303 research outputs found

    Entropic Stabilization of Tunable Planar Modulated Superstructures

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    Self-assembling novel ordered structures with nanoparticles has recently received much attention. Here we use computer simulations to study a two-dimensional model system characterized by a simple isotropic interaction that could be realized with building blocks on the nanoscale. We find that the particles arrange themselves into hexagonal superstructures of twin boundaries whose superlattice vector can be tuned reversibly by changing the temperature. Thermodynamic stability is confirmed by calculating the free energy with a combination of thermodynamic integration and the Frenkel-Ladd method. Different contributions to the free energy difference are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures plus 7 pages of supplementary figure

    Raman signatures of charge ordering in K0.3WO3

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    We present polarization- and temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopic study of hexagonal tungsten bronze, K0.3WO3. The observed asymmetry in phonon line shapes indicate the presence of strong lattice anharmonicity arising due to the nonstoichiometry of the material. We observed a broad multipeak Raman feature at low frequency due to the local modes of K atoms known as local structural excitations. The observed vibrational features indicate a second-order phase transition around T=200 K accompanied by a frequency softening of low-frequency phonon modes. The observed phonon anomalies hint a physical picture involving a continuous symmetry change toward a charge-ordered state below 200 K. These observations indicate that K0.3WO3 may exhibit a weak charge-density-wave ground state at low temperatures.

    Renormalization of bond valences: application to incommensurate intergrowth crystals

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    Superspace-group description of short-period commensurately modulated crystals

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    The symmetry of superstructures is described by an ordinary three-dimensional space group, based on a unit cell which is a multiple of the basic structure unit cell. Alternatively, superstructures can be looked upon as commensurately modulated structures. Then, the structure is described by its basic structure plus some distortion wave. In this paper the application to superstructures of superspace groups, originally devised to describe the symmetry of incommensurately modulated structures, is discussed. The Bravais classes of superspace groups for commensurately modulated structures are derived. A comparison is made between the superspace group and the ordinary three-dimensional space-group description for commensurately modulated structures. With the help of the structure of Ag0.35TiS2, the consequences for the interpretation of the diffraction pattern are discussed. Also, the nature and number of the independent parameters in the superspace-group approach are compared with the description of the structure by an ordinary space group

    Spectral Properties of Magnetic Excitations in Cuprate Two-Leg Ladder Systems

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    This article summarizes and extends the recent developments in the microscopic modeling of the magnetic excitations in cuprate two-leg ladder systems. The microscopic Hamiltonian comprises dominant Heisenberg exchange terms plus an additional four-spin interaction which is about five times smaller. We give an overview over the relevant energies like the one-triplon dispersion, the energies of two-triplon bound states and the positions of multi-triplon continua and over relevant spectral properties like spectral weights and spectral densities in the parameter regime appropriate for cuprate systems. It is concluded that an almost complete understanding of the magnetic excitations in undoped cuprate ladders has been obtained as measured by inelastic neutron scattering, inelastic light (Raman) scattering and infrared absorption.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, review for Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Two pressure-induced structural phase transitions in TiOCl

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    We studied the crystal structure of TiOCl up to pressures of pp=25~GPa at room temperature by x-ray powder diffraction measurements. Two pressure-induced structural phase transitions are observed: At pc1p_{c1}≈\approx15~GPa emerges an 2aa×\times2bb×\timescc superstructure with bb-axis unique monoclinic symmetry (space group P21_1/mm). At pc2p_{c2}≈\approx22~GPa all lattice parameters of the monoclinic phase show a pronounced anomaly. A fraction of the sample persists in the ambient orthorhombic phase (space group PmmnPmmn) over the whole pressure range.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A Raman study of the Charge-Density-Wave State in A0.3_{0.3}MoO3_3 (A = K,Rb)

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    We report a comparative Raman spectroscopic study of the quasi-one-dimensional charge-density-wave systems \ab (A = K, Rb). The temperature and polarization dependent experiments reveal charge-coupled vibrational Raman features. The strongly temperature-dependent collective amplitudon mode in both materials differ by about 3 cm, thus revealing the role of alkali atom. We discus the observed vibrational features in terms of charge-density-wave ground state accompanied by change in the crystal symmetry. A frequency-kink in some modes seen in \bb between T = 80 K and 100 K supports the first-order lock-in transition, unlike \rb. The unusually sharp Raman lines(limited by the instrumental response) at very low temperatures and their temperature evolution suggests that the decay of the low energy phonons is strongly influenced by the presence of the temperature dependent charge density wave gap.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure
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