35 research outputs found
Business forecasting methods
The paper comprises three parts: description of the forecasting conception, classification of forecasting methods, and the general forecasting model. The first part deals with the definition of business forecasting, the second classifies and deals in more detail with the most frequently practiced forecasting methods and comes up with recommendations how to apply them in specific situations. The third part present the analysis of newly established forecasting model.uzņēmējdarbības attīstība, dinamiskā simulācija, ekonometriskie modeļi, prognozēšana, tirgus pētījumi un analīze
The new economic and new markets: general principles and developing problems.
In paper are 4 parts: 1) historical economic system review; 2) definition of terms of the new economic; 3) its problems and solving ways overview; 4) part of research method of competition of the traditional and the new economic.jaunā ekonomika, informācijas sabiedrība, elektroniskā (e-) komercija
Construction materials and construction influential factors in Latvia
In work are analysed situation in Latvian building, building material producing, in real estate market. Show on building material producing influential factors. Analysed statistic about building material produce and using in Latvia. Work out matrix, which help to develop produces and building material branch.būvniecība, būvmateriālu ražošana, nekustāma īpašuma tirgus
Prognozēšanas metodes uzņēmējdarbībā
The paper comprises three parts: description of the forecasting conception, classification of forecasting methods, and the general forecasting model. The first part deals with the definition of business forecasting, the second classifies and deals in more detail with the most frequently practiced forecasting methods and comes up with recommendations how to apply them in specific situations. The third part present the analysis of newly established forecasting model
Būvmateriālu ražošanas un būvniecību ietekmējošie faktori Latvijā
In work are analysed situation in Latvian building, building material producing, in real estate market. Show on building material producing influential factors. Analysed statistic about building material produce and using in Latvia. Work out matrix, which help to develop produces and building material branch
Jaunā ekonomika un jaunie tirgi: pamatprincipi un veidošanās problēmas
In paper are 4 parts: 1) historical economic system review; 2) definition of terms of the new economic; 3) its problems and solving ways overview; 4) part of research method of competition of the traditional and the new economic
Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis
The authors of this book describe an economic-mathematical forecasting model of the system dynamic type for construction industry. The book contains basic equations of the model, a system of indicators and a description of various block of the model – blocks of inhabitant, commercial and national construction demand; blocks of provision of construction materials; basic means; financial capital; personnel and information, etc. The authors also analyse the dynamics in Latvia’s construction industry, the factors that influence production increase and development, construction resources and available housing, and housing demand by solvent inhabitants. The book offers forecast pertaining to the construction industry that have been obtained with given model
Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis
The authors of this book describe an economic-mathematical forecasting model of the system dynamic type for construction industry. The book contains basic equations of the model, a system of indicators and a description of various block of the model – blocks of inhabitant, commercial and national construction demand; blocks of provision of construction materials; basic means; financial capital; personnel and information, etc. The authors also analyse the dynamics in Latvia’s construction industry, the factors that influence production increase and development, construction resources and available housing, and housing demand by solvent inhabitants. The book offers forecast pertaining to the construction industry that have been obtained with given model
Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis
The authors of this book describe an economic-mathematical forecasting model of the system dynamic type for construction industry. The book contains basic equations of the model, a system of indicators and a description of various block of the model – blocks of inhabitant, commercial and national construction demand; blocks of provision of construction materials; basic means; financial capital; personnel and information, etc. The authors also analyse the dynamics in Latvia’s construction industry, the factors that influence production increase and development, construction resources and available housing, and housing demand by solvent inhabitants. The book offers forecast pertaining to the construction industry that have been obtained with given model