27 research outputs found

    Exact limiting relation between the structure factors in neutron and x-ray scattering

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    The ratio of the static matter structure factor measured in experiments on coherent X-ray scattering to the static structure factor measured in experiments on neutron scattering is considered. It is shown theoretically that this ratio in the long-wavelength limit is equal to the nucleus charge at arbitrary thermodynamic parameters of a pure substance (the system of nuclei and electrons, where interaction between particles is pure Coulomb) in a disordered equilibrium state. This result is the exact relation of the quantum statistical mechanics. The experimental verification of this relation can be done in the long wavelength X-ray and neutron experiments.Comment: 7 pages, no figure


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    An island type palladium film — silicon diode hydrogen sensor has been developed applying thin (15-75 nm) nanoporous silicon as an intermediate sensitive layer. Using a thermal Pd deposition into porous silicon allows to vary the size and morphology of the metal islands in the porous silicon matrix. The gas sensor behaviour under hydrogen exposure in mixture of 200 ppm- 10% H2 and dry synthetic (20%O2 +80 %N2 ) air was investigated by measuring the I-V characteristics. The diode current and sensor hydrogen sensitivity is shown to depend on the type of silicon substrate and the thickness of porous silicon. The current change versus hydrogen concentrations shows the linear law both for large and small hydrogen concentrations. At room temperature the sensor sensitivity is approximately 1 μA/100ppm, the response and recovery times lies in 1-8 min range.Разработан сенсор водорода на основе структуры островковая пленка палладия — кремниевый диод, используя тонкий (15-75 нм) слой нанопористого кремния в качестве промежуточного чувствительного слоя. Использование термического осаждения палладия в пористый кремний позволяет изменять размер и морфологию металлических островков в матрице пористого кремния. Поведение газового сенсора при водородной экспозиции смеси 200 ppm- 10 % H2 и сухого синтетического (20 % O2 + 80 % N2) воздуха было исследовано путем измерения вольт-амперных характеристик. Диодный ток и чувствительность водородного сенсора зависят от типа кремниевой подложки и толщины пористого кремния. Изменение тока от концентрации водорода показывает линейную зависимость для высокой и для низкой концентрации водорода. При комнатной температуре чувствительность датчика составляет приблизительно 1 мкA/100ppm, время отклика и восстановления находится в пределах 1-8 минут.Розроблено сенсор водню на основі структури острівкова плівка палладію — кремнієвий діод, використовуючи тонкий (15-75 нм) шар нанопористого кремнію в якості проміжного чутливого шару. Використання термічного осадження палладію в поруватий кремній дозволяє змінювати розмір та морфологію металевих островків в матриці поруватого кремнію. Поведінка газового сенсора при експозиції водню в суміші 200 ppm- 10 % H2 та сухого синтетичного повітря (20 % O2 + 80 % N2) була досліджена шляхом вимірів вольт-амперних характеристик. Діодний струм і чутливість сенсору водню залежать від типу кремнієвої підкладки і товщини поруватого кремнію. Зміна струму від концентрації водню показує лінійну залежність для високої та низької концентрації водню. При кімнатній температурі чутливістьсенсора складає приблизно 1 мкA/100 ppm, час відгуку та відновлення знаходиться в межах 1 — 8 хвилин

    CO2 laser annealing of Al/a-Si:H contact

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    he paper concerns the possibility of using CW (continuous wave) CO2-laser annealing (λ=10.6 μm, P≤ 100 W/cm2) for formation of a barrier in the Al/a-Si:H/SS (SS-stainless steel) structures with good rectifying I V characteristics. The infrared absorption spectra, photoelectric properties, temperature effect on the conductivity and saturation current were analyzed and various contact models are discussed

    Self-regulated hydrogen generation with the use of nano-powders: application for portable fuel cells

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    Self-regulated hydrogen production at room temperature and atmosphere pressure is described in details. Basic idea of our approach is based on a precise auto-tuning of the oxidizing aqueous solution arrival onto hydrogenated silicon or aluminum nano-powders. The used self-regulation principle is completely passive e.g. neither electrical power sources, no regulating electronics are required. The system functioning was simulated numerically and checked experimentally. The numerical simulation allowed definition of the main optimal parameters of the working system (pressure, capillary tube diameter, tank volumes) and an experimental prototype based on the simulated results was built and used for hydrogen supplying to a portable PaxiTech® fuel cell


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    The time-resolved photoluminescence and radiative decay time of modified layers of porous silicon (PS) were studied at the adsorption of saturated organic vapors and buffers solutions with different pH. As-prepared PS samples were compared with ones after oxidation and deposition of poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) film. New type transducer for pH meter based on radiative decay time measurement of modified PS layers is proposed. The 1.9 times reduction of radiative lifetime of Sband is observed at the increasing of pH value from 2 to 9.Были изучены кинетика фотолюминесценции и время жизни излучательной рекомбинации модифицированных слоев пористого кремния в условиях адсорбции насыщенных органических паров и буферных растворов с различным значением pH. Свежеприготовленные образцы пористого кремния сравнивались с образцами, подвергшимися окислению и покрытыми слоем поли-3,4-этилдиокситиофена. Предложен новый тип трансдюсера, основанного на измерении излучательного времени жизни, чувствительного к уровню pH. Наблюдается уменьшение в 1.9 раз излучательного времени жизни S-полосы при изменении pH с 2 до 9.Було досліджено кінетику фотолюмінесценції та час життя випромінювальної рекомбінації модифікованих шарів поруватого кремнію в умовах адсорбції насичених органічних парів та буферних розчинів з різними значеннями pH. Щойно виготовлені зразки поруватого кремнію було порівняно із зразками, що було окислено та покрито шаром полі-3,4-етилдиокситиофену. Запропоновано новий тип трансдюсера, що базується на вимірі випромінювального часу життя, що чутливий до рівня pH. Спостерігається зменшення у 1.9 разів випромінювального часу життя S-смуги при зміні pH з 2 до 9

    TiO2 and TiO2 SiO2 thin films and powders by one step soft solution method Synthesis and characterizations

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    Simple soft solution method has been developed to synthesize films and powders of TiO2 and mixed TiO2 SiO2 at relatively low temperatures. This method is simple and inexpensive. Furthermore reactor can be designed for large scale applications as well as to produce large quantities of composite powders in a single step. For the preparation of TiO2, we used aqueous acidic medium containing TiOSO4 and H2O2, which results in a peroxo titanium precursor while colloidal SiO2 has been added to the precursor for the formation of TiO2 SiO2. Post annealing at 500 C is necessary to have anatase structure. Resulting films and powders were characterized by different techniques. TiO2 anatase phase with 101 preferred orientation have been obtained. Also in TiO2 SiO2 mixed films and powders, TiO2 anatase phase was found. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy FTIR results for TiO2 and mixed TiO2 SiO2 films have been presented and discussed. The method developed in this paper allowed obtaining compact and homogeneous TiO2 films. These compact films are highly photoactive when TiO2 is used as photoanode in an photoelectrochemical cell. Nano porous morphology is obtained when SiO2 colloids are added into the solution. Key words TiO2, TiO2 SiO2, Synthesis, Characterizations, Photoactiv

    Properties of Au/SiO2/a-Si:H solar cells with wet oxide

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    Results are presented of a study of Au/SiO2/a-Si:H MIS solar cells employing wet-chemical oxides. The tunnel oxide can improve or deteriorate the parameters of the solar cell, depending on the oxidation time and on the percentage of the H2O2/water solution during the oxidation. We use the difference in optical subgap absorption, determined by photothermal deflection spectroscopy and by the constant photocunent method, to follow the density of interface states Nss as a function of oxidation time. In all cases, Nss goes through a maximum as a function of tim

    Nanosized titanium dioxide material. Modulation of spontaneous motility and gaba-dependent regulation of functions of stomach smooth muscles in vivo

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    Electron scanning microscopy was used to obtain the image and identify the size of TiO2 nanoparticles. Using the tenzometric method in the isometric mode, it was established that chronic effect of TiO2 on stomach smooth muscles led to redistribution of the amplitudes of spontaneous contractions in terms of their frequencies. An increase in frequency of their contractions, decrease in the duration of contraction–relaxation cycle, the disturbance of the asymmetry of the duration of contraction–relaxation development, a reduction in Montevideo index of contractions and Alexandria index of contractions were demonstrated. It was also shown the existance of the divergence in numerical va­lues of frequency-amplitude complexes, TiO2-modified spontaneous contractive activi­ty of smooth muscles of stomach and caecum. In the conditions of long-term chronic influence (100 days), TiO2 removes the regulatory mechanisms of depressing a release of inhibition neuromediators from neurons of the intramural nervous interlacement, mediated by GABAA- and GABAC-receptors, in smooth musc­les of stomach and caecum

    Silicon-Based Optoelectronic Tongue for Label-Free and Nonspecific Recognition of Vegetable Oils

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    International audienceA special electronic tongue system based on photoelectric measurements on Si-Si/SiN (X) sensitive structures is reported. The sensing approach is based on measuring of minority carrier lifetime in silicon-based substrates using microwave-detected photoconductance decay. This inexpensive and environmentally friendly combinatorial electronic sensing platform is able to create characteristic electronic fingerprints of liquids, detect, and recognize them. In particular, an application of the optoelectronic tongue for recognition of vegetable oils and their mixtures is described