55 research outputs found

    Zeeman interaction in ThO H^3Δ_1 for the electron electric-dipole-moment search

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    The current limit on the electron's electric dipole moment, ∣d_e∣ < 8.7 × 10^(−29) e cm (90% confidence), was set using the molecule thorium monoxide (ThO) in the J = 1 rotational level of its H^3Δ_1 electronic state [J. Baron et al., Science 343, 269 (2014)]. This state in ThO is very robust against systematic errors related to magnetic fields or geometric phases, due in part to its Ω-doublet structure. These systematics can be further suppressed by operating the experiment under conditions where the g-factor difference between the Ω doublets is minimized. We consider the g factors of the ThO H^3Δ_1 state both experimentally and theoretically, including dependence on Ω doublets, the rotational level, and the external electric field. The calculated and measured values are in good agreement. We find that the g-factor difference between Ω doublets is smaller in J = 2 than in J = 1 and reaches zero at an experimentally accessible electric field. This means that the H,J = 2 state should be even more robust against a number of systematic errors compared to H,J = 1

    Ways ot informational modern maintenance of educational process

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    До сучасних способів інформаційного забезпечення навчального процесу належить дистанційне навчання. У тезах подано впровадження дистанційних технологій у післядипломну освіту лікарів-стоматологів, що дозволяє більш повно реалізувати можливості безперервної післядипломної освіти і має економічну ефективність; Modern methods of information supply of educational process refers to distance learning. In the the sis are the introduction of distance technology in post graduate education of dentists that allows you to more fully realize the possibilities of continuing post-graduate educational and economic efficiency

    Pinning down electron correlations in RaF via spectroscopy of excited states

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    We report the spectroscopy of 11 electronic states in the radioactive molecule radium monofluoride (RaF). The observed excitation energies are compared with state-of-the-art relativistic Fock-space coupled cluster (FS-RCC) calculations, which achieve an agreement of >99.71% (within ~8 meV) for all states. High-order electron correlation and quantum electrodynamics corrections are found to be important at all energies. Establishing the accuracy of calculations is an important step towards high-precision studies of these molecules, which are proposed for sensitive searches of physics beyond the Standard Model.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Electric dipole moments and the search for new physics

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    Static electric dipole moments of nondegenerate systems probe mass scales for physics beyond the Standard Model well beyond those reached directly at high energy colliders. Discrimination between different physics models, however, requires complementary searches in atomic-molecular-and-optical, nuclear and particle physics. In this report, we discuss the current status and prospects in the near future for a compelling suite of such experiments, along with developments needed in the encompassing theoretical framework.Comment: Contribution to Snowmass 2021; updated with community edits and endorsement

    Основні етапи життя та діяльності завідувачів кафедри хірургічної стоматології та щелепно-лицевої хірургії з пластичною та реконструктивною хірургією голови та шиї ВДНЗУ «УМСА» Полтавського періоду

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    Кафедра хірургічної стоматології та щелепно-лицевої хірургії з пластичною та реконструктивною хірургією голови та шиї Української медичної стоматологічної академії є однією з найстаріших у нашій країні. В історичному аспекті діяльність кафедри складається з двох періодів - Харківського та Полтавського. Основні етапи наукової діяльності кафедри тісно пов’язані з її завідувачами, видатними вченими нашої країни, які в різні періоди очолювали кафедру; Кафедра хирургической стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии с пластической и реконструктивной хирургией головы и шеи Украинской медицинской стоматологической академии является одной из старейших в нашей стране. В историческом аспекте деятельность кафедры состоит из двух периодов - Харьковского и Полтавского. Основные этапы научной деятельности кафедры тесно связаны с ее заведующими, выдающимися учеными нашей страны, которые в разные периоды возглавляли кафедру; The Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery with Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Head and Neck of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy is one of the oldest in our country. In the historical aspect, the department's activities consist of two periods - Kharkiv and Poltava. The main stages of the scientific activity of the department are closely connected with its managers, prominent scientists of our country, who led the department in different periods

    Electric dipole moments in two-Higgs-doublet models

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    Rating of intra-operative neuro-monitoring results in operative correction of the spinal deformities

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    Purpose of the work was filing the electrophysiological phenomena observed in the process of intra-operative neuromonitoring followed by development of the results’ scale of intra-operative neuro-physiological testing of the pyramidal tract. Materials and мethods. The selection for evaluation included data of 147 protocols of intra-operative neuromonitoring in 135 patients (53 males, 82 females), aged from 1 y. 5 m. to 52 years (14,1±0,7 years) with spinal deformities of different etiology who underwent instrumentation spinal correction followed by fixation of thoracic / thoracolumbar spine segments using various variants of internal systems of trans-pedicular fixation. Intra-operative neuro-monitoring was performed using system «ISIS IOM» (Inomed Medizintechnik GmbH, Germany). The changes of motor evoked potentials were evaluated according to this scale. Results. Five types of pyramidal system reaction to operative invasion were revealed. According to neurophysiological criteria three grades of the risk of neurological disorders development during operative spinal deformity correction and, correspondingly, three levels of anxiety for the surgeon were defined. Conclusion. Intra-operative neurophysiological monitoring is the effective highly technological instrument to prevent neurological disorders in the spinal deformity. Offered rating scale of the risk of neurological complications gives the possibility to highlight three levels of anxiety during operative invasion

    Scientific contribution of professor Maksimenko Pavlo Tikhonovich

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    Охарактеризований внесок професора Максименка П.Т. у розробку актуальних питань профілактики і лікування основних стоматологічних хвороб. Особлива увага приділяється виданим посібникам з алергології в стоматології, медикаментозній патології, утрудненням і помилкам у діагностиці хвороб слизової оболонки порожнини рота; Представлен вклад профессора Максименко П.Т. в разработку актуальных вопросов профилактики и лечения основных стоматологических болезней. Особое внимание уделяется выданным руководствам по аллергологии в стоматологии, медикаментозной патологии, затруднениям и ошибкам в диагностике болезней слизистой оболочки полости рта; The contribution of Prof. P.T. Maksymenko in the development of topical issues of prevention and treatment of major dental diseases was enormous. Particular attention is paid to published manuals on allergology in dentistry, medical pathology, difficulty and errors in the diagnosis of diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity

    Исследование влияния природы твердых кислотных катализаторов на их активность в гидролизе сахарозы и целлюлозы

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    Activity of solid acid catalysts (based on SBA-15 and carbon Sibunit) in hydrolysis of sucrose at 80 °C and of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) at 150 °C was compared. The maximal activity in sucrose hydrolysis (rate constant 9,2·10-4 s-1 ) was observed for SBA-15 containing anchored SO3H-groups. All studied catalysts increase the conversion of MCC in the following order (for hydrolysis time 12 h): without catalyst (4,2 % wt.) < Sibunit (16-19 % wt.) < acid Nafion® (21,5 % wt.) < SBA-15 (80,1 % wt.). Products of MCC hydrolysis contain along with glucose the oligosaccharides and impurities of mannose and xyloseСопоставлена активность твердых кислотных катализаторов на основе SBA-15 и Сибунита в гидролизе сахарозы при 80 °С и микрокристаллической целлюлозы (МКЦ) при 150 °С. Максимальная активность в реакции гидролиза сахарозы наблюдалась у SBA-15 (константа скорости 9,2·10-4с-1), содержащего закрепленные SO3H-группы. Для всех изученных катализаторов конверсия МКЦ за время гидролиза 12 ч увеличивается в следующем порядке: без катализатора (4,2 % мас.) < Сибунит (16-19 % мас.) < Nafion® (21,5 % мас.) < SBA-15 (80,1 % мас.). Установлено, что продукты гидролиза MКЦ содержат наряду с глюкозой олигосахариды и примеси маннозы и ксилоз