1,493 research outputs found

    Power and multistakeholderism in internet global governance. Towards a synergetic theoretical framework

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    With the advancement of multistakeholder collaboration as a governance principle in theglobal Internet Governance, how to investigate the political process in a ‘shared power’environment emerges as a challenging methodological issue. In this paper, a synergetic theoretical approach is proposed to the study of Internet governance political process, which focuses on the concept of power, and crosses the boundaries of three academic fields, namely, Political Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations, and Organization Studies. This approach aggregates, in a descending analytical manner, concepts intrinsically linked to the contemporary shifting governance paradigm (i.e. governmentality, global governance, global public-policy networks, shared power, multistakeholder collaboration). In addition, such an approach brings the collaborative process into focus (rather than the decisions it leads to) by accentuating the productive potential of a collaboration based on the ‘shared power’ formula. Each of those theoretical reflections on shifting power relations provides building elements for a synergetic theoretical framework that can be, and has been, applied to the investigation of the emergent Internet governance regime. As a result, stakeholder alliances can be mapped, instances of power dynamics can be discerned, and some longitudinal tangible and intangible outcomes of the multistakeholder collaboration can be envisioned

    Mogućnosti održivog razvoja industrije u Srbiji

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    Industry is one of the most endangering sources of the environmental quality, even in case when the production process indicates minimal polluting emissions. The ecological consequences of industrial production might be quite essential, especially because of the use of non-renewable resources, emissions of damaging materials and environmental risks.Industrija je jedan od važnih izvora ugrožavanja kvaliteta životne sredine čak i onda kada proizvodni proces ima minimalne emisije zagađujućih materija. Ekološke konsekvence industrijske proizvodnje mogu da budu veoma značajne, posebno zbog upotrebe neobnovljivih resursa, emisija štetnih materija i rizika po okruženje

    Foreign investments and environmental protection in FRY

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    The work analyses interrelations between foreign direct investments and environmental protection in Yugoslavia/Serbia in legistrature and in space planning. It points out that globalization and more recent tendency in development of economic activities have initiated a strategic allocation of capital and different models of foreign investments. It also points to different models of foreign investments, the greatest role among which may be attached to joint venture, B.O.T. investment system, concessions, multilateral investment contracts etc

    Development and Challenges in Front of Clusters in Bulgaria

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    The importance of clusters for economic development, competitiveness and innovation is growing, and the diverse nature of cluster initiatives is becoming a popular approach to their creation, validation and development in sectors where both resources and opportunities are available. The elaboration presents the development of the clusters and their role for the modern Bulgarian economy, the conducted national policy in the sphere, the applied instruments in the context of the EU policy. The aim is to present the development of clusters in Bulgaria, highlighting the specificity of the implemented cluster initiatives and defining some challenges for their future development. Increasing competitiveness through cluster development is seen as a key strategic tool for achieving socio-economic development. It is emphasised that the success of cluster initiatives depends on companies and Bulgarian producers, striving through joint efforts to achieve higher competitiveness

    Evaluation of the current urban land system in Serbia

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    A preliminary evaluation of the current urban land system is presented in the article together with the instruments of land policy in Serbia. It is concluded that due to the limitations of the current regulation it will be impossible in the future to apply market principles in the urban land policy (supply and demand of land, land capitalization, investment efficiency, et al.). Based on the estimation that the urban land system and land policy are key factors of competitiveness between regions and towns in Serbia, it is necessary to initiate changes in this field. A comparative analysis of the elements of the current urban land system in Serbia has been carried out in relation to two market systems: (a) with dominant private ownership of urban land (neoliberal approach) and (b) with dominant public ownership of urban land (Scandinavian approach) whose findings can be a basis for further study of the new system in Serbia

    Stroški gospodarjenja za splošno koristne funkcije gozdov

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    Razvoj i teritorijalni razmeštaj industrije u Srbiji

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    U radu se ukazuje na probleme politike prostornog razvoja industrije u Srbiji u dosadašnjem periodu, u kontekstu korišćenja resursa i zaštite životne sredine. Ukazuje se na moguće ekološke posledice perspektiva industrijskog razvoja prema Prostornom planu Republike Srbije i "Strategiji razvoja Srbije do 2010. godine". Identifikovani su neodrživi trendovi i procesi, kao što su: neefikasnost (ekscesivna) korišćenja neobnovljivih resursa u industriji (energenata, mineralnih resursa, vode i dr); degradacija prostora/životne sredine i kvaliteta lokacija i razvoj ekološki visokorizičnih industrija (hemijska industrija, petrohemijska industrija, rafinerije nafte, crna i obojena metalurgija i dr) i tretman (odlaganje) industrijskog otpada. Ukazuje se na potrebu primene/uvođenja politike održivog industrijskog razvoja u Srbiji

    Regional competitiveness and territorial industrial development in Serbia

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    In the paper are investigated the regional competitiveness and the territorial aspects of industry in Serbia. There are analyzed the key recent movement in industrial development of Serbia and macrolocational factors and territorial organization of industry. The research of possible structural changes of industry and identification of its key development sectors is the important component of territorial development analysis in Serbia. This paper points to the kinds and types of industrial zones and industrial parks as fundamental models of regional and urban development of that activity with critical retrospection on the industrial zones in Serbia (greenfield and brownfield industrial locations). There are shown results of evaluation the regional competitiveness from a stand-point of possibilities of industrial development on the regional level (NUTS 3) by comparative analyzes and Spider method. Results are used as one of the bases for making preliminary draft of territorial development scenario of this activity in Serbia and for the possible allocation of the future industrial zones and industrial parks in region level