5 research outputs found

    Entropy Based versus Combinatorial Product Configuration Complexity in Mass Customized Manufacturing

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    AbstractIncreased product differentiation in the context of mass-customized production causes significant changes in complexity of manufacturing and assembly systems. There are several approaches to defining product variety induced complexity. Our focus in this paper is to describe procedure to calculate product configuration complexity based on the Boltzmann's entropy theory. Proposed approach is applied on a realistic example of mass customized manufacture of washing machines. Subsequently, we compare obtained measures with product configuration measures based on a combinatorial method. On the basis of the computational experiments, strong correlation between the two mentioned approaches has been observed. Finally, obtained findings are commented

    Comparison of complexity indicators for assessing general process structures

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    Rad se bavi usporedbom različitih pokazatelja pri procjeni složenosti odabranih općih struktura procesa. Glavni cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje sposobnosti tih pokazatelja u otkrivanju očekivanih razlika u strukturnoj složenosti među promatranim općim strukturama procesa. Rezultati ovog teorijskog istraživanja pokazuju da svi predloženi pokazatelji mogu biti učinkovito upotrijebljeni pri analizi strukturne složenosti općih struktura procesa.This paper focuses on the comparison of different complexity indicators for complexity assessment of selected general process structures. The main objective in this study is to test their ability to uncover assumed differences in structural complexity among observed general process structures. The obtained results of this theoretical study show that all proposed indicators can be effectively used for analyzing structural complexity of general process structures

    Concept of SME Business Model for Industry 4.0 Environment

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    Ongoing technological development pushes industry towards the so called fourth industrial revolution. Considering new technology as a determinant of future business environment, we find it necessary to examine how platforms such as Industry 4.0 will change enterprises organization and business models. Designed model should serve as guidance for new and also already existing enterprises for implementing of Industry 4.0 required attributes especially in early stage. Main emphasis is given on software and cloud solutions that will become necessary despite the fact that in recent industrial SMEs they do not play significant role. Such transformation will raise crucial questions about funding new technologies


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    It is well known that high level of customer requirements and rapidly changing environment both induce complexity. The main reason for the failure of majority mass customized applications and projects is an increasing overall complexity of the system while relevant solutions for the overall production complexity reduction are still missing. The paper presents an overview of variety induced complexities in assembly operations capable and assessing the impact of assembly variety on performance, and reveals problems arising between quality and complexity. This paper aims to describe the current views to complexity, its measurement and management within assembly processes in mass customized productions and presents proposals for future development in the area

    Decision-Making Approach to Selecting Optimal Platform of Service Variants

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    Nowadays, it is anticipated that service sector companies will be inspired to follow mass customization trends of industrial sector. However, services are more abstract than products and therefore concepts for mass customization in manufacturing domain cannot be transformed without a methodical change. This paper is focused on the development of a methodological framework to support decisions in a selection of optimal platform of service variants when compatibility problems between service options occurred. The approach is based on mutual relations between waste and constrained design space entropy. For this purpose, software for quantification of constrained and waste design space is developed. Practicability of the methodology is presented on a realistic case