22 research outputs found

    Weed Management Affects Pasture Productivity and Livestock Performance - Tropical Perspective

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    Weed competition in pastures has a great impact on livestock productivity, as, in addition to competing with forage, it interferes with animal grazing. Without question, weeds can compete with forage for water, space, light and nutrients. Weeds reduce the feed value of forage, decrease pasture carrying capacity, and can be toxic or unpalatable to livestock. For most weeds in pasture, the root system is robust, which contributes to the survival of these plants, affecting the development of the pasture. Due to the large number of seeds, they usually produce, they are very easily dispersed. In addition, when there are weeds in the pasture, cattle tend to select the grazing site, keeping away from species that can harm them. Productivity losses resulting from competition between forage and weeds are extensively studied by the scientific community, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. Studies show that there is a direct relationship between the period of coexistence of forage and weeds in a pasture that impacts biomass productivity

    Forage Response and Economic Benefits to Weed Management in Grasslands

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    A common question among managers of grazing operations is “At what level of weed pressure does it become economical to apply herbicides on pastures?” Unfortunately, there isn’t just one answer to this question as production goals and practices differ between operations and even within an operation over time. Regardless, the real question being ask is if weed control will increase profit per acre. There are three basic avenues that may be taken to improve profit per acre through weed control. The first is to increase the carrying capacity of the grazing operation by controlling weeds and replacing them with desirable forage species that will support the required increase in animal units. The second is to use weed control to improve forage availability to the existing herd to support higher average daily gains (ADG) or improve body condition (BCS) of animals. The third is to simply improve animal health through control of toxic plants that may suppress animal performance or increase mortality. Here we will only focus on weed control for increased carrying capacity and improved animal performance

    Legume Re-Establishment in Pastures after the Application of Residual Herbicides

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    Integrated management of pastures and hayfields sometimes require the application of broadleaf herbicides to manage weeds. Weed infestations are usually caused by a variety of factors including but not limited to drought, poor grazing management, and feeding weed infested hay in pastures. Weeds can adversely affect livestock access to forage as well as reduce forage quantity and quality. Producers are often hesitant to apply herbicides to manage weeds because of the effect the herbicides will have on forage legumes present in the pasture

    Managing Vegetation In Grassland Habitats To Enhance Livestock Or Wildlife Objectives

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    Sustainably stewarding grassland systems involves applying various practices to manipulate forage interactions with other plants, the environment, and grazing animals to meet resource manager objectives. These interactions can result in invasion or encroachment and increased abundance of weeds which hinder attainment of management objectives. Weeds influence the structure and function of pasture ecosystems whether forages are grown in improved pastures, rangeland, or grassland communities. They degrade pasture quality and reduce livestock performance by interfering with forage establishment, yield, and quality by competing for resources. Weeds reduce the feed value of forage, decrease pasture carrying capacity, and can be toxic or unpalatable to livestock. Managing weeds requires use of vegetation management tools that favor desirable forages. Herbicides can be a catalyst that expedite grassland renovation, improve the forage resource, and increase carrying capacity. Corteva Agriscience has a variety of herbicide products that provide superior control of herbaceous and woody weeds, while maintaining the desirable vegetation. These herbicides were designed and developed specifically for selective broadleaf weed control in rangeland, pastures, rights-of-way, non-cropland, and natural areas. Active ingredients historically used include aminopyralid, triclopyr, fluroxypyr, clopyralid, and picloram. Rinskorℱ active and Arylexℱ active are new herbicide active ingredients from Corteva Agriscienceℱ and are members of a unique synthetic auxin chemotype, the arylpicolinates (HRAC group O / WSSA group 4). Members of the arylpicolinate family demonstrate novel and differentiated characteristics in terms of use rate, spectrum, weed symptoms, environmental fate, and molecular interaction as compared to other auxin chemotypes. When applied as a stand-alone treatment or in various mixes these products are safe to desirable grass species and control key herbaceous and woody weeds in the genera Ambrosia, Acacia, Carduus, Centaurea, Cirsium, Mimosa, Prosopis, Ranunculus, Rumex, Sida, Solanum, Taraxacum, and more

    Managing Vegetation in Grasslands Habitats to Meet Livestock or Wildlife Objectives

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    Sustainably stewarding grassland systems involves applying various practices to manipulate forage interactions with other plants, the environment, and grazing animals to meet resource manager objectives. These interactions can result in invasion or encroachment and increased abundance of weeds which hinder attainment of management objectives. Weeds influence the structure and function of pasture ecosystems whether forages are grown in improved pastures, rangeland, or grassland communities. They degrade pasture quality and reduce livestock performance by interfering with forage establishment, yield, and quality by competing for resources. Weeds reduce the feed value of forage, decrease pasture carrying capacity, and can be toxic or unpalatable to livestock. Managing weeds requires use of vegetation management tools that favor desirable forages. Herbicides can be catalysts that expedite grassland renovation, improve the forage resource, and increase carrying capacity. Corteva Agriscience has a variety of herbicide products that provide superior control of herbaceous and woody weeds, while maintaining the desirable vegetation. These herbicides were designed and developed specifically for selective broadleaf weed control in rangeland, pastures, rights-of-way, non-cropland, and natural areas. Active ingredients historically used include aminopyralid, triclopyr, fluroxypyr, clopyralid, and picloram. Rinskorℱ active and Arylexℱ active are new herbicide active ingredients from Corteva Agriscienceℱ and are members of a unique synthetic auxin chemotype, the arylpicolinates (HRAC group O / WSSA group 4). Members of the arylpicolinate family demonstrate novel and differentiated characteristics in terms of use rate, spectrum, weed symptoms, environmental fate, and molecular interaction as compared to other auxin chemotypes. When applied as a stand-alone treatment or in various mixes these products are safe to desirable grass species and control key herbaceous and woody weeds in the genera Ambrosia, Acacia, Carduus, Centaurea, Cirsium, Mimosa, Prosopis, Ranunculus, Rumex, Sida, Solanum, Taraxacum, and more

    A Solution to Weed Control in Grassland Containing White Clover

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    Productive grass with white clover can lead to advantages both in forage quantity and quality, economics and in meeting wider expectations detailed in recent EU and UK policy. The ability to achieve this agronomic success is currently difficult due to a lack of options for broad spectrum weed control that also allow establishment or preservation of a white clover population. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that 3730XL, developed by Corteva Agriscience, is a solution to this critical success factor. Data is presented from 16 efficacy trials (10 from established grassland and 5 from newly sown) where white clover cover of plots treated with 3730XL was recorded relative to an untreated plot. Data is also presented from 106 weed control trials, against a selection of species, demonstrating the efficacy of 3730XL split by grassland scenario. The evidence presented highlights the capability of 3730XL to both control a broad spectrum of weed species and allow the establishment or preservation of white clover. Consequently, growers are able to cultivate the associated benefits that this confers