74 research outputs found

    Long non-coding rna (Lncrna) roles in cell biology, neurodevelopment and neurological disorders

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    Development is a complex process regulated both by genetic and epigenetic and environmental clues. Recently, long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as key regulators of gene expression in several tissues including the brain. Altered expression of lncRNAs has been linked to several neurodegenerative, neurodevelopmental and mental disorders. The identification and characterization of lncRNAs that are deregulated or mutated in neurodevelopmental and mental health diseases are fundamental to understanding the complex transcriptional processes in brain function. Crucially, lncRNAs can be exploited as a novel target for treating neurological disorders. In our review, we first summarize the recent advances in our understanding of lncRNA functions in the context of cell biology and then discussing their association with selected neuronal development and neurological disorders

    Long Non-Coding RNA (lncRNA) Roles in Cell Biology, Neurodevelopment and Neurological Disorders.

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    Development is a complex process regulated both by genetic and epigenetic and environmental clues. Recently, long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as key regulators of gene expression in several tissues including the brain. Altered expression of lncRNAs has been linked to several neurodegenerative, neurodevelopmental and mental disorders. The identification and characterization of lncRNAs that are deregulated or mutated in neurodevelopmental and mental health diseases are fundamental to understanding the complex transcriptional processes in brain function. Crucially, lncRNAs can be exploited as a novel target for treating neurological disorders. In our review, we first summarize the recent advances in our understanding of lncRNA functions in the context of cell biology and then discussing their association with selected neuronal development and neurological disorders

    NADPH Oxidases: Insights into Selected Functions and Mechanisms of Action in Cancer and Stem Cells

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    NADPH oxidases (NOX) are reactive oxygen species- (ROS-) generating enzymes regulating numerous redox-dependent signaling pathways. NOX are important regulators of cell differentiation, growth, and proliferation and of mechanisms, important for a wide range of processes from embryonic development, through tissue regeneration to the development and spread of cancer. In this review, we discuss the roles of NOX and NOX-derived ROS in the functioning of stem cells and cancer stem cells and in selected aspects of cancer cell physiology. Understanding the functions and complex activities of NOX is important for the application of stem cells in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and development of new therapies toward invasive forms of cancers

    New physiological activities of myosuppressin, sulfakinin and NVP-like peptide in Zophobas atratus beetle

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    Three neuropeptides Zopat-MS-2 (pEDVDHVFLRFa), Zopat-SK-1 (pETSDDYGHLRFa) and Zopat-NVPL-4trunc. (GRWGGFA), recently isolated from the neuroendocrine system of the Zophobas atratus beetle, were tested for their myotropic and hyperglycaemic activities in this species. These peptides exerted differentiated dose-dependent and tissue specific physiological effects. Zopat-MS-2 inhibited contractions of the isolated heart, ejaculatory duct, oviduct and hindgut of adult beetles and induced bimodal effects in the heart contractile activity of pupae in vivo. It also increased the haemolymph free sugar level in larvae of this species, apart from myotropic activity. Zopat-SK-1 showed myostimulatory action on the isolated hindgut of the adult beetles, but it decreased contractions of the heart, ejaculatory duct and oviduct. Injections of this peptide at a dose of 2 μg also caused delayed cardioinhibitory effects on the heartbeat of the pupae. Together with the ability to increase free sugar level in the haemolymph of larvae these were new physiological activities of sulfakinins in insects. Zopat-NVPL-4trunc. inhibited the muscle contractions of the two organs: hindgut and ejaculatory duct but it was inactive on the oviduct and the heart of the adult beetles. This peptide also increased free sugar level concentration in the haemolymph of Z. atratus larvae. These physiological actions are the first biological activities discovered for this group of the insect peptides. The present work showed pleiotropic activity of three neuropeptides and indicates that the visceral muscle contractions and the haemolymph sugar homeostasis in Z. atratus are regulated by complex mechanisms

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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    Rola szkolnej edukacji seksualnej w promocji zdrowia

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    Sexuality is an integral part of personality of each human being. No earnestly conducted sex education is a common cause of engaging in risky sexual behaviours. The aim of the study is to evaluate the role of sex education in health promotion and to present the results of the studies of the effects of school sex education on sexual behaviour of young people. The period of adolescence is characterized by a more frequent risk-taking behaviour. Among adolescents it is observed that the average age of sexual initiation has decreased, the frequency of making sexual contact and a number of sexual partners has increased, as well as the insufficient dissemination of the use of condoms and other methods of contraception every time sexual intercourse takes place. The task of health promotion is to influence determinants of health, among others, through sex education. Research confirms the positive impact of complex sex education, carried out in accordance with the recommendations of international organizations, on a lower frequency of engaging in risky sexual behaviour. It seems appropriate to take action to disseminate appropriate for the level of psychosexual development sex education in schools.Seksualność jest nieodłącznym elementem osobowości każdego człowieka. Brak rzetelnie prowadzonej edukacji seksualnej w tym zakresie jest częstą przyczyną podejmowania ryzykownych zachowań seksualnych. Celem pracy jest ocena roli edukacji seksualnej w promocji zdrowia oraz zaprezentowanie wyników badań oceniających wpływ szkolnej edukacji seksualnej na zachowania seksualne młodzieży. Okres adolescencji charakteryzuje się częstszym podejmowaniem ryzykownych zachowań. Wśród adolescentów obserwowany jest spadek średniego wieku inicjacji seksualnej, zwiększenie częstości podejmowania kontaktów seksualnych oraz liczby partnerów seksualnych, a także niedostatecznie rozpowszechnienie korzystania z prezerwatyw i innych metod antykoncepcji przy każdym stosunku seksualnym. Zadaniem promocji zdrowia jest wpływanie na uwarunkowania zdrowia m.in. poprzez edukację seksualną. Badania potwierdzają pozytywny wpływ złożonej edukacji seksualnej, prowadzonej zgodnie z rekomendacjami organizacji międzynarodowych, na mniejszą częstotliwość podejmowania ryzykownych zachowań seksualnych. Właściwe wydaje się być podjęcie działań mających na celu rozpowszechnianie właściwej dla poziomu rozwoju psychoseksualnego edukacji seksualnej w szkołach

    Health education in rural environment - study of opinions and expectations of junior high and secondary school adolescents

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    Wprowadzenie i cel pracy. Edukacja zdrowotna stanowić winna jedno z nadrzędnych zadań systemu szkolnictwa. Zdobycie we wczesnym okresie rozwoju podstawowej wiedzy dotyczącej zachowań zdrowotnych może korzystnie wpłynąć na stan zdrowia społeczeństwa. Zapewnienie uczniom dostępu do wiedzy na temat zdrowia może stanowić wyzwanie, niemniej korzyści są niepodważalne. Celem pracy jest określenie stanowiska młodzieży na temat pomysłu wprowadzenia do szkół edukacji zdrowotnej oraz oczekiwań, co do treści i metod nauczania takiej tematyki. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 200 respondentów: 100 chłopców oraz 100 dziewcząt. Wśród nich było 100 gimnazjalistów oraz 100 licealistów. Rozkład respondentów według zmiennych umożliwia porównanie wyników uzyskanych w gimnazjach i liceach. Zastosowano autorski kwestionariusz składający się z 15 pytań zamkniętych oraz jednego otwartego. Wyniki. 91% gimnazjalistów i 83% licealistów wie, czym jest edukacja zdrowotna. Najistotniejsze źródła informacji o zdrowiu dla gimnazjalistów i licealistów to odpowiednio: rodzice, rodzina: 26% i 24%, Internet: 20% i 23%, szkoła: 16%, i 12%. Edukację zdrowotną w szkole za potrzebną uważa 72% gimnazjalistów i 65% licealistów. 13 respondentów z gimnazjum oraz 21 z liceum nie miało styczności z żadną formą edukacji zdrowotnej. Wnioski. W szkołach zaniedbywane jest przekazywanie treści związanych ze zdrowiem. Należy dołożyć starań, aby ta tematyka była omawiana w szerszym zakresie. Należy szukać nowych sposobów prowadzenia zajęć z edukacji zdrowotnej, angażować odpowiednio do tego przygotowane osoby oraz nie powtarzać tych samych treści. Nieprzestrzeganie tych warunków powoduje, iż odbiorcy nie czerpią z zajęć pożądanych korzyści.Introduction and objective. Health education should be one of the primary tasks of the education system. An acquisition of basic knowledge concerning health behaviours during an early period of development may exert a positive effect on the state of health of society. The provision of schoolchildren with access to knowledge pertaining to health may constitute a challenge; nevertheless, the benefits are undeniable. The objective of the study was the determination of adolescents’ attitudes concerning the introduction of health education in schools, and their expectations with respect to contents and methods of education within this scope of problems. Material and methods. The study covered 200 respondents, 100 boys and 100 girls, including 100 junior high and 100 secondary school adolescents. The respondents’ distribution according to variables enables the comparison of the results obtained in junior high and secondary schools. The study was conducted using a questionnaire designed by the author, consisting of 15 closed questions and 1 open question. Results. As many as 91% of adolescents attending junior high school, and 83% of those from secondary school, knew the meaning of health education. The most important sources of information concerning health for adolescents attending junior high and secondary schools were: parents, family – 26% and 24%, the Internet – 20% and 23%, school – 16%, and 12%, respectively. 72% of junior high and 65% of secondary school adolescents considered health education at school as necessary, whereas 13 respondents from junior high school, and 21 from secondary school had no contact with any form of health education. Conclusions. At schools, the imparting of knowledge related with health is neglected. Efforts should be undertaken in order to more comprehensively discuss this cope of problems. It is necessary to seek new methods of conducting classes in health education, engage properly prepared persons, and not to repeat the same contents. Due to the lack of observance of these conditions the recipients do not derive the desired benefits from classes

    Element content of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands of different densities

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    Modern forestry management should be based on the principle of sustainability.In order to preserve habitat productivity, the amount of nutrients removed from the environment along with forestry products must be taken into consideration. This study shows the exact concentrations of chemical elements in different tree parts of Scots pine, growing on poor soils in north-western Poland. The observedvalues were compared to the values found in literature. In addition, the relationship between the concentrations of elements and stem diameter or stand density was researched. The highest concentration of chemical elements was observed in the needles (C, N, P, K, Mg, S, Mn, Na, Fe) and the lowest (C, N, P, S, Cu, Na, Ni, Pb, Zn, Fe) in the stem wood. Most of the macronutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg and S) reached optimal values, with the exception of N showing a deficiency, especially in the needles. The relationship between the content of elements and DBH or stand density was rather weak, and in both cases, negative

    Opredelenie ostatochnykh kolchestv pesticidov v citrusovykh plodakh

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