6 research outputs found

    Spinal-Induced Hypotension in Preeclamptic and Healthy Parturients Undergoing Cesarean Section

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    BACKGROUND: There is a widespread belief that spinal anaesthesia in patients with preeclampsia might cause severe hypotension and decreased uteroplacental perfusion. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence and severity of spinal induced-hypotension in preeclamptics and healthy parturients. METHODS: Total of 78 patients (40 healthy and 38 preeclamptic) undergoing a C-Section with spinal anaesthesia were included. Spinal anaesthesia was performed with a mixture of 8-9 mg isobaric 0.5% bupivacaine, 20 mcg fentanyl and 100 mcg morphine (total volume 2.2-2.4 ml). Blood pressures (BP)-SBP, DBP, MAP were recorded non-invasively before performing spinal anaesthesia and at 2.5 minutes after a spinal puncture. RESULTS: The BP falls (%) from baseline were significantly greater in the healthy parturients compared to those with preeclampsia (25.8% ± 10.1 vs 18.8% ± 17.0 for SBP, 28.5% ± 8.8 vs 22.5% ± 10.4 for DBP, and 31.2% ± 14.2 vs 18.2% ± 12.6% for MAP, p < 0.05). The incidence rate of hypotension in the preeclamptics was 25% compared to 53% in healthy parturients (p < 0.001). Higher doses of vasopressors both ephedrine (16.5 ± 8.6 vs 6.0 ± 2.0 mg) and phenylephrine (105 ± 25 mg) in the healthy women were required. There was no need for phenylephrine treatment in the preeclamptic group. CONCLUSION: This study showed that the incidence and severity of spinal-induced hypotension in preeclamptic patients are less than in healthy women. The use of low dose spinal anaesthesia also contributed to this statement

    Carboxyhemoglobin changes in relation to inspired oxygen fraction during general anesthesia

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    Measurement of carboxyhemoglobin could be a new method for evaluation of the severity of inflammatory airway disease, acute organ dysfunction, or stress by surgery and anesthesia. To use this measurement during mechanical ventilation, it is important to clarify the effects of factors that interfere with carboxy- hemoglobin levels. The aim of our study was to investigate the preoperative changes of carboxyhemoglobin to inspired oxygen fraction during general anesthesia and mechanical ventilation. Our second aim was to evaluate the effect of preoxygenation on the level of carboxyhemo- globin. Methods: The study included 30 patients scheduled for urologic surgery under general endotracheal anesthesia, aged 18-60 years, divided into two groups. The study group comprised patients who were smoking cigarettes or tobacco pipe, while the control group included non-smokers. In both groups carboxyhemoglobin levels were determined preoperatively, after preoxygenation, and one hour after induction in anesthesia. Results: carboxyhemoglobin levels were decreased after preoxygenation in both groups. One hour after induction in anesthesia under mechanical ventilation with inhaled fraction of a mixture of O2 (50%) and air (50%) the average values of carboxyhemoglobin between the two groups were different. The average values of carboxyhemoglobin between the two groups in all three time points were statistically significantly different (p=0.00). Conclusion: Changes in carboxyhemoglobin concentrations in arterial blood occur during general anesthesia and mechanical ventilation, although these amplitudes are small when compared to carbon monoxide intoxication. It is likely that organ perfusion and functions are affected by these monoxide gas mediators during surgery

    Efekti na amifostin vo prevencija na nefrotoksicnost inducirana so cisplatin kaj staorci

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    Amifostin e relativno nov organski citoprotektiven lek, koj vsusnost pretstavuva prolek, namenet za namaluvanje na kumulativnata renalna toksicnost inducirana od povtoruvana administracija na cisplatin. Mehanizmot na nefroprotektivnoto dejstvo na amifostin ne e kompletno razjasnet, no se smeta deka lekot poseduva direktno citoprotektivno dejstvo na bubreznite tubuli. Osnovnata cel na ovaa studija bese da se utvrdi efektot na amifostin vo prevencijata na nefrotoksicnost eksperimentalno inducirana so dolgotrajna administracija na cisplatin vo doza od 2 mg/kg/t.t./nedela vo tek na 8 nedeli. Dobienite rezultati od ovaa studija pokazuvaat deka amifostin, iako ne kompletno, vo golema mera ja reducira nefrotoksicnosta inducirana so dolgotrajna administracija na cisplatin

    Ulogata na endoetelin-1 vo razvojot na dijabeticna nefropatija inducirana so streptozocin

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    Dijabeticnata nefropatija pretstavuva edna od hronicnite mikrovaskularni komplikacii na dijabetot, so multifaktorijalna i ne do kraj rasvetlena etiopatogeneza. So ogled na toa sto kaj pacientite so dijabet, osobeno kaj onie so dijabeticna nefropatija, se najdeni zgolemeni vrednosti na endotelin-1, se pretpostavuva deka istiot moze da ima znacajna uloga vo razvojot na dijabeticnata nefropatija. Osnovna cel na nasata studija bese da se detektiraat promenite vo plazmatskoto nivo na endotelin-1 po eksperimentalno induciran dijabet, i dijabeticna nefropatija kaj staorci so streptozocin. So ogled na dobro poznatite efekti na AKE-inhibitorite, vo ovaa studija go ispituvavme i vlijanieto na enalapril (AKE inhibitor) na plazmatskite koncentracii na endotelin-1, kako i negovite efekti vo tretmanot na dijabeti~na nefropatija. Ednokratnata i.p. administracija na streptozocin (STZ) predizvika signifikantno zgolemuvanje na plazmatskite koncentracii na endotelin-1, proprateni so jasno izrazeni simptomi i znaci na dijabeticna nefropatija (mikroalbuminurija, zgolemeni urinarni vrednosti na N-acetyl-fl-D-glucosamidase, zgolemeni serumski koncentracii na urea, poliurija). Cetiri nedelniot tretman so enalapril dovede do signifikantno namaluvanje na plazmatskite koncentracii na endotelin-1 i do podobruvanje na simtomite i znacite na dijabeticnata nefropatija. Dobienite rezultati potvrduvaat deka endotelin-1 moze da ima znacajna uloga vo razvojot i progresijata na dijabeticnata nefropatija, a AKE inhibitorite, odnosno enalapril, mozat da ja ublazat i usporat progresijata na dijabeticnata nefropatij

    Expression of matrix metalloproteinases 2, 7 and 9 in patients with colorectal cancer

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    Background/Aim. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are perceived to play a key role in tumor invasion and metastasis by their capacity to degrade basement membranes and extracellular matrix proteins. The aim of this study was to investigate the expressions of MMP-2, MMP-7 and MMP-9 in tumor tissue and their relation to clinicopathologic features in patients with colorectal cancer. Methods. Specimens of resected colorectal cancer and surrounding normal tissue of 82 patients were immunohistochemically stained for MMP-2, MMP-7 and MMP-9. The results of immunohistochemical expression of MMPs were correlated with some clinical and pathologic parameters. Results. Immunohistochemical expression of MMP-2 was more frequent in the patients with higher preoperative serum levels of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (p = 0.047), MMP-2 (p = 0.018), MMP-9 (p = 0.036) and in those with lymph node metastasis (p = 0.018) and the advanced stage of the disease (p = 0.046). Expression of MMP-7 was more frequent in the patients with elevated preoperative serum levels of: CEA (p = 0.012), MMP-7 (p = 0.036), MMP-9 (p = 0.023) and with deeply invasive neoplasms (p = 0.027). MMP-9 cell expression was in a positive correlation with elevated preoperative serum levels of: CEA (p = 0.013), MMP-2 (p = 0.012), MMP-9 (p = 0.018) and depth of CRC invasion, i.e. Tparameter (p = 0.027). Conclusion. Immunohistochemical expression of MMPs is a useful indicator of the disease development and progression in patients with colorectal cancer

    Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, -7 and -9 (MMP-2, MMP-7, MMP-9) levels as Prognostic Markers in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

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    <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Matrix metalloproteinases are produced by tumour cells, hence, they may be associated with tumour progression including invasion, migration, angiogenesis and metastasis. Finding prognostic markers to better identify patients with higher risk for poor survival would be valuable in order to customize pre- and postoperative treatment as well as to enable closer follow-up of these patients. Aim of our study was to examine<br />MMP-2, MMP-7 and MMP-9 serum levels and correlated them with pathological data such as stage of the colorectal cancer (CRC) and outcome.</p><p><strong>Methods: </strong>The investigation included 82 patients with operable CRC without distant metastases, who had underwent blood tests in order to determine the MMP-2, MMP-7 and MMP-9 serum levels in the following time periods: preoperatively, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months postoperatively.</p><p><br /><strong>Results</strong>: The values of the investigated MMPs decrease postoperatively and start to increase 6 month later in patients of all stages of the disease, reaching the highest value 12 month postoperatively with statistically important differences of MMP-2, MMP-7 and MMP-7 serum levels in terms of disease staging and defined points of time. Analysis of the results showed that the MMP-2 serum levels obtained 3 and 12 months postoperatively,<br />than MMP-7 serum levels 12 months postoperatively and the MMP-9 serum levels in all analyzed points in time were in significant association with the CRC patients’outcome.</p><p><br /><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The MMP-2, MMP-7 and especially MMP-9 serum values could be important indicators for diagnosis of the patients with CRC and for monitoring of disease progression.</p