282 research outputs found
Ninety years of the antituberculosis mission of the Topolšica Hospital (1919-2009)
Na poticaj intelektualnih krugova, Klub za prirodne znanosti u Rijeci (Naturwissenschaftlichen Club in Fiume/Club di scienze naturali in Fiume) osnovan je 28. studenoga 1883. nakon odobrenja Statuta. Kao zanimljivost Statuta može se navesti da su se predavanja mogla održavati na bilo kojem jeziku (Čl. 23). Među aktivnim članovima Kluba bilo je i nekoliko žena, a Rosa Fatour, ravnateljica građanske škole, već je 1889. održala predavanje “Osvrt na razvoj antropologije”. Od 1896. započelo se s izdavanjem Priopćenja Kluba za prirodne znanosti, dvojezičnoga njemačko-talijanskog izdanja u kojem su se uz izvješća s predavanja, publicirali i značajniji znanstveni i stručni radovi. Unutar Kluba djelovalo je i nekoliko sekcija:
1. Komitet za Röntgen, osnovan 1896. s ciljem nabave rendgenskog aparata, što je i ostvareno 1897. Predajom aparata gradskoj bolnici 1899., rad je tog komiteta završen;
2. Fotografska sekcija osnovana je krajem 1896., a prvi predsjednik bio je A. Riegler. Ova je sekcija povremeno organizirala izložbe fotografija na kojima su i žene bile aktivne sudionice;
3. Sekcija za prethistorijska istraživanja osnovana je 1896., nakon otkrića ostataka kaštelira na području Velog Vrha na Drenovi. Usko je surađivala s Gradskim muzejom. Od same ideje o osnivanju do 1902., prof. Salcher obnašao je sve dužnosti u Klubu, bio je urednik njemačkog dijela Priopćenja, sam je održao 31 predavanje, a bio je aktivan u Komitetu za Röntgen i u Fotografskoj sekciji. Aktivnost Kluba nedjeljiva je od rada prof. Salchera, čiju obljetnicu rođenja i smrti obilježavamo.The beginnings of the hospital reach back to the discovery of a thermal spring in the sixteenth century, which became a public bath and eventually a spa in 1838. In 1919, the government of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes purchased the premises and converted the spa into a tuberculosis sanatorium. The institution prospered rapidly and began to expand. During its heyday, it included around thirty buildings with 300 hospital beds. In addition to climatic and dietary therapy, surgical treatment was also practiced and, following the discovery of antibiotics, tuberculosis was largely contained by the mid 1960s. The leading physicians who fought against tuberculosis were Otto Haus, Karel Lušicky, Vaso Savić, Mirko Karlin, and Josip Otahal. The post-tuberculosis period was characterised by a search for a new mission; new connections were formed with the hospital in Celje (in 1970) and the Velenje health centre (in 1976). Since 1993, the institution has operated as an independent pulmonary and internal medicine hospital in the Šalek Valley
Razvoj nuklearne medicine v Sloveniji in Ljubljani. Pol stoletja nuklearne medicine pri Slovencih
Background. Nuclear medicine began to be developed in the USA after 1938 when radionuclides were introduced into medicine and in Europe after radionuclides began to be produced at the Harwell reactor (England, 1947). Slovenia began its first investigations in the 1950s. This article describes the development of nucleor medicine in Slovenia and Ljubljana. The first nuclear medicine interventions were performed in Slovenia at the Internal Clinic in Ljubljana in the period 1954-1959. ln 1954, Dr Jože Satler started using radioactive iodine for thyroid investigations. In the same year, Dr Bojan Varl, who is considered the pioneer of nuclear medicine in Slovenia, began systematically introducing nuclear medicine. The first radioisotope laboratories were established in January 1960 at the Institute of Oncology and at the Internal Clinic. Under the direction of Dr. Varl, the laboratory at the Internal Clinicdeveloped gradually and in 1973 became the Clinic for Nuclear Medicine with departments for in viva and in vi/ro diagnostics and for the treatment ofinpatients and outpatients at the thyroid department. The Clinic for NuclearMedicine beca me a teaching unit of the Medical Faculty and developed its own post-graduate programme- the first student enrolled in 1972. In the 1960s, radioisotope laboratories opened in the general hospitals of Slovenj Gradec and Celje, and in the I 970s also in Maribor. Izola and Šempeter pri Novi Gorici. Conclusions. Nowadays, nuclear medicine units are modernly equipped and the staff is trained in morphological, functional and laboratory diagnostics in c1inical medicine. They also work on the treatment of cancer, increased thyroid function and other diseases
Challenges in a Social Enterprise from the Case of a Social Enterprise in Slovenia
There are a growing number of studies exploring the capacity building and business aspects of social enterprise in an attempt to increase the understanding of business sustainability and resilience in the social economy. However, little is known about how social enterprises or social entrepreneurs emerging from notfor-profit sectors have faced challenges. In this study, we focus on a hospitality social enterprise founded by NGO workers in Slovenia as a single case study. We investigated challenges that a social entrepreneur and her team faced when pursuing sustainable social business. We uncovered several challenges at different levels, which existing studies have neglected. We found two organisational level challenges, such as managing the dual purpose of a social enterprise and absence of a business strategy, and two HRM level challenges, such as people management and leadership issue. This study can pave a path for future studies to focus on various challenges and even some resolutions
Human Resource Management Challenges in a Slovenian Social Enterprise: A Case Study
There is a growing number of studies exploring social enterprise in order to increase the understanding of business sustainability and resilience in the social economy. However, little is known about how social enterprises or social entrepreneurs emerging from not-for-profit sectors have faced human resource management (HRM) challenges in practice. In this study, we focus on a hospitality social enterprise founded by social workers in Slovenia as a single case study. Through a series of combined interview and observation methods, we investigate the HRM challenges this social entrepreneur faced when pursuing sustainable social business. We uncovered four strategic and HRM challenges that contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the social enterprise literature. This study paves the way for future studies to focus on HRM in social enterprise
Physicians throughout the world began to form associations in the first half of the nineteenth century, in order to realise their common interests more easily through them. A medical society was formed among the Slovenes in 1861. The contribution on the occasion of the 145th anniversary describes the development in the various periods of turbulent national history conditioned mainly by the socio-political arrangement.U prvoj polovici XIX. stoljeća liječnici diljem svijeta počeli su osnivati svoje udruge radi zaštite osobnih i interesa struke. Društvo slovenskih liječnika utemeljeno je 1861. godine. U povodu 145. obljetnice opisan je razvoj društva tijekom razdoblja burne nacionalne povijesti
uvjetovane društvenopolitičkim događanjima
Ethnologia Europaea u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji: Branimir Bratanić (1910. – 1986.) i Vilko Novak (1909. – 2003.)
The author deals with a chapter from the histories of Croatian and Slovenian ethnology, particularly the period of the 1950s, when both national ethnological disciplines were engaged with the issue of the relationship between general and regional/national ethnology. As far as concerns this relationship, Branimir Bratanić and Vilko Novak, both university professors at that time, followed the contemporary line of discussions in European ethnology (EE). They presented the "novelties" and advocated the integration of specific national traditions in EE, adapting them by respecting disciplinary legacies and current state of the discipline in their home countries as well as their educational agendas and broader research practices. For this reason, this study also includes a comparative presentation of some disciplinary convergences and divergences right before this particular period: the links between Croatian and Slovenian ethnology that come to light when emphasising the conceptualization of the research field, institutional history, and contacts among researchers.Rad se bavi poglavljem iz povijesti hrvatske i slovenske etnologije, točnije razdobljem 1950ih godina, kada su se nacionalne etnologije dviju zemalja bavile odnosima između opće i regionalne/nacionalne etnologije. Što se tiče toga odnosa, Branimir Bratanić i Vilko Novak, obojica sveučilišni profesori, slijedili su suvremene ideje koje su bile dio tadašnjeg koncepta europske etnologije (EE). Zagovarali su \u27inovacije\u27 i spajanje specifičnih nacionalnih tradicija europske etnologije u svojim zemljama, koje su međusobno prilagođavali kroz poštivanje disciplinarnih nasljeđa i tadašnje situacije u etnologiji u svakoj zemlji, kao i poštivanje obrazovnih zahtjeva i širih istraživačkih praksi. Zbog tog razloga, članak uključuje i komparativnu analizu nekih disciplinarnih podudarnosti i nepodudarnosti koje su se dogodile u razdoblju koje je neposredno prethodilo 1950-ima: veza između hrvatske i slovenske etnologije koje su bile rezultatom konceptualizacije područja istraživanja, institucionalne povijesti i kontakata između istraživača
Na poti k etnološkim pogledom in podobam
Prispevek predstavlja izhodišča, izvedbo in nekatera spoznanja raziskovalnega projekta »Etnološki pogledi in podobe med 19. in 21. stoletjem«, ki jih gre razumeti kot preiskavo možnosti, kako zasnovati reprezentativno delo o podobi kulture in kulturnih procesov na Slovenskem. Od konca 19. stoletja so se korenito spreminjali in spremenili kulturna podoba (v najširšem etnološkem pomenu izraza kultura), prizorišča vsakdanjega življenja, potrebe, načini komunikacije, vrednote, identitetni vzorci itn., hkrati pa je to tudi čas, ko je sodobna etnološka-folkloristična veda dozorevala iz domoznanskih in filoloških podlag v znanstveno disciplino. Ujetost v ta čas je označila zasnovo projekta, ki ga je usmerjala ambicija po spoznanjih o presečiščih in stičiščih med empirično zaznavnim in znanstvenimi posegi vanj, po razbiranju »pogledov« na raziskovano resničnost in razkrivanju »podob« o njej.
This article presents the background, implementation, and some findings of the research project Etnološki pogledi in podobe med 19. in 21. stoletjem (Ethnological Perspectives and Images between the Nineteenth and Twenty-First Centuries), which are to be understood as a study of the possibilities to design a representative work on culture and cultural processes in Slovenia. From the end of the nineteenth century onwards, the images of culture (or culture in the broadest ethnological meaning), venues of everyday life, needs, communication modes, values, identity patterns, and so on have changed radically; at the same time, this has been a period in which modern ethnology and folklore studies have matured from local studies and philology into a scholarly discipline. Restriction to this period has marked the design of the project, which has been guided by the ambition to know more about the intersections and crossroads between empirically perceivable elements and scholarly interventions in them, to comprehend the “views” of the reality studied, and to reveal “images” connected with it
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