. version 2 : minor updates, published versio

    An Integrand Reconstruction Method for Three-Loop Amplitudes

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    We consider the maximal cut of a three-loop four point function with massless kinematics. By applying Groebner bases and primary decomposition we develop a method which extracts all ten propagator master integral coefficients for an arbitrary triple-box configuration via generalized unitarity cuts. As an example we present analytic results for the three loop triple-box contribution to gluon-gluon scattering in Yang-Mills with adjoint fermions and scalars in terms of three master integrals.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Application of the DRA method to the calculation of the four-loop QED-type tadpoles

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    We apply the DRA method to the calculation of the four-loop `QED-type' tadpoles. For arbitrary space-time dimensionality D the results have the form of multiple convergent sums. We use these results to obtain the epsilon-expansion of the integrals around D=3 and D=4.Comment: References added, some typos corrected. Results unchange
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