54 research outputs found
Effect of glycerol based energy supplementation on body condition score of dairy cows
Циљ рада је био да се утврди утицај енергетског додатка на бази глицерола
на тjелесну кондицију крава. Петнаест дана прије тељења одабрано је 80 крава
подијељених у двије групе од по 40 крава: контролну и огледну. Кравама
огледне групе је у посљедње двије недјеље засушења и до 60. дана лактације
додаван у храну енергетски додатак на бази глицерола. Оцјена тјелесне
кондиције (ОТК) одређена је 15 дана прије, као и 7, 30 и 60 дана послије
тељења. Краве огледне групе су имале значајно вишу вриједност ОТК у односу
на контролну групу само 7. дана лактације. Разлика у ОТК између периода
засушења и пуерперијума је била у оквиру физиолошки дозвољеног опсега
вриједности код огледне групе, док је код контролне групе била виша од
дозвољеног, указујући да је код огледних крава постпартални негативан биланс
енергије био слабије изражен.The objective of the investigation presented in this study was to establish the
effects of a glycerol-based energy supplement in the diet of high-yield dairy cows
on their body condition. Eighty cows were selected 2 weeks before calving, and
they were divided into two groups with 40 cows: control and experimental. Cows of the experimental group orally received glycerol based energy supplement during
the final two weeks of the dry period until the day 60 of lactation. Body condition
scoring (BCS) was done 15 days before and 7, 30 and 60 days after calving.
Experimental cows had significantly higher BCS only on day 7 after calving
compared to control group. Difference in BCS between dry and puerperal period
was within physiological value in experimental but higher than physiologically
accepted in control group, indicating that negative energy balance in experimental
cows was not so pronounced
The biological significance of differences in cows and sows colostrum and milk composition
The objective of this work was to compare the composition of colostrum and
milk of cows and sows (content of dry matter, protein, milk fat and lactose,
concentration of IGF-I and insulin) in samples taken on the first, second,
third and seventh day after parturition, and then based on the differences in
composition to determine a biological significance of nutrition of newborn
during the earliest stages of their life. The investigation inluded 14 cows
of Holstein breed and 14 sows of Landrace breed. The content of dry matter
and the concentration of proteins in both colostrum and milk samples were
statistically significantly higher in regard to sows mammary glands
secretion, taken on the first day after the parturition (p<0,01 and p<0,001,
individually), but their decrease in mammary glands secretion was more
pronounced in the cows than the sows, during the first seven days. The
concentration IGF-I was statistically significantly higher in the cows
colostrum and milk in regard to the sows during the whole investigation
period, while the concentration of insulin was significantly higher in the
sows in regard to the cows during the same period. The concentrations of milk
fat and lactose in cows milk samples were significantly lower in regard to
the sows in all period of the study. On the basis of the obtained results, it
can be concluded that there are significant differences in the composition of
milk and colostrum of both the investigated animal species. The differences
are probably the result of evolutionary adaptation of mammal gland function
to nutrition, energy and protection requirements of these young animals in
their early postnatal life. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije,
br. III 46002
Metabolički profil krmača različitog pariteta i broja prasadi u leglu
The aim of this work was to investigate the change of metabolic profile of sows during the lactation period, taking into consideration both parity and number of piglets in a litter (litter size). In order to do this, 30 sows immediately after farrowing were taken and divided into three groups: sows with two farrowing (first group; n=10), ones with four farrowing (second group; n=10), and ones with five and more farrowing (third group; n=10). In regard to a litter size, 20 sows were divided into two groups: sows with eight piglets (first group; n=10), and sows with 10 and more piglets (second group; n=10). All the sows included in the experiment were mestizos of large Yorkshire and Swedish Landrace. Blood samples were taken on the 2nd and 28th day of lactation. In the blood serum samples there were determined the concentration of total proteins, albumins, Total bilirubin, calcium and inorganic phosphorus. The results have shown that there was not a significant difference in proteinemia between the groups on the 2nd day after farrowing, while on the 28th day of lactation, proteinemia was significantly lower only in the group with ten or more piglets in a litter. In all the groups, except for the group with ten or more piglets in the litter, proteinemia was significantly higher on the 28th compared to the 2nd day of lactation. Albumin concentration in blood serum of different groups of sows followed the same trend as protein concentration, with the only difference that albuminemia in sows with ten or more piglets in a litter was approximately the same on the 2nd and 28th day of lactation. Total bilirubin concentration in blood serum on the 2nd day after farrowing was equal in different groups of sows, provided that in sows with five or more farrowings it was significantly higher in regard to other groups. Similar divergence was also determined on the 28th day after farrowing. The sows of 4th parity had significantly lower and the ones with 10 or more farrowings higher bilirubinemia on the 28th compared to the 2nd day of lactation. Glycaemia was significantly lower in the sows with ten or more piglets in a litter in regard to other groups both on the 2nd and 28th day of lactation. Calcaemia was significantly lower on the 2nd in regard to the 28th day of lactation in all the groups, except for the group of sows with ten or more piglets in a litter. In the group with 10 or more piglets in a litter, calcaemia was significantly lower compared to other groups both on the 2nd and 28th day. The sows of 4. Parity had significantly lower phosphataemia in regard to other groups both on the 2nd and 28th day of lactation. Moreover, on the 28th day of lactation, the sows with 10 or more piglets in a litter had significantly lower phosphataemia in regard to all the other groups, except for the group of sows of 4th parity. Phosphataemia varied between the 2nd and 28th day of lactation in neither group except for the group of sows with 10 or more piglets in a litter. On the basis of the obtained results it can be concluded that between the 2nd and 28th day of lactation significant changes in concentrations of some parameters of metabolic profile in sows in lactation occur. The determined changes are most pronounced in elderly sows as well as in the ones with ten or more piglets in a litter, being a result of impeded bile flow or metabolic load due to the increased activity of mammary glands.Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se ispita promena metaboličkog profila krmača tokom laktacionog perioda, a uzimajući u obzir paritet i broj prasadi u leglu. Za ispitivanje je odabrano 30 krmača neposredno nakon prašenja, koje su prema paritetu podeljene u tri grupe: krmače sa dva prašenja (prva grupa; n=10), sa četiri prašenja (druga grupa; n=10) i sa pet i više prašenja (treća grupa; n=10). U odnosu na broj prasadi u leglu 20 krmača je podeljeno u dve grupe: krmače sa osam i manje prasadi (prva grupa; n=10) i krmače sa 10 i više prasadi (druga grupa; n=10). Sve krmače uključene u ovaj ogled bile su melezi velikog jokšira i švedskog landrasa. Uzorci krvi su uzeti 2. i 28. dan laktacije. U uzorcima krvnog seruma određivana je koncentracija ukupnih proteina, albumina, ukupnog bilirubina, kalcijuma i neorganskog fosfora. Rezultati su pokazali da nije bilo značajne razlike u proteinemiji između grupa 2. dana posle prašenja, dok je 28. dana laktacije proteinemija bila značajno niža jedino kod grupe sa deset i više prasadi u leglu. Kod svih grupa, izuzev grupe sa deset i više prasadi u leglu, proteinemija je bila značajno veća 28. u odnosu na 2. dan laktacije. Koncentracija albumina u krvnom serumu različitih grupa krmača je pratila isti trend kao koncentracija proteina, sa jedinom razlikom što je albuminemija kod krmača sa deset i više prasadi u leglu bila približno ista 2. i 28. dana laktacije. Koncentracija ukupnog bilirubina u krvnom serumu je 2. dana posle prašenja bila približno jednaka kod različitih grupa krmača s tim da je kod krmača sa pet i više prašenja bila značajno veća u odnosu na ostale grupe. Slična razlika između grupa je utvrđena i 28. dana posle prašenja. Krmače 4. pariteta su imale značajno nižu a krmače sa 10 i više prašenje značajno višu bilirubinemiju 28. U odnosu na 2. dan laktacije. Glikemija je bila značajno niža kod krmača sa deset i više prasadi u leglu u odnosu na druge grupe kako 2. tako i 28. dana laktacije. Kalcemija je kod svih grupa, izuzev grupe krmača sa 10 i više prasadi u leglu, bila značajno niža 2. u odnosu na 28. dan. Kod grupe sa 10 i više prasadi u leglu kalcemija je bila značajno niža u odnosu na druge grupe kako 2. tako i 28. dana. Krmače 4. pariteta su imale značajno nižu fosfatemiju u odnosu na ostale grupe 2. i 28. dana lakatcije. Dodatno, 28. dana laktacije krmače sa 10 i više prasadi su imale značajno nižu fosfatemiju u odnosu na sve ostale grupe izuzev grupe krmača 4. pariteta. Fosfatemija se nije razlikovala između 2. i 28. dana laktacije niti kod jedne grupe izuzev kod grupe krmača sa 10 i više prasadi u leglu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da od 2. do 28. dana laktacije nastaju značajne promene u koncentraciji nekih parametara metaboličkog profila krmača u laktaciji. Ustanovljene promene su najizraženije kod starijih krmača i krmača sa deset i više prasadi u leglu kao rezultat otežanog oticanja žuči ili metaboličkog opterećenja usled pojačane aktivnosti mlečne žlezde
Zavisnost rasta novorođene prasadi od sastava kolostruma i mleka prednjih odnosno zadnjih mamarnih kompleksa krmača
Piglets that nurse anterior mammary glands grow faster than those suckling posterior mammary glands. The underlying mechanisms are not known. The purpose of this study was to investigate if there is a difference in composition in colostrum and milk secreted by anterior and posterior mammary glands. Seven healthy sows were used. The first three pairs of mammary glands were defined as anterior mammary glands (AMG) and the rest as posterior mammary glands (PMG). Additionally, the total of 87 born piglets from 7 litters derived from the sows involved in the experiment was analyzed. Piglets from each litter that nursed AMG were defined as AMG group while the rest of piglets from the litter were defined as PMG group. Colostrum and milk were collected at days 1, 2, 3 and 7 after parturition. Samples taken from anterior and posterior mammary glands were pooled, respectively. Results showed that total protein, IGF-I and insulin concentrations were significantly higher in the colostrum of anterior than posterior glands and IGF-I concentration remained significantly higher in milk of anterior compared to posterior glands. There were no significant differences in fat, dry matter and lactose among anterior and posterior glands during all examined periods. Additionally, blood samples from nursing sows were obtained at days 1 and 7 after parturition. Results showed that concentrations of Ca, glucose, total protein, albumin, globulin, total bilirubin and insulin significantly increased from day 1 to day 7 of parturition while concentrations of P, BUN, CK and IGF-I did not significantly change during this period. Initial body weight of pigs nursing the anterior gland was higher but not significantly that those suckling posterior glands. Pigs that nursed anterior glands gained weight faster then those which suckled posterior glands resulting with significantly higher body weigh of piglets nursing anterior compared to posterior glands at day 8 of neonatal life (p lt 0.05). Therefore, it may be concluded that the priority of anterior glands milk secretion in total protein and grow stimulating factors may have an impact on increased body weight gain of nursing pigs.Prasad koja sisaju prednje mamarne komplekse rastu brže nego ona koja sisaju zadnje. Mehanizmi koji objašnjavaju ovu pojavu nisu sasvim poznati. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita da li postoji razlika u sastavu kolostruma i mleka stvorenim u prednjim odnosno zadnjim mamarnim kompleksima. Sedam zdravih krmača je bilo uključeno u ogled. Prva tri para mamarnih kompleksa su definisana kao prednji (PMK), a ostali kao zadnji mamarni kompleksi (ZMK). Dodatno, ispitano je 87 prasadi iz 7 legala poreklom od krmača uključenih u ogled. Prasad iz legla koja su sisala PMK su pripala PMK grupi dok su prasad koja su sisala preostale mamarne komplekse grupisana u ZMK grupu. Kolostrum i mleko su uzorkovani 1., 2., 3. i 7. dana nakon prašenja. Uzorci uzeti iz prednjih odnosno zadnjih mamarnih kompleksa su zatim spojeni. Rezultati su ukazali da su koncentracije ukupnih proteina, IGF-I i insulina bile značajno više u kolostrumu PMK u odnosu na ZMK a koncentracija IGF-I je ostala značajno viša u mleku PMK u odnosu na ZMK. Nije bilo značajne razlike u koncentraciji masti, suvoj materiji i laktozi između sekreta PMK i ZMK tokom celog ispitivanog perioda. Dodatno, uzimani su uzorci krvi od krmača 1. i 7. dana posle prašenja. Rezultati su ukazali da su koncentracije Ca, glukoze, ukupnih proteina, albumina, globulina, ukupnog bilirubina i insulina značajno porasle od 1. do 7. dana nakon prašenja dok se koncentracija P, uree, kreatin kinaze i IGF-I nije značajno menjala tokom ovog perioda. Početna telesna masa prasadi koja su sisala PMK je bila viša, ali ne značajno, u odnosu na onu koju je sisalo ZMK. Posle toga, prasad koja su sisala PMK su imala veći dnevni telesni prirast nego ona koja su sisala ZMK što je rezultiralo da su 8. dana neonatalnog života prasad koja su sisala PMK imala značajno veću telesnu masu u odnosu na onu koja su sisala ZMK. Na osnovu svega navedenog se može zaključiti da kvalitetniji sastav sekreta PMK u pogledu sadržaja proteina i faktora rasta može da ima uticaj na veći telesni prirast prasadi koja sisaju ove komplekse u odnosu na prasad koja sisaju ZMK
A comparison of the concentrations of energy-balance-related variables in jugular and mammary vein blood of dairy cows with different milk yield
The aim of this study was to compare the concentrations of blood variables obtained simultaneously from the jugular and mammary veins of dairy cows. Eighty Holstein cows were divided into four equal groups: dry, low- (LY), medium- (MY) and high-yielding (HY). Blood insulin, glucose, non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and urea concentrations were measured. The jugular and mammary vein (J/M) ratio between concentrations of each variable was calculated. Differences between the groups of cows in concentrations of variables in the jugular vein were not in accordance with those obtained for the mammary vein. J/M values for insulin and glucose concentrations were above 1.0 in all groups of cows. The ratios for NEFA and BHBA concentrations were under or equal to 1.0 in dry and LY cows but above 1.0 in the MY and HY groups, indicating that in MY and HY cows those metabolites are apparently utilised by the mammary gland. J/M values for urea were above 1.0 in dry and LY cows but less than 1.0 in groups MY and HY, indicating that in the latter case urea is apparently released by the mammary gland. In conclusion, J/M for NEFA, BHBA and urea may be useful for estimation of the critical point when the mammary gland receives insufficient energy precursors for its current activity
Procena energetskog statusa krava na osnovu telesne kondicije i parametara metaboličkog profila
The aim of this study was to assess the significance of body condition scoring and metabolic profile test for estimation of energy status of healthy high-yielding dairy cows. Twenty one healthy cows (primiparous and secundiparous) were divided into three groups: dry cows, early puerperal cows and early lactating cows. Cow's energy status was estimated by the analysis of blood samples for beta-hydroxybutirate (BHBA) and glucose. Additionally, urea, total bilirubine and total protein were measured in blood serum samples. According to body condition scores (BCS) results dry cows were overweight (4.03±0.29 points). Immediately after calving, cows lost their weight significantly, since BCS was 2.85±0.46 points at puerperal period and 3.12±0.33 points at day 60 of lactation (p lt 0.001 compared to dry period, respectively). Glucose concentration did not change significantly between dry and puerperal period, while BHBA increased significantly (0.46±0.14 mmol/l at dry period to 1.08±0.21 mmol/l at puerperal period; p lt 0.001). Urea concentration did not change significantly during examined period. Total bilirubin concentration significantly increased from dry (6.31±0.37 mmol/l) to puerperal period (7.63±2.52 mmol/l; p lt 0.001 compared to dry period) and remained high until day 60 of lactation (7.62±0.13 mmol/l; p lt 0.001 compared to dry period). Total protein concentration decreased from dry to puerperal period (69.59±6.14 g/l to 58.87±3.29 g/l; p lt 0.001). According to obtained results it can be concluded that cows were not in adequate energy status during transition period. Our results also indicate that, body condition scoring, BHBA and total bilirubin concentrations can be used as reliable indicators of cow's energy status even when there are not clinically visible health disorders.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ukaže na značaj metaboličkog profila i telesne kondicije u oceni energetskog statusa visoko-mlečnih krava holštajn rase. Za ispitivanje su odabrane tri grupe po sedam krava. Uzorci krvi uzimani su u zasušenju (15 dana pre očekivanog teljenja), ranom puerperijumu (7 dana nakon teljenja) i 60. dana laktacije. U uzorcima sveže krvi određivana je koncentracija glukoze i beta hidroksi-buterne kiseline (BHBA), a u uzorcima krvnog seruma koncentracija ukupnih proteina, ureje i ukupnog bilirubina. Rezultati ocene telesne kondicije pokazuju da su krave u periodu zasušenja preuhranjene (X=4,03±0,29 poena), dok su u puerperijumu (X=2,85±0,46 poena) i 60. dana laktacije (X=3,12±0,33 poena) u značajno slabijoj telesnoj kondiciji (p lt 0,001 u odnosu na zasušenje). Rezultati ispitivanja parametara metaboličkog profila ukazuju da je koncentracija proteina jedino u periodu ranog puerperijuma bila niža od fiziološke vrednosti (X=56,87±3,29 g/l). Koncentracija glukoze nije se statistički značajno menjala tokom ispitivanih perioda, dok je neposredno posle teljenja došlo do značajnog povećanja koncentracije BHBA (p lt 0,001 u odnosu na zasušenje). Uremija u periodu zasušenja (X=7,73±2,34 mmol/l), ranom puerperijumu (X=8,07±3,09 mmol/l) i 60. dana laktacije (X=7,41±2,03 mmol/l) bila je veća od gornje fiziološke granice. Koncentracija ukupnog bilirubina u periodu zasušenja je bila značajno niža (p lt 0,001) u odnosu na oba ispitivana perioda nakon teljenja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da krave nisu adekvatno pripremljene za nastupajuću laktaciju, zbog čega je kod njih došlo do značajnog odstupanja u telesnoj kondiciji i vrednostima parametara metaboličkog profila. Ova odstupanja ukazuju na nedovoljnu sposobnost životinja da se prilagode u uslovima negativnog bilansa energije na početku laktacije
Incidence of reproductive pathogens in breeding pigs in the Republic of Srpska
The aim of the study was to examine the incidence of reproductive pathogens in the breeding pig populations on selected farms in the Republic of Srpska. The study included a total of 11 farms from the territory of the Republic of Srpska (Bijeljina-4, Gradiška-3, Prnjavor-2, Foča-1, Ljubinje-1), from which a total of 50 blood samples of breeding sows and boars were taken. All blood samples were serologically negative for the causative agents of leptospirosis and brucellosis. The presence of the PRRS virus was found on 54.55% of examined farms and 40% of blood samples, circovirus on 81.18% farms and 66% blood samples, and Aujecki's disease virus on 9.09% of the farms and 10% of blood samples. The results of this study indicate the presence of mixed infections with the mentioned causative agents, which results in an unclear clinical picture in the pigs on the examined farms, as well as the need to implement systematic monitoring and active surveillance of these diseases, with the aim of reducing their negative impact on the production and reproductive parameters of pigs. Also, the results of this study indicate an insufficient level of knowledge and awareness of farmers about the importance of applying preventive measures in controlling the presence of the mentioned and other pathogens in farm pigs, and in the following period it is necessary to work on educating farmers in this regard
State of biosecurity measures on selected pig farms in the Republic of Srpska
The aim of this study was to examine the state of biosecurity measures on selected pig farms in the Republic of Srpska. During the study, which was conducted during 2019, a total of 35 pig farms of different capacity and direction of production from the entire territory of the Republic of Srpska were examined. Data on the state of biosecurity measures on the examined farms were collected using a survey, which, in addition to basic data on the farms, contained a series of questions on the implementation of preventive and hygienic measures on the farms, monitoring of pigs' health, hygienic conditions on the farms, and the supply of food and water as elements that can influence the level of biosecurity on farms. The results of this study have shown that the state of biosecurity measures on the examined pig farms at the time of the study was not at a satisfactory level, and that there is a need to identify critical points for each farm and create a biosecurity plan for each farm separately, to correct the problems observed in accordance with the identified risk factors and opportunities
Koncentracija proteina, bilirubina i glukoze u krvi krava sa dislokacijom sirišta na levo
The concentration of total proteins, albumin, total bilirubin, and glucose were examined in the blood of healthy cows and those with left displaced abomasum. Significant digressions from physiological values in cows with left displaced abomasum were established in proteinemia (x = 87.92 g/l) and in bilirubinemia (x = 10.29 μmol/l). Hyperproteinemia indicates chemoconcentration in the diseased animals, which is also indicated in significantly higher concentrations of albumin in the diseased in comparison with the healthy animals (x = 41.94 - 3.5 : 36.89 - 3.95 g/l). The higher values for glucemia in the diseased against the healthy animals (x = 2.628 : 2.203 mmol/l) could indicate disrupted function of B-cells of the endocrine pancreas. This data can come in useful in setting the diagnosis, but it also has no less importance in the determination of the prognosis for the disease. Determining the liver function during the disease should contribute to the better knowledge of its role in the degree of the occurrence of this health disorder, as well as the outcome of the disease itself. This is of particular importance having in mind that displaced abomasum most frequently occurs in the early stage of lactation, when a negative energy balance is already present. This state is conducive to the occurrence of fatty liver, and that is why displaced abomasum can contribute even further to the process of fat accumulation, having in mind that diseased animals consume significantly smaller quantities of feed.U krvi zdravih krava i onih obolelih od dislokacije sirišta na levo, ispitivana je koncentracija ukupnih proteina, albumina, ukupnog bilirubina i glukoze. Značajna odstupanja od fizioloških vrednosti kod krava sa dislokacijom sirišta ustanovljena su u proteinemiji (x = 87,92 g/l) i bilirubinemiji (x = 10,29 _mol/l). Hiperproteinemija ukazuje na hemokoncentraciju u obolelih životinja, o čemu svedoči i značajno veća koncentracija albumina kod obolelih u odnosu na zdrave životinje (x = 41,94±3,5:36,89±3,95 g/L). Veće vrednosti glikemije u obolelih u odnosu na zdrave životinje (x = 2,628:2,203 mmol/l) mogu da ukažu na poremećenu funkciju B-ćelija endokrinog pankreasa. Ovaj podatak može biti koristan pri postavljanju dijagnoze, ali ne manji značaj ima i pri proceni prognoze bolesti. Utvrđivanje funkcije jetre tokom bolesti treba da doprinese boljem poznavanju njene uloge u stepenu nastanka poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja kao i samom ishodu bolesti. Ovo je posebno značajno ako se ima u vidu da se dislokacija sirišta najčešće pojavljuje u ranoj fazi laktacije, kada inače postoji negativan bilans energije. Ovo stanje predisponira nastajanje zamašćenja jetre pa zbog toga dislokacija sirišta može još više da doprinese procesu zamašćenja jer bolesne životinje konzumiraju značajno manje količine hrane
Nutritional status of dairy cows: estimation based on milk composition
За испитивање је узорковано млеко добијено од сто крава 30. дана лактације
током јутарње и вечерње муже. Анализом резултата установљено је да су краве
биле у стању негативног биланса енергије. Није било значајне разлике у концентрацији масти и протеина између јутарње и вечерње муже, али је концентрација урее била значајно виша током јутарње муже, указујући да су јединке
током ноћи гладовале односно да је распон између вечерњег и јутарњег храњења био значајно дужи. Због тога, протеини хране нису могли да буду искоришћени за синтезу високовредних протеина, већ су се њихови производи разлагања конвертовали у уреу, која се излучивала путем млека.Investigation was done using morning and evening milk samples from 100 cows
that were 30 days in lactation. Obtained results showed that all cows were in state
on negative energy balance. There was no significant difference between morning
and evening milk samples in fat and protein concentrations, but urea concentration
was significantly higher in morning compared to evening milk samples,
indicating that cows were exposed to over-night starvation, meaning that period between evening and morning feeding were to long. Therefore, dietary proteins
were not used for synthesis of animal proteins but were converted to urea that was
excreted by milk
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