19 research outputs found

    Management of Depression in Women

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    Nutritional knowlegde and lifestyle of obese patients with diagnosed obturative sleep apnea

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    Celem pracy była ocena wiedzy żywieniowej i i wybranych elementów stylu życia pacjentów otyłych z rozpoznanym OBS, leczonych w Dolnośląskim Centrum Chorób Płuc Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu. Ocenę stanu wiedzy żywieniowej przeprowadzono wśród 49 chorych, w tym 12 kobiet i 37 mężczyzn z rozpoznanym OBS, leczonych w Dolnośląskim Centrum Chorób Płuc we Wrocławiu. Do oceny wiedzy żywieniowej i wybranych elementów stylu życia wykorzystano autorski, standaryzowany kwestionariusz opracowany w Zakładzie Żywienia Człowieka Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu. Zawierał on różne pytania, dotyczące m.in. rodzaju aktywności fizycznej, częstości palenia papierosów. Mimo wykazanej częściowo dobrej wiedzy żywieniowej, jej wykorzystanie przez chorych na OBS w życiu codziennym budzi wiele zastrzeżeń. Może to prawdopodobnie wynikać z nie wiązaniem wiadomości o prawidłowym żywieniu z własnym stanem zdrowia. Stwierdzona w badanej grupie chorych na OBS otyłość i niska aktywność fizyczna, świadczą o konieczności włączenia do procesu leczenia indywidualnego poradnictwa dietetycznego.The study was aimed, therefore, at evaluating the nutritional knowledge and selected elements of lifestyle of obese patients with diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), treated at the Lower Silesia Center of Pulmonary Diseases in Wroclaw. Assessment of nutritional knowledge was conducted among 49 patients including 12 women and 37 men with diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), treated at the Lower Silesia Center of Pulmonary Diseases in Wroclaw. The nutritional knowledge and selected elements of lifestyle were evaluated by means of own-construct, standardized questionnaire elaborated at the Chair of Human Nutrition, Wroclaw University of Life and Environmental Sciences. It included questions from different fields referring to, among others: knowledge on rational nutrition, type of physical activity, frequency of cigarette smoking, etc. Despite the demonstrated some knowledge of good nutrition, its use by patients with OSA in everyday life raises many objections. This could possibly result from the message is not binding on the correct nutrition to their own health. Found in the studied group of patients with OSA obesity and low physical activity, evidence of the need to integrate into the process of treatment of individual dietary counseling

    Flexible Graphene-Silver Nanowires Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Directional Coupler

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    In this research paper, graphene-silver nanowires are demonstrated as the transmission line of directional coupler fabricated on an elastomeric substrate Polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS at 2.4 GHz for wireless wearable application. In the experimental process, highly conductive of 0.6 mg/ml silver nanowires (AgNWs) is embedded in the graphene dispersion and spin coated onto flexible PDMS elastomer. The proposed directional coupler provides excellent return loss lower than −10 dB, good mutual coupling of −3 ± 1 dB and comparable phase difference between output ports between S21 and S31 with value of 90° ± 1°. Comparison of return loss and phase difference between output port performances was performed in three different angles of bending, 0,° 90° and 180°. The simulation and measurement outcomes show promising results, indicate that graphene-silver nanowires on PDMS elastomer as a good material for flexible devices and able to withstand mechanical strains without degrading the performance of the directional coupler. The compact sizes and unique properties of the coupler can be realized for wireless wearable electronics applications