64 research outputs found

    Compte rendu de : Illustrated atlas of the Himalaya / David Zurick, Julsun Pacheco, Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2006

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    In EBHR, n°3

    Essor du maraîchage à visée uniquement locale dans le Pharak, région touristique de l’Everest, Népal

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    Le Pharak, traversé par le chemin de trekking de l’Everest, voit défiler chaque année des milliers de randonneurs venus découvrir les paysages de haute montagne du Khumbu. Autrefois terre d’élevage, cette région est le théâtre d’importants changements socio-économiques depuis le début des années 1970. La population, essentiellement Sherpa, y délaisse peu à peu les activités agro-pastorales pour s’impliquer dans les métiers du tourisme. En générant des retombées économiques, en créant de la demande et en captant une partie de la main-d’œuvre, le tourisme engendre des modifications de l’agriculture de la région. Les échanges marchands se multiplient et l’on assiste à une reconfiguration du paysage agraire en fonction des opportunités de marché. Le maraîchage, notamment, prend de l’ampleur et fait l’objet d’un nouveau commerce local. Cet article a pour objectif de mettre en évidence le caractère original de ce mode d’exploitation du milieu qui s’est développé de pair avec l’essor du tourisme, mais indépendamment de la croissance des villes et de la construction des routes.Pharak region, traversed by the Everest trekking route, sees thousands of hikers every year who come to discover the Khumbu high-mountain landscapes. Formerly a land of pasture, this region has been the scene of significant socio-economic changes since the early 1970s. The population, mainly Sherpa, is gradually abandoning agro-pastoral activities to become more involved in the tourism industry. By generating economic benefits, creating demand and capturing a portion of the labour force, tourism is engendering important transformations in agriculture in the region. Trade exchanges are on the increase and we are witnessing a reconfiguration of the agrarian landscape according to market opportunities. Market gardening, in particular, is gaining momentum and is the subject of a new local business. Based on this example, this article aims to highlight the originality of this way of exploiting the environment, which has developed along with the growth of tourism, yet independently of urban growth and road construction

    Growth of market gardening for local sales in the Mount Everest tourist region of Pharak, Nepal

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    Pharak region, traversed by the Everest trekking route, sees thousands of hikers come through each year to discover the Khumbu high-mountain landscapes. Formerly a region devoted to livestock farming, Pharak has experienced significant socio-economic changes since the early 1970s. The predominantly Sherpa population is gradually abandoning agro-pastoral activities in favour of greater participation in the tourism industry. By generating economic benefits, creating demand and capturing part of the labour force, tourism is engendering important transformations in the region’s agriculture. Trade is on the increase and market opportunities are reconfiguring the agrarian landscape. Market gardening, in particular, is gaining momentum and has become a new local business. This article highlights the originality of this mode of farming, which has developed in tandem with the growth of tourism but independently of the growth of cities and the construction of roads

    Chapitre VI. Une lecture du territoire et du paysage des Tamang de Salmé

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    La Terre devient Terre des hommes lorsque, cessant d’être anonyme, elle est nommée par eux.Pinchemel, La Face de la Terre, 1988. Champ de recherche encore peu exploré en Himalaya, la toponymie est pourtant d’une grande richesse pour comprendre le territoire et le paysage de sociétés de culture orale qui vivent encore essentiellement des ressources de leur milieu naturel. Tel est le cas des Tamang de Salmé, au Népal central. Les caractéristiques naturelles du versant qu’ils occupent, la popula..

    Franco-Nepali conference on "People, environment and landscapes of the Himalayas" 19-20 april 2000: Conference report

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    International audienceA conference on ‘People, Environment and Landscapes of the Himalayas’ was held in Kathmandu on 19-20 April 2000 under the auspices of CNAS (Nepal) and CNRS (France). The papers presented were discussed by both Nepali and French scholars. The papers presented by the French scholars were summaries of research from an interdisciplinary programme sponsored by the Environmental Programme of CNRS, which has lasted for four years. A book presenting these data is under process. This programme aimed at a better understanding of the landscapes that can be seen today, their transformations and eventual environmental problems, the relationship of Himalayan societies (in Nepal and Ladakh) to their natural environment , and the ways they have used land and managed their resources over time


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    7 p., ISBN : 818470170

    Carte des milieux : Versant de Salme (Népal Central)

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    Particularités climatiques d'un grand versant de mousson himalayen

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    ENG : climate! climate zones! monsoon! Nepal! Himalayas.FRE : climat ! étage climatique ! mousson ! Nepal ! HimalayaSmadja Joëlle. Particularités climatiques d'un grand versant de mousson himalayen. In: Revue de géographie alpine, tome 79, n°2, 1991. pp. 99-119


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