4 research outputs found
Effects of the implementation of the inflation targeting regime on economic growth
This research study is focused on the examination of the influence of the introduction and implementation of the monetary Inflation Targeting (IT) regime: the level of the inflation rate and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate, as well as inflation and the GDP volatility. Conditional variance is calculated by fitting an empirical Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model to an annualized quarterly date for the period from 1993Q1 to 2020Q3, all in order to assess volatility. The results of the regression model showed that there was a positive statistical significance between the instability of inflation and the instability of the growth rate of the GDP in the three analyzed countries (namely in Albania, Turkey and the Republic of Serbia). The result of introducing the IT regime when the GDP growth rate volatility is concerned is statistically significant in Serbia and Turkey and led to reduction in the GDP volatility and stabilization. However, the applied regression model indicated that, in the case of Albania and Romania, the introduction of the IT regime did not have a statistically significant impact on the GDP growth rate volatility
Hemijsko proređivanje cvetova i plodova breskve
The paper presents an overview of the most important aspects of the chemical crop
load regulation in the peach. Importance of crop load optimizing, strategies for flowers
and fruits thinning (inhibition of flower induction, killing of flower buds, prevention of
fruit set and stimulation of fruitlet abscission), the time of applications, concentration,
efficiency and adverse effects of the most often used chemicals are discussed.Rad prikazuje pregled najvažnijih aspekata hemijskog regulisanja prinosa kod
breskve. Obrađeni su: značaj dovođenja prinosa na optimalan nivo, strategije koje se
koriste za proređivanje cvetova i plodova (kočenje indukcije cvetova, ubijanje cvetnih
pupoljaka, sprečavanje zametanja plodova i podsticanje otpadanja mladih plodova), vreme
aplikacije, koncentracija, efikasnost i štetni efekti najčešće korišćenih hemijskih materija
Biologija cvetanja i oprašivanja oraha
Common walnut (Juglans regia L.) is a monoecious, herkogamous, anemophilous,
heterodichogamous and autofertile plant. Study of the sexual cycle of the walnut is
hindered by the presence of a relatively long juvenile period and high genetic diversity,
so that many questions in the field of reproductive biology of the walnut still remained
unresolved. This paper gives an overview of current knowledge regarding the sexual
process of walnut, with the focus on the morphology of staminate and pistillate flowers,
the dynamics of their opening, as well as ecological and physiological aspects of
dichogamy, pollen transfer, stigmas receptivity, pollen germination, pollen tube growth
in the pistil, singamia, apomixis and pistillate flower abortion.Obični orah (Juglans regia L.) je monoecijska, herkogama, anemofilna,
heterodihogama i autofertilna biljka. Proučavanje polnog ciklusa oraha otežano je usled
prisustva relativno dugog juvenilnog perioda i velike genetske raznolikosti, pa su mnoga
pitanja iz oblasti reproduktivne biologije oraha ostala i dalje nerazjašnjena. U radu je dat
prikaz dosadašnjih saznanja u vezi sa polnim procesom oraha, pri čemu je težište
stavljeno na građu muških i ženskih cvetova, dinamiku njihovog otvaranja, kao i
ekološke i fiziološke aspekte dihogamije, transfera polena, receptivnosti žigova, klijanja
polena, rasta polenove cevi u tučku, singamije, apomiksisa i abortiranja ženskih
Tear Film Stability in Patients with Pseudexfoliation
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is an age related disorder, characterized by abnormal fibrous fiber production and accumulation in different visceral organs as well as in the eye and periocular tissues. Hystological examination recorded the presence of the pseudoexfoliation in the conjunctiva, and they can disturb the accessory lacrimal gland and goblet cell function. This can explain tear film instability in patients with pseudoexfoliations. In our study, we examined the tear film stability in patients with and without pseudoexfoliation, using Schirmer test and tear break up time test. Our results indicated that patients with pseudoexfoliation had lower values of Schirmer and tear break up time tests than patients without it. Pseudoexfoliation is the main reason for the instability of the tear film, because of its negative impact on the conjucntival goblet cells. In conclusion, ophthalmologists must have these data on their mind in the process of the pseudoexfoliation glaucoma treatment and controlling