46 research outputs found

    Studies of heavy metal content in bottom sediments and aquatic plants near treated wastewater discharge

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    The paper attempts to determine the degree of impact of discharged wastewater from five treatment plants on the Bug River ecosystem and its inflow, the Kamianka. For laboratory tests, samples of bottom sediments and aquatic plants were collected in 2014. The content of heavy metals: Zn, Pb, Ni in bottom sediments and aquatic plants (root, stem, leaf) growing close to the discharge of purified sewage, were analyzed. The amount of metals in the samples was determined applying the AAS method in its flame version. The average content of the metals determined in bottom sediments from the study points located before the treatment plant were Zn – 21.8; Pb – 11.5; Ni – 13.7 mg⋅kg−1. However, the content of these metals was higher in samples from the collection points which were located after the place of purified sewage discharge and amounted to: Zn – 34.3; Pb – 12.2; Ni – 16.9 mg⋅kg−1. The test plants were Acorus calamus L., Nuphar lutea L., Typha angustifolia L. The content of metals in the individual parts of macrophytes (root, stem, leaf) was as follows: Zn > Pb > Ni. In the bottom sediments and aquatic plants of the Bug and Kamianka rivers, a higher content of lead, zinc and nickel was found after the discharge of treated sewage in relation to their content than before discharge, but it was not a threat to the aquatic environment of the watercourses studied. Statistical analysis showed that the amount of sewage discharged to the tested receivers influenced the content of organic matter, zinc and nickel in bottom sediments

    Metals in organs of bottom sediments and aquatic plants of the Ełk River and its tributaries

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    The aim of the work was to analyze the content of Ni, Pb and Cd in organs (root, stem, leaf) Typha latifolia L. and Nuphar lutea as well as bottom sediments of the Ełk River and selected tributaries. An attempt was also made to indicate the factors and processes governing the behavior of the investigated metals in the water environment of the examined rivers. The research object was the Ełk River with its three tributaries - the Gawlik River, the Binduga River and the Kuwasy Canal. Samples of bottom sediments, leaves, stems and roots of Typha latifolia L. and Nuphar lutea were collected in August of 2015. The content of metals was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (F-AAS). The results of analyses of sediments and plant material indicate a lack of environmental pollution by nickel (2.58-8.50 mg-kg-1) and lead (3.82-15.99 mg-kg-1) of the Ełk River and its tributaries whereas the cadmium content ranged from 0.16-0.76 mg-kg-1. Nuphar lutea and Typha latifolia L. showed a varied capacity to accumulate nickel (1.20-10.51 mg-kg-1) and lead (0.04-14.16 mg-kg-1), occurring primarily in the roots. The smallest concentration of nickel and lead was recorded in the stems. The highest concentration of cadmium (2.56 mg-kg-1) was noted in the roots and the lowest (0.01 mg-kg) in the leaves. Factor analysis pointed to the processes of mobilizing elements from bottom sediments as a result of pH drop and their uptake by macrophyte roots and sorption processes of metal ions by macrophytes from river waters and their intensive accumulation in bottom sediments

    The Content of Heavy Metals in Bottom Sediments of Selected City Rivers of the Podlasie Province

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    The purpose of the work was to determine the relationship between the state of the water environment quality of selected rivers (Zn, Cr, Pb, Cd and Cu tests in bottom sediments), and the sources of pollution resulting from the close proximity to the cities, through which they flow. The following rivers were selected for the study: the Biała river flowing through the city of Białystok, the Narew river flowing through the city of Tykocin and the village of Złotoria, the Supraśl river flowing through the village of Michałowo and Gródek as well as the Biała river flowing through the city of Bielsk Podlaski. The sediments were collected four times from the same points in 2016 in the period from July to October. The sediment samples were collected from the points located on rivers before and beyond towns and villages. The contents of the following metals were tested in the bottom sediment samples: Zn, Cr, Pb, Cd and Cu. The analyses were carried out applying the flame absorption spectrometry method. The statistical multivariate CA and FA analyzes were used. The highest contents of Zn, Pb and Cr were recorded in the bottom sediments from the following rivers: Biała (Białystok) and Biała inflow of Orlanka (Bielsk Podlaski), which resulted from the anthropogenic activity. The research also showed the impact of the agricultural activity due to the slightly elevated Cd level

    Distribution of Nickel, Copper and Cobalt in the Grain Fractions of Bottom Sediments of the Sokołda River and its Tributaries (Poland)

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    In recent years, the interest in the occurrence of heavy metals in the natural environment has been observed. The heavy metal contamination can lead to serious environmental problems. The aim of the study was to estimate the total content of heavy metals: Ni, Cu and Co, in the surface layer of the bottom sediments of the Sokołda river and its tributaries, and to determine the relationship between the grain size and scope of their metal content. Determination of metals in the bottom sediment samples was performed by means of atomic absorption spectrometry (ASA). The research on the Sokołda river and its tributaries showed low levels of Ni, Cu and Co. It was proven that the majority of studied metals were contained in the smallest clay fraction <0.02 mm. On the other hand, the least studied metals were accumulated in 1.0–0.2 mm and 0.2–0.1 mm fractions. The 1.0–0.2 mm and 0.2–0.1 mm fractions contain around 80% of the tested metal forms, while the 0.02–0.063 mm and <0.02 mm fractions – only a few percent. This speaks for the determination of metals in the 1.0–0.1 mm fraction, that contains both coarser and clay fractions, and thus most reliably reflects the actual load of pollutants carried by the sediment. Studies have shown that the main sources of pollution in the Sokołda river catchment are primarily surface runoff, and to a lesser extent, wastewater (municipal and industrial)


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    Creating the buffer zones is a function intended to designate an area in particular, of a constant distance around the spatial objects. The aim of the study was to create maps as thematic layers, which served to identify areas of existing and potential contamination of surface water and other environmental elements. Among others, it made possible to localize the areas potentially affected by the surface water pollution due to transport; localize the areas potentially affected by the surface water pollution due to the discharge of sewage from human settlements; localize the zones with mitigated impact of communication emissions due to the natural protection of forests taking the form of so-called geochemical barriers. The spatial analyzes allowed to generate model-zones of the existing and potential threat of water pollution in the Narew river catchment. Designated danger zones can be verified by studies as well as they can be very helpful in determining the monitoring network and for water quality modeling process

    Content of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium in the Street Dust from the Area of Białystok (Poland)

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    The aim of the study was to assess the content of Ca, Mg, Na and K in the road dust collected in Białystok from various environments (roads with high traffic intensity, housing estate roads, roads located near parks and green areas), in order to determine the impact of the road transport on the spatial differentiation of the content of the tested components in street dust and identify their main sources. In total, the samples from 69 points were analyzed, which were taken in spring 2018 (late April and May) during the dry weather. The content of Ca, Mg, Na and K was determined by means of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The average contents of the tested elements in the dust from all measuring points were in the following order: Ca (23.53%) > Mg (2.38) > Na (1.16) > K (0.25). This shows that Ca is the most numerous element in the tested dusts. Studies have not shown a significant impact of vehicle traffic, in particular the so-called non-exhaust sources related to this traffic on the content of main elements in the Białystok road dusts. The analyses have indicated that the main source of Ca and Mg in the Białystok road dust constitute the structural elements of roads, bridges and structures, in which building cement and its derivatives are the main component

    Bees as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Metals in an Urban Area

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    The commonness of metal contamination, even at considerable distances from industrial centers and intensively used economic areas, has become the interest of many researchers. The issue of evaluating the state of the environment with the help of living organisms has become a very important part in the control of the natural environment. Honey bee (Apis mellifera L) is a good bioindicator as it is inextricably linked to the natural environment in which it lives. The aim of the research, and at the same time the main assumption of the study, was to evaluate the effectiveness of honeybees (Apis mellifera L) as bioindicators for the presence of Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn, Fe in the urban area (example of Bialystok city). The study includes pilot studies covering three sampling periods (March, June and September 2015). Analyses of metals were made by ASA method. The results showed the presence of Cu, Cr Zn, Mn and Fe in all bees samples. An increased content of Cr in bees was also found, which may be the result of the presence of this element in the environment (air, soil, water, plants, pollen) and in the impregnation agent applied to protect wooden elements of the bee hive. The research showed seasonal variation of metals in bees bodies. The main sources of studied metals in bee samples seem to be motorization, industry, and municipal economy within the urban area. Statistical calculations showed a common origin of majority of studied metals. Bee studies for metals contents can be an important element of a bio-monitoring of changing natural environment as a consequence of anthropogenic activity

    Heavy Metal Concentrations in Roadside Soils on the Białystok-Budzisko Route in Northeastern Poland

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    Civilization development has contributed to environmental pollution. In recent years, the number of vehicles has increased significantly; according to the Central Statistical Office, the number of passenger cars in Poland in 2000 was nearly 10 million, while in 2020 it was slightly more than 25 million. The study aimed to determine the content and spatial distribution of trace elements (Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn and Cu) in the roadside topsoil along the trunk road Białystok–Budzisko on different types of land use (urban, rural, agricultural and forestal areas). Forty-five soil samples were collected from a 160 km road section, at intervals of approximately 4 km. Metal contents were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentrations of metals in roadside soils occurred in the following order: Fe > Mn > Zn > Cr > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cd. The average contents of Cd, Zn, Cu, and Pb were higher than the geochemical background values of the Polish soils. Moreover, the values of the Igeo showed for Cd moderate to strong, while for Zn, Cu and Pb, moderate soil contamination. The study indicates that significant metal-binding factors in the studied roadside soils are Fe and Mn oxides. The crucial source of metals is road transport, depending on its intensity, which means amount, type, and speed of vehicles. Moreover, based on the analysis of the course of the factor values and their dynamics, it was observed that the areas where typical activities connected with the population take place (urban and agricultural areas) are additional sources of heavy metals. The results of this paper are relevant to the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution in roadside soils. The study can contribute to reducing the concentration of toxic elements in ecosystems due to vehicle emissions with appropriate land-use policies

    Determination of Mixing Zones for Wastewater With Receiver Waters

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    Discharges from wastewater treatment are among the key sources of pollution, if norms included in the applied legal acts are exceeded. In determining the impact of these objects on water environment it is often assumed that complete mixing wastewater with surface water is in the point or close to the discharge. In fact, the complete mixing of waste water in a short distance from the discharge occurs incidentally depending on the type of sewage receiver. The size and type of specific sewage receiver determines the conditions of self-purification. Complete mixing zone has a huge impact on the intensity of self-purification processes. Therefore, the possibility to determine the size zone of complete mixing of the waste water from the water receiver is important. The issue involves a series of methods, the most computational, which more or less allows to evaluate the distance of mixing waste water. advection, turbulent and molecular diffusion affect mixing wastewater with surface waters. The article discusses the factors influencing the mixing process and the impact of mixing on the self-purification surface waters. The aim of the article is a review of several methods for determining the distance of the segment mix completely discharged wastewater, with regard to the location of their discharge

    Influence of water soldier Stratiotes aloides L. on the structure of inhabiting macrofauna

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    Badania prowadzono w sezonach wiosennym i letnim 2007 roku dla Jeziora Smołdzińskiego (odcięta zatoka jeziora Gardno) oraz otaczających go kanałach melioracyjnych. Określono strukturę fauny epifitycznej zasiedlającej osokę aloesowatą Stratiotes aloides L. oraz skład pierwiastkowy (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Ca i Mg) tego makrofitu. Dzięki wykorzystaniu metody ordynacyjnej pCCA podjęto próbę określenia wpływu chemicznego podłoża roślinnego na zasiedlających je przedstawicieli makrofauny. Łącznie znaleziono 27 taksonów fauny epifitycznej, wśród której dominowały przedstawiciele ślimaków. Największy wpływ na epifaunę naroślinną mają ołów i miedź, redukując głównie występowanie przedstawicieli mięczaków. Również akumulacja w liściach tego makrofitu innych metali ciężkich wpływa niekorzystnie na żyjących na jej powierzchni przedstawicieli makrofauny, natomiast stężenia wapnia i magnezu wpływają bardzo korzystne na przedstawicieli chrząszczy, chruścików oraz mięczaków. Sam wpływ sezonowości na chemiczne oddziaływanie osoki na zasiedlające ją zwierzęta nie został potwierdzony.The investigation was conducted in spring and summer seasons 2007 in the Smołdzińskie Lake (the cutoff bay of the Gardno Lake) and surrounding melioration ditches. The structure of epiphytic fauna inhabiting water soldiers Stratiotes aloides L. and chemical composition of this macrophyte were determined. With the help of ordination technique (pCCA) we assessed the influence of chemical composition of plant substrate on macrofauna representatives. Altogether 27 taxa of epiphytic fauna were found and most of them were observed in summer, except for one of the melioration ditches. It turned out, that lead and copper had the most important influence on epiphytic fauna inhabiting water soldiers and those chemical elements limited the occurrence of mollusks. The accumulation of other heavy metals in leaves of the studied macrophyte also did not favour the presence of macrofauna representatives. In turn, the higher concentrations of calcium and magnesium were correlated with higher abundance of beetles, caddis-flies and mollusks. The influence of season on chemical interactions between water soldiers and inhabiting macrofauna was not observed