682 research outputs found

    On Epsilon Expansions of Four-loop Non-planar Massless Propagator Diagrams

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    We evaluate three typical four-loop non-planar massless propagator diagrams in a Taylor expansion in dimensional regularization parameter ϵ=(4d)/2\epsilon=(4-d)/2 up to transcendentality weight twelve, using a recently developed method of one of the present coauthors (R.L.). We observe only multiple zeta values in our results.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, results unchanged, discussion improved, to appear in European Physical Journal

    Calculating multiloop integrals using dimensional recurrence relation and D-analyticity

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    We review the method of the calculation of multiloop integrals recently suggested in Ref.[Lee2010]. A simple method of derivation of the dimensional recurrence relation suitable for automatization is given. Some new analytic results are given.Comment: Talk presented at 10th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, Worlitz, Germany, 25-30 April 201

    Neutrino Mass and New Physics

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    We review the present state of and future outlook for our understanding of neutrino masses and mixings. We discuss what we think are the most important perspectives on the plausible and natural scenarios for neutrinos and what may have the most promise to throw light on the flavor problem of quarks and leptons. We focus on the seesaw mechanism which fits into the big picture of particle physics such as supersymmetry and grand unification providing a unified approach to flavor problem of quarks and leptons. We argue that in combination with family symmetries, this may be at the heart of a unified understanding of flavor puzzle. We also discuss other new physics ideas such as neutrinos in models with extra dimensions and possible theoretical implications of sterile neutrinos. We outline some tests for the various schemes.Comment: 90 pages and 9 figures; With permission from the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. Final version of this material is scheduled to appear in the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science Vol. 56, to be published in November 2006 by Annual Reviews (http://www.annualreviews.org); some references and parts of text update

    Master Integrals for Four-Loop Massless Propagators up to Transcendentality Weight Twelve

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    We evaluate a Laurent expansion in dimensional regularization parameter ϵ=(4d)/2\epsilon=(4-d)/2 of all the master integrals for four-loop massless propagators up to transcendentality weight twelve, using a recently developed method of one of the present coauthors (R.L.) and extending thereby results by Baikov and Chetyrkin obtained at transcendentality weight seven. We observe only multiple zeta values in our results. Therefore, we conclude that all the four-loop massless propagator integrals, with any integer powers of numerators and propagators, have only multiple zeta values in their epsilon expansions up to transcendentality weight twelve.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Screening of Dirac flavor structure in the seesaw and neutrino mixing

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    We consider the mechanism of screening of the Dirac flavor structure in the context of the double seesaw mechanism. As a consequence of screening, the structure of the light neutrino mass matrix, m_\nu, is determined essentially by the structure of the (Majorana) mass matrix, M_S, of new super-heavy (Planck scale) neutral fermions S. We calculate effects of the renormalization group running in order to investigate the stability of the screening mechanism with respect to radiative corrections. We find that screening is stable in the supersymmetric case, whereas in the standard model it is unstable for certain structures of M_S. The screening mechanism allows us to reconcile the (approximate) quark-lepton symmetry and the strong difference of the mixing patterns in the quark and lepton sectors. It opens new possibilities to explain a quasi-degenerate neutrino mass spectrum, special ``neutrino'' symmetries and quark-lepton complementarity. Screening can emerge from certain flavor symmetries or Grand Unification.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures; references added, discussion of the E6 model modifie

    Theta-13 as a Probe of Mu-Tau symmetry for Leptons

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    Many experiments are being planned to measure the neutrino mixing parameter θ13\theta_{13} using reactor as well as accelerator neutrino beams. In this note, the theoretical significance of a high precision measurement of this parameter is discussed. It is emphasized that it will provide crucial information about different ways to understand the origin of large atmospheric neutrino mixing and move us closer towards determining the neutrino mass matrix. For instance if exact μτ\mu\leftrightarrow \tau symmetry in the neutrino mass matrix is assumed to be the reason for maximal νμντ\nu_\mu-\nu_\tau mixing, one gets θ13=0\theta_{13}=0. Whether θ13Δm2/ΔmA2\theta_{13}\simeq \sqrt{\Delta m^2_{\odot}/\Delta m^2_A} or θ13Δm2/ΔmA2\theta_{13}\simeq \Delta m^2_{\odot}/\Delta m^2_A can provide information about the way the μτ\mu\leftrightarrow \tau symmetry breaking manifests in the case of normal hierarchy. We also discuss the same question for inverted hierarchy as well as possible gauge theories with this symmetry.Comment: 12 pages; no figures; latex; more exact expressions given for some parameters and minor typos corrected; paper accepted for publication in JHE

    Lepton Flavor Violating Z Decays in the Zee Model

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    We calculate lepton flavor violating (LFV) Z decays Z \to {{e_i^\pm}}e_j^\mp (i, j = e, \mu, \tau ; i\neq j) in the Zee model keeping in view the radiative leptonic decays e_i\to e_j\gamma (i = \mu, \tau ; j = e, \mu ; i\neq j), \mu decay and anomalous muon magnetic moment (\mu AMM). We investigate three different cases of Zee f_{ij} coupling (A) f_{e\mu}^2 = f_{\mu\tau}^2= f_{\tau e}^2, (B) f_{e\mu}^2 \gg f_{\tau e}^2 \gg f_{\mu\tau}^2, and (C) f_{\mu\tau}^2 \gg f_{e\mu}^2 \gg f_{\tau e}^2 subject to the neutrino phenomenology. Interestingly, we find that, although the case (C) satisfies the large excess value of \mu AMM, however, it is unable to explain the solar neutrino experimental result, whereas the case (B) satisfies the bi-maximal neutrino mixing scenario, but confronts with the result of \mu AMM experiment. We also find that among all the three cases, only the case (C) gives rise to largest contribution to the ratio B(Z\to e^\pm\tau^\mp)/B(Z\to \mu^\pm \mu^\mp) \simeq {10}^{-8} which is still two order less than the accessible value to be probed by the future linear colliders, whereas for the other two cases, this ratio is too low to be observed even in the near future for all possible LFV Z decay modes.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex, 2 figures, 3 Tables, typos corrected, reference added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Minimal SUSY SO(10) model and predictions for neutrino mixings and leptonic CP violation

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    We discuss a minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) model where B-L symmetry is broken by a {\bf 126} dimensional Higgs multiplet which also contributes to fermion masses in conjunction with a {\bf 10} dimensional superfield. This minimal Higgs choice provides a partial unification of neutrino flavor structure with that of quarks and has been shown to predict all three neutrino mixing angles and the solar mass splitting in agreement with observations, provided one uses the type II seesaw formula for neutrino masses. In this paper we generalize this analysis to include arbitrary CP phases in couplings and vevs. We find that (i) the predictions for neutrino mixings are similar with Ue30.18U_{e3}\simeq 0.18 as before and other parameters in a somewhat bigger range and (ii) that to first order in the quark mixing parameter λ\lambda (the Cabibbo angle), the leptonic mixing matrix is CP conserving. We also find that in the absence of any higher dimensional contributions to fermion masses, the CKM phase is different from that of the standard model implying that there must be new contributions to quark CP violation from the supersymmetry breaking sector. Inclusion of higher dimensional terms however allows the standard model CKM phase to be maintained.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Bi-large Neutrino Mixing and Mass of the Lightest Neutrino from Third Generation Dominance in a Democratic Approach

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    We show that both small mixing in the quark sector and large mixing in the lepton sector can be obtained from a simple assumption of universality of Yukawa couplings and the right-handed neutrino Majorana mass matrix in leading order. We discuss conditions under which bi-large mixing in the lepton sector is achieved with a minimal amount of fine-tuning requirements for possible models. From knowledge of the solar and atmospheric mixing angles we determine the allowed values of sin \theta_{13}. If embedded into grand unified theories, the third generation Yukawa coupling unification is a generic feature while masses of the first two generations of charged fermions depend on small perturbations. In the neutrino sector, the heavier two neutrinos are model dependent, while the mass of the lightest neutrino in this approach does not depend on perturbations in the leading order. The right-handed neutrino mass scale can be identified with the GUT scale in which case the mass of the lightest neutrino is given as (m_{top}^2/M_{GUT}) sin^2 \theta_{23} sin^2 \theta_{12} in the limit sin \theta_{13} = 0. Discussing symmetries we make a connection with hierarchical models and show that the basis independent characteristic of this scenario is a strong dominance of the third generation right-handed neutrino, M_1, M_2 < 10^{-4} M_3, M_3 = M_{GUT}.Comment: typos correcte

    Leptogenesis and low energy observables in left-right symmetric models

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    In the context of left-right symmetric models we study the connection of leptogenesis and low energy parameters such as neutrinoless double beta decay and leptonic CP violation. Upon imposition of a unitarity constraint, the neutrino parameters are significantly restricted and the Majorana phases are determined within a narrow range, depending on the kind of solar solution. One of the Majorana phases gets determined to a good accuracy and thereby the second phase can be probed from the results of neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. We examine the contributions of the solar and atmospheric mass squared differences to the asymmetry and find that in general the solar scale dominates. In order to let the atmospheric scale dominate, some finetuning between one of the Majorana phases and the Dirac CP phase is required. In this case, one of the Majorana phases is determined by the amount of CP violation in oscillation experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures. Matches version to appear in PR