26 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of modified silica gel as an intermediate in the generation of gaseous standard mixtures

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    A possibility of extending analytical applications of chemically modified silica gels is described. This involves their utilization for the generation of gaseous standard mixtures consisting of methyl chloride as the analyte and nitrogen as a carrier gas to be used for the calibration of the GC-FID system. N-methylmorpholine was chemically bonded to the propylsilylated surface of silica gel forming chloride of an appropriate immobilized compound which, under certain conditions, undergoes thermal decomposition yielding a single, volatile component (methyl chloride). Such a method of generating specific amounts of a standard substance can be used both for a single point calibration and for checking the accuracy of an analytical instrument in a relatively wide measurement range. It was found that 3.40±0.081 mg of methyl chloride can be generated per 1 g of the modified gel

    Biosimilar G-CSF versus filgrastim and lenograstim in healthy unrelated volunteer hematopoietic stem cell donors

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    The World Marrow Donor Organization recommends original granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) for the mobilization of stem cells in healthy unrelated hematopoietic stem cell donors. We report the comparison of a biosimilar G-CSF (Zarzio) with two original G-CSFs (filgrastim and lenograstim) in mobilization in unrelated donors. We included data of 313 consecutive donors who were mobilized during the period from October 2014 to March 2016 at the Medical University of Warsaw. The primary endpoints of this study were the efficiency of CD34+ cell mobilization to the circulation and results of the first apheresis. The mean daily dose of G-CSF was 9.1 μg/kg for lenograstim, 9.8 μg/kg for biosimilar filgrastim, and 9.3 μg/kg for filgrastim (p < 0.001). The mean CD34+ cell number per microliter in the blood before the first apheresis was 111 for lenograstim, 119 for biosimilar filgrastim, and 124 for filgrastim (p = 0.354); the mean difference was even less significant when comparing CD34+ number per dose of G-CSF per kilogram (p = 0.787). Target doses of CD34+ cells were reached with one apheresis in 87% donors mobilized with lenograstim and in 93% donors mobilized with original and biosimilar filgrastim (p = 0.005). The mobilized apheresis outcomes (mean number of CD34+ cells/kg of donor collected during the first apheresis) was similar with lenograstim, biosimilar filgrastim, and filgrastim: 6.2 × 10⁶, 7.6 × 10⁶, and 7.3 × 10⁶, respectively, p = 0.06. There was no mobilization failure in any of the donors. Biosimilar G-CSF is as effective in the mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells in unrelated donors as original G-CSFs. Small and clinically irrelevant differences seen in the study can be attributed to differences in G-CSF dose and collection-related factors. Active safety surveillance concurrent to clinical use and reporting to donor outcome registry (e.g., EBMT donor outcome registry or WMDA SEAR/SPEAR) might help to evaluate the possible short- and long-term complications of biosimilar G-CSF

    Sulphur as a fertiliser component determining crop yield and quality

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    The aim of this paper was to review 100 years of Polish studies on sulphur fertilisation and its effects on the growth and development of plants, the chemical composition and impact of sulphur compounds on the health of plants, and its fungicidal activity. In the reviewed studies sulphur deficiency generally delayed vegetative growth, caused the dying out of the growth cone, yellow discolouration of the generative and vegetative organs and delayed maturation. Observations of plants have demonstrated that sulphur is essential for normal photosynthetic functions. Plants suffering from a lack or shortage of sulphur had pale green or yellowish, narrow, short and small leaves, and a smaller than normal root system, which was associated with reduced chlorophyll synthesis. The availability of sulphur was found to enatil an improved uptake of nitrogen by plants, thus affecting their quality and optimising the N:S ratio. Fertilisation with sulphur increased the total content of sulphur and sulphates in plants. Findings from studies on the effect of sulphur on the content of macroelements in tested plants are inconclusive. Sulphur used in excess disturbed the ionic balance in plants and indirectly affected the intensity and level of uptake of other nutrients. The results of studies investigating the impact of sulphur on changes in the content of heavy metals were ambiguous and demonstrated either synergistic or antagonistic interactions. Generally, sulphur fertilisation increased the content of glucosinolates in plants and improved their nutritional value. Most studies also showed that sulphur fertilisation improved the disease resistance of plants. Some studies have also demonstrated an increased content of glucosinolates in plants fertilised with sulphur, which stimulated natural resistance to fungal infections

    Sulphur as a fertiliser component determining crop yield and quality

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    The aim of this paper was to review 100 years of Polish studies on sulphur fertilisation and its effects on the growth and development of plants, the chemical composition and impact of sulphur compounds on the health of plants, and its fungicidal activity. In the reviewed studies sulphur deficiency generally delayed vegetative growth, caused the dying out of the growth cone, yellow discolouration of the generative and vegetative organs and delayed maturation. Observations of plants have demonstrated that sulphur is essential for normal photosynthetic functions. Plants suffering from a lack or shortage of sulphur had pale green or yellowish, narrow, short and small leaves, and a smaller than normal root system, which was associated with reduced chlorophyll synthesis. The availability of sulphur was found to enatil an improved uptake of nitrogen by plants, thus affecting their quality and optimising the N:S ratio. Fertilisation with sulphur increased the total content of sulphur and sulphates in plants. Findings from studies on the effect of sulphur on the content of macroelements in tested plants are inconclusive. Sulphur used in excess disturbed the ionic balance in plants and indirectly affected the intensity and level of uptake of other nutrients. The results of studies investigating the impact of sulphur on changes in the content of heavy metals were ambiguous and demonstrated either synergistic or antagonistic interactions. Generally, sulphur fertilisation increased the content of glucosinolates in plants and improved their nutritional value. Most studies also showed that sulphur fertilisation improved the disease resistance of plants. Some studies have also demonstrated an increased content of glucosinolates in plants fertilised with sulphur, which stimulated natural resistance to fungal infections

    Zawartość miedzi, cynku i manganu w korzeniach, słomie i wytłokach rzepaku (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera Metzg) w zależności od nawożenia siarką

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    Sulfur application has a significant effect on the yield of oil bearing plants of the family Brassicaceae , especially when the sulfur content of soil is low . Sulfur fertilization also affects the value of plant raw materials, reflected by the concentrations of mineral and biologically active compounds in biomass. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sulfur application to soil on the concentrations of copper, zinc and manganese in the root residues, straw and oil cake of winter and spring rapeseed. A three-year (2005-2008) field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Experimentation Station in Bałcyny (NE Poland). In both spring and winter rapeseed, oil cake contained the highest levels of copper and zinc, followed by root residues and straw. The highest concentrations of manganese per kg dry matter (DM) were found in the root residues of winter rapeseed and in the cake of spring rapeseed. The concentrations of micronutrients (Cu, Zn, Mn) were slightly higher in the roots of winter rapeseed, compared with spring rapeseed. Sulfur fertilization decreased copper levels and increased manganese levels in the root residues of spring and winter rapeseed. Sulfur application to soil increased zinc concentrations in winter rapeseed roots, and it had no significant influence on the zinc content of spring rapeseed roots. Spring rapeseed straw contained considerably higher levels of zinc and manganese than winter rapeseed straw. The copper content of straw was comparable in spring and winter rapeseed. Sulfur application to soil increased the concentrations of zinc and manganese in winter rapeseed straw, and it had no significant effect on the levels of those minerals in spring rapeseed straw. Spring rapeseed cake had a significantly higher content of copper and zinc, compared with winter rapeseed cake. Manganese concentrations in the cake of spring and winter rapeseed were similar. Sulfur fertilization contributed to a significant increase in the concentrations of zinc and manganese in winter rapeseed cake. The manganese content of spring rapeseed cake decreased significantly in response to sulfur fertilization, which had no effect on the concentrations of the other micronutrients

    Siarka w polskiej diagnostyce nawozowej

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    Over the years, researchers from Polish research centres have been improving analytical methods as well as plant and soil assays, designed to diagnose demands of crops for sulphur fertilization and to assess their supply with this element. In this article, the authors look back at the last 100 years of the Polish research on sulphur, in the context of analytical methods, soil and plant assays, and their application to assessments of crop fertilization requirements. Studies on diagnosing crops’ demand for sulphur fertilization have a long-standing tradition. Back in 1903, for example, Godlewski and Jentys wrote about nutritional demands of crops and about sulphur nutrition. For over a century since then, the analytical methods have changes, soil and plant assays have been designed and parameters have been established to facilitate assessment of plant nutrient demands. Sulphur-oxidizing autotrophic microorganisms or the fungi Aspergillus niger have been used for diagnosis. Another investigated possibility was monitoring the capacity of sulphur for migration, assayed in lisymetric experiments. The 1960s were a time when modifications of earlier turbimetric methods appeared. In addition, applications of the isotope 35S were checked as a sulphur marker enabling determination of the dynamics of this element in soil and in plants. With the passing of time, new technologies and measuring devices were developed. Some research centres implemented sulphur detection assays on soil and plant material with the following methods: ICP, GC, HPLC or XPF (x-ray fluorescent analysis). With respect to soil and plant tests, which admittedly are a very useful tool for monitoring the sulphur abundance in soil and nutritional demands of plants, it is now the time to state that they need further verification and calibration, in both pot and field experiments.Na przestrzeni lat w polskich ośrodkach naukowych badacze udoskonalali metody analityczne oraz testy roślinne i glebowe w celu diagnozowania potrzeb nawożenia siarką i oceny zaopatrzenia roślin w ten pierwiastek. Celem pracy była retrospektywna analiza 100 lat polskich badań nad siarką w kontekście metod analitycznych, testów glebowych i roślinnych oraz wykorzystania ich do oceny potrzeb nawozowych roślin. Polskie badania dotyczące diagnozowania potrzeb nawożenia siarką mają długą tradycję. Już w 1903 r. Godlewski i Jentys pisali o wymaganiach pokarmowych roślin i nawożeniu siarką. W ciągu 100 lat polskich badań zmieniały się metody analityczne, opracowano testy glebowe i roślinne oraz wskaźniki mające ułatwić ocenę potrzeb nawozowych roślin. Do diagnozy wykorzystywano mikroorganizmy autotroficzne utleniające siarkę elementarną czy grzyby Aspergillus niger. Badano możliwości migracji siarki w doświadczeniach lizymetrycznych. Lata 60. to zarówno modyfikacje metod turbidymetrycznych, jak i poszukiwania zastosowań izotopu 35S do znakowania siarki w celu oznaczania dynamiki siarki w glebie i roślinie. W miarę upływu czasu pojawiły się nowe technologie i aparatury pomiarowe. Niektóre ośrodki naukowe zainicjowały oznaczanie siarki w materiale glebowym i roślinnym za pomocą ICP, GC, HPLC czy XPF – metodą analizy fluorescencyjnej rentgenowskiej. W nawiązaniu do testów glebowych i roślinnych, które są bardzo przydatnym narzędziem w monitorowaniu zasobności gleb w siarkę i wymagań pokarmowych roślin, można na dzień dzisiejszy stwierdzić, że wymagają one dalszych weryfikacji i kalibracji zarówno na poziomie doświadczeń wazonowych, jak i badań polowych

    Advanced oxidation treatment of pentoxifylline in aqueous solutions

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    The degradation of pentoxifylline (PTX) using H2O2, UV, H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo-Fenton processes has been examined in aqueous solutions. The influence of oxidation agent and initial PTX concentration, on H2O2, H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions was investigated. The addition of inorganic ions (Cl–, NO3–, SO42– and CO32–) on the degradation efficiency of PTX was tested for H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo-Fenton processeses. The results indicate that the photo-Fenton reaction is the most sufficient for PTX removal. The complete pharmaceutics decomposition is achieved after 5 min under optimized concentration of FeSO4,·7 H2O2 and H2O2. The degradation of PTX is inhibited in the presence of inorganic matter in H2O2/UV and Fenton reaction. In the photo-Fenton process addition of above compounds does not affect the reaction rate. Structures of ten products of photo-Fenton reaction have been proposed