16 research outputs found

    Prenošenje otpornosti prema Sclerotinia iz divljeg u gajeni suncokret - kombinovanje konvencionalnih i laboratorijskih tehnika

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    Five populations of each H. molis, H. maximiliani, H. rigidus and H. tuberosus were screened for resistance to stem form of Sclerotinia. On the basis of the results obtained by screening, nine crosses of resistant populations with either other wild species populations or with cultivated sunflower were made. As in some crosses a small quantity of seed was produced and the seeds germinated poorly, modified tissue culture methods were used to enhance germination and produce clones of interesting plants. These methods were found to be efficient both for seed germination and plant production and multiplication.Testirano je po pet populacija H. molis, H. maximiliani, H. rigidus i H. tuberosus na otpornost prema Sclerotinia stabla. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata izvršeno je devet ukrštanja otpornih populacija sa drugim divljim vrstama ili gajenim suncokretom. Kako je u nekim slučajevima dobijena mala količina semena koja su slabo klijala, korišćene su modifikovane metode kulture tkiva da bi se povećala klijavost i proizveli klonovi interesantnih biljaka. Ove metode su se pokazale efikasnima i za naklijavanje semena i za proizvodnju i umnožavanje biljaka

    The effect of dietary supplementation with different forms and levels of organic chromium on broilers meat quality

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    This paper deals with the effect of supplementation with the three different preparations of organic chromium complexes: the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid complex with chromium; chromium (III)­lysine and chromium picolinate, on broilers meat quality. In every preparation supplementing broilers diet chromium was present at the three different levels: 0.2; 0.4 and 0.6 mg/kg. The meat quality was monitored with respect to the following parameters: the contents of fat, protein, minerals and water. It was observed that the fat content in broilers white meat was significantly lower if their diet was supplemented with 0.4 mg/kg chromium in the form of chromium(III)­lysine. In addition, different kinds of preparations influenced the protein, fat and water content in the white meat. Water content in white and red meat was lower in all experimental groups if compared to the control. However, the protein content in white and red meat was higher in experimental groups than in the control one

    Efekat naftenskih kiselina na ožiljavanje mikroizbojaka bele topole (Populus alba L.)

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    Naphtenic acids, by-product in oil refinement, are well known soil pollutants and active substances in preparations for plant and wood protection. The results of multiannual research indicated the possibility of their utilization for stimulation of cutting rooting. Two to three cm high shoots of Populus alba cl. LBM genotype were set for one hour on ACM medium with 4, 16 or 48 μM concentration of indol-3-butyric acid, 1-naphthalene acetic acid or Na-salts of naphthenic acids (for which the effect of 10 and 30 minutes treatment on medium with 48 μM was also examined). Then, treated micro-shoots were transferred on ACM medium without hormones. The differences among treatments were the most distinguishable for rooting percentage after two weeks of cultivation. One-hour treatment on the medium with 16 μM and 30 minutes treatment on medium with 48 μM of Na-naphthenates gave the best results. .Naftenske kiseline, nusproizvodi u procesu rafinacije nafte, su poznati zagađivači zemljišta i aktivna materija sredstava za zaštitu biljka i drveta. Rezultati višegodišnjih istraživanja ukazuju i na mogućnost njihove upotrebe kao sredstava za stimulaciju oživljavanja reznica. Dva do tri cm visoki mikroizbojci genotipa Populus alba cl. LBM su jedan čas bili postavljeni na ACM podlozi sa 4, 16 ili 48 μM koncentracijom indolbuterne kiseline, naftilsirćetne kiseline ili Na-soli naftenskih kiselina (kod kojih je ispitan i uticaj 10-to i 30-to minutnog tretmana pri koncentraciji 48 μM). Zatim su mikroizbojci postavljeni na ACM podlogu bez hormona. Razlike među tretmanima su se najviše ispoljile u procentu ožiljavanja nakon dve nedelje kultivacije. Jednočasovni tretmani na podlozi sa 16 μM i polučasovni na podlozi sa 48 μM Na-naftenata su dali najbolje rezultate.

    Effects of Naphthenic Acids on Rooting of In Vitro Grown Sequoia sempervirens

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    The study describes the effect of naphthenates and their fractions on rooting of in vitro grown Sequoia sempervirens (Lamb. ex D. Don) Endl. shoots. Natural naphthenic acids have been isolated by alkaline extraction from the middle gas fraction of the crude oil. Sequoia sempervirens shoots (1 cm in length) were grown on Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) medium supplemented with either total naphthenate preparation, naphthenate fractions obtained by extraction on different pH (pH 2, pH 4, pH 7 and pH 9), or indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) in different concentrations (twenty treatments tested). The rooting testing was based on number and total length of roots formed after four weeks of in vitro growth. Similarly to total length of roots, the highest number of roots per explant (approximate to 7) was achieved in medium containing 50 mu M of the naphthenate fraction extracted at pH 2 and in medium containing 50 mu M of the fraction extracted at pH 9. That is triple higher than in the control and significantly better than in the best IBA-treatment (50 mu M IBA), where five roots per explants in average were formed. Similar to the results obtained for some agricultural and tree forest species, our results with Sequoia sempervirens confirm the possibility of rooting stimulation by naphthenates

    Fractionation of complex mixtures of naphthenic acids, their characterization and biological activity

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    Naphthenic acids (NAs) are complex mixtures of cycloaliphatic and alkyl-substituted acyclic carboxylic acids whose overall characteristics are determined by the composition of the mixture. A complex mixture of NAs from a commercial fraction of atmospheric oil of the Vojvodina naphthenic crude "Velebit" (Serbia) was separated into narrower fractions on the basis of their acidity. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis of the fractions showed the occurrence of structural differentiation of acids. By extraction at pH 3-5, about 50% of the total mass of acids was separated, consisting predominantly of tricyclic and bicyclic structures. Acids of lower acidity, (about 22%), separated at pH 9 and 10, and their dominant constituents were acids with three, four and five rings. A correlation was found between the dominant structure and the biological activity of NAs of the fractions. The fraction extracted at pH 8, also with dominant bicyclic and tricyclic structures, showed the highest auxin and gibberellin activities

    Naftenske kiseline - alternativni stimulatori ožiljavanja kod mikroizbojaka bagrema

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    The study describes the rooting effect of naphthenates and their fractions on in vitro grown Robinia pseudoacacia L. shoots. Natural naphthenic acids have been isolated by alkaline extraction from middle fraction of crude oil type “Velebit” from Vojvodina, characterized and fractionated. Black locust shoot bases were immersed in ACM medium [Ahuja, 1984] without agar supplemented with either 10, 50 or 100 µM of basic naphthenate preparation, naphthenate fractions obtained by extraction at different pHs (pH 2, pH 4, pH 7 and pH 9), or indole3-butyric acid (IBA). Treated shoots have been then grown on hormone-free medium for four weeks. Significant differences among test treatments were recorded during the third and the fourth week of in vitro cultivation. Final evaluation was performed on the basis of rooting percentage after four weeks of cultivation. The highest rooting percentage (>70%) was achieved after the treatment with solution containing 50 µM of IBA. However, treatment with 10 µM of naphthenate preparation achieved also positive effect on rooting (>60%). Average rooting percentage in the control treatment was just 45%. Our results with black locust confirm previous results gained with some other agricultural and forest tree species that naphthenates have the potential to stimulate rooting in shoots and cuttings.Rad opisuje efekat naftenata na ožiljavanje mikroizbojaka bagrema in vitro. Naftenske kiseline su izolovane baznom ekstrakcijom iz srednje frakcije sirove nafte tipa “Velebit”, koja je opisana u ranijim radovima. Donji deo mikroizbojka je uronjen jedan minut u tečni ACM medijum [Ahuja, 1984] u koji je dodato 10, 50 ili 100 µM osnovne mešavine natrijum-naftenata ili njenih pojedinih frakcija dobijenih ekstrakcijom na različitim pH (pH 2, pH 4, pH 7 ili pH 9), odnosno 10, 50, 100 µM ili 1g/l indol-3-buterne kiseline (IBA). Kontrolni tretman je činio ACM medijum bez ispitivanih aktivnih materija. Tretirani mikroizbojci su zatim gajeni na čvrstoj ACM podlozi bez hormona. Značajne razlike među ispitivanim tretmanima su zabeležene tokom treće i četvrte nedelje uzgoja u in vitro uslovima. Konačna ocena je izvedena na osnovu procenta ožiljavanja nakon četiri nedelje uzgoja. Najviši procenat ožiljavanja je postignut rastvorom sa 10 µM natrijum naftenata, nakon čega je ostvaren značajan pozitivan efekat na procenat ožiljavanja (>60%) u odnosu na kontrolni tretman (oko 45%). Rezultati do kojih smo došli kod bagrema potvrđuju ranije rezultate koji su dobijeni kod poljoprivrednih i šumskih drvenastih vrsta o mogućnosti stimulacije ožiljavanja mikroizbojaka i reznica solima naftenskih kiselina

    Effect of naphthenic acids on formation of adventitious roots in sunflower cuttings

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    The paper describes a study of the effect of salts of natural naphthenic acids on the rooting of young sunflower cuttings and latteral branching of interspecies sunflower hybrids. Naphthenic acids were obtained by alkaline extraction from atmospheric gas oil fraction of Vojvodina crude oil "Velebit" and purified by column chromatography on alumina. Their sodium salts in concentrations of 1×10-7 mol/dm3 stimulated the formation of adventitious roots in sunflower cuttings even by a factor of 40 compared with control, the effect being also observed in lateral branches of interspecies sunflower hybrids. The obtained results suggest the possibility of using naphthenic acids as a means for rooting of plant cuttings

    Enhancement of Antioxidant and Isoflavones Concentration in Gamma Irradiated Soybean

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    Serbian soybean genotype Ana was gamma irradiated at doses of 1, 2, 4, and 10 kGy in order to evaluate the influence of gamma irradiation on isoflavone (genistein, daidzein, and their glycosides genistin and daidzin) contents and hydroxyl radical scavenging effect (HRSE). The increase in genistin and daidzin contents as well as antioxidant activities was observed especially at doses of 4 and 10 kGy. Results were also compared with our previous results relating to total phenol content (TPC), DPPH radical scavenger capacity (DPPH RSC), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Our results indicated that doses up to 10 kGy improve the antioxidant activities of soybean and also nutritional quality with respect to isoflavone content. All results were analyzed by multivariate techniques (correlation matrix calculation and autoscaling transformation of data). Significant positive correlations were observed between genistin, daidzin, DPPH RSC, and HRSE

    Eco-friendly microwave-assisted synthesis of biologically active naphthenic acid n-cyclohexyl amides

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    Inside the framework of green chemistry, a noticeable results were obtained in microwaveassisted solvent-free synthesis of biologically active N-cyclohexyl amides of naphthenic acids (NAs). Naphthenic acid amides were synthesized directly from free carboxylic acids in the absence of solvent and catalyst. Synthesized N-cyclohexyl amides of naphthenic acid were evaluated for their auxin activity

    Promene intenziteta lipidne peroksidacije u reznicama podloga za višnju i trešnju tretiranim auksinima

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    In order to investigate the effect of phytohormones exogenous auxins on the level of the mechanical injury induced oxidative stress, intensity of lipid peroxidation (LP) was measured in rootstocks of cherry softwood cuttings. Basal part of the cuttings and leaves of five rootstocks (Mahaleb 1 and 2, Gisela 5, European ground cherry (EGC) and “Oblačinska” sour cherry) were sampled 0, 2, 4 and 6 days after cutting. Cuttings were treated with 0.5% solutions of three auxins: α-naphthylacetic acid (NAA), indolebutyric acid (IBA) and combination of these two (INCIT K). Results obtained for the LP intensity varied depending on the rootstock, plant organ and auxin applied. The best LP-lowering effect of auxins occurred in all genotypes when treated with NAA. In the leaves, the LP peaked on the 2nd day, while the best LP-lowering effect was recorded in European ground cherry rootstocks on the 4th day, independently of auxin applied. The highest MDA production in leaves was recorded in Mahaleb 2 and European ground cherry rootstocks treated with IBA (60-90% higher than control) two days after the cuttings were made. It has been established that in the most of the rootstocks examined auxins showed lowering effect on LP which points to their positive effect, not only on rooting of softwood cuttings, but on their antioxidant protection system, as well.U radu je ispitan nivo oksidativnog stresa izazvanog mehaničkom povredom biljke prilikom proizvodnje reznica, u bazalnom delu i listovima pet podloga za višnju i trešnju (Magriva 1 i 2, Gizela 5, Stepska (EGC) i “Oblačinska” višnja). Istovremeno, reznice su tretirane 0.5% rastvorima tri auksina (α-naftilsirćetna kiselina, NAA, indol- buterna kiselina, IBA i kombinacija ovih hormona, INCIT K), u periodu od 60 min, kako bi se utvrdio efekat auksina na antioksidantni status reznica višnje. Uzorci su uzimani nakon 0, 2, 4 i 6 dana. Kontrolu su činile reznice držane u vodi bez hormona. Intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije (LP) je meren kao produkcija malondialdehida (MDA), spektrofotometrijski na 532 nm, i izražen je u nmol MDA g-1 sveže mase. Dobijeni rezultati su varirali u zavisnosti od podloge, organa biljke i primenjenih auksina. Utvrđeno je da je intenzitet LP u bazalnom delu bio najveći prvog dana, na- kon ozleđivanja, a da su svi ispitivani auksini snižavali produkciju MDA u narednim danima. Najbolji efekat pokazala je Magriva 1 tretirana sa NAA. U listovima, LP je bila najveća 2. dana, a najbolji efekat na smanjenje pokazali su primenjeni auksini u Stepskoj višnji (4. dana). Najveća produkcija MDA u listovima zabeležena je u Magrivoj 2 i Stepskoj višnji tretiranih sa IBA, 2. dana nakon odsecanja reznica (60-90% više od kontrole). Utvrđeno je da u većini podloga pod dejstvom ispitivanih hormona dolazi do smanjenja intenziteta LP što ukazuje na pozitivan efekat primenjenih auksina, ne samo na ožiljavanje reznica nego i na njihov antioksidantni sistem