45 research outputs found

    International Social Survey Programme 2008: Religion III (ISSP 2008)

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    Content: attitudes towards religious practices.Topics: assessment of personal happiness; attitudes towards pre-maritalsexual intercourse; attitudes towards committed adultery; attitudestowards homosexual relationships between adults; attitudes towardsabortion in case of serious disability or illness of the baby or lowincome of the family; attitudes towards gender roles in marriage; trustin institutions (parliament, business and industry, churches andreligious organizations, courts and the legal system, schools and theeducational system); mobility; attitudes towards the influence ofreligious leaders on voters and government; attitudes towards thebenefits of science and religion (scale: modern science does more harmthan good, too much trust in science and not enough in religious faith,religions bring more conflicts than peace, intolerance of people withvery strong religious beliefs); judgement on the power of churches andreligious organizations; attitudes towards equal rights for allreligious groups in the country and respect for all religions;acceptance of persons from a different religion or with differentreligious views in case of marrying a relative or being a candidate ofthe preferred political party (social distance); attitudes towards theallowance for religious extremists to hold public meetings and topublish books expressing their views (freedom of expression); doubt orfirm belief in God (deism, scale); belief in: a life after death,heaven, hell, religious miracles, reincarnation, Nirvana, supernaturalpowers of deceased ancestors; attitudes towards a higher truth andtowards meaning of life (scale: God is concerned with every human beingpersonally, little that people can do to change the course of theirlives (fatalism), life is meaningful only because God exists, life doesnot serve any purpose, life is only meaningful if someone provides themeaning himself, connection with God without churches or religiousservices); religious preference (affiliation) of mother, father andspouse/partner; religion respondent was raised in; frequency ofchurch attendance (of attendance in religious services) of father andmother; personal frequency of church attendance when young; frequencyof prayers and participation in religious activities; shrine, altar ora religious object in respondent’s home; frequency of visiting a holyplace (shrine, temple, church or mosque) for religious reasons exceptregular religious services; self-classification of personalreligiousness and spirituality; truth in one or in all religions;attitudes towards the profits of practicing a religion (scale: findinginner peace and happiness, making friends, gaining comfort in times oftrouble and sorrow, meeting the right kind of people).Optional items (not stated in all countries): questions in countrieswith an appreciable number of Evangelical Protestants): ´born-again´Christian; attitudes towards the Bible (or appropriate holy book);questions generally applicable for all countries: conversion of faithafter crucial experience; personal sacrifice as an expression of faithsuch as fasting or following a special diet during holy season such asLent or Ramadan; concept of God (semantic differential scale: mother -father, master - spouse, judge - lover, friend - king); belief in luckycharms, fortune tellers, faith healers and horoscopes; social rules orGod’s laws as basis for deciding between right and wrong; attitudestowards members of different religious groups (Christians, Muslims,Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Atheists or non-believers.Demography: sex; age; marital status; steady life partner; years ofschooling; highest education level; country specific education anddegree; current employment status (respondent and partner); hoursworked weekly; occupation (ISCO 1988) (respondent and partner);supervising function at work; working for private or public sector orself-employed (respondent and partner); if self-employed: number ofemployees; trade union membership; earnings of respondent (countryspecific); family income (country specific); size of household;household composition; party affiliation (left-right); country specificparty affiliation; participation in last election; religiousdenomination; religious main groups; attendance of religious services;self-placement on a top-bottom scale; region (country specific); sizeof community (country specific); type of community: urban-rural area;country of origin or ethnic group affiliation.Additionally coded: administrative mode of data-collection; weightingfactor; case substitution

    International Social Survey Programme: Religion III - ISSP 2008

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    Einstellung zur religiösen Praxis. Themen: Einschätzung des persönlichen Glücksgefühls; Einstellung zu vorehelichem Geschlechtsverkehr und zu außerehelichem Geschlechtsverkehr (Ehebruch); Einstellung zu homosexuellen Beziehungen zwischen Erwachsenen; Einstellung zu Abtreibung im Falle von Behinderung oder Krankheit des Babys und im Falle geringen Einkommens der Familie; Rollenverständnis in der Ehe; Institutionenvertrauen (Parlament, Unternehmen und Industrie, Kirche und religiöse Organisationen, Gerichte und Rechtssystem, Schulen und Bildungssystem); eigene Mobilität; Einstellung zum Einfluss von religiösen Führern auf Wähler und Regierung; Einstellung zu Wissenschaft und Religion (Skala: moderne Wissenschaft bringt mehr Schaden als Nutzen, zu viel Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft und zu wenig religiöses Vertrauen, Religionen bringen mehr Konflikte als Frieden, Intoleranz von Menschen mit starken religiösen Überzeugungen); Beurteilung der Macht von Kirchen und religiösen Organisationen im Lande; Einstellung zur Gleichberechtigung aller religiösen Gruppen im Land und Respekt für alle Religionen; Akzeptanz einer Person anderen Glaubens oder mit unterschiedlichen religiösen Ansichten als Ehepartner im Verwandtschaftskreis sowie als Kandidat der präferierten Partei (soziale Distanz); Einstellung zur öffentlichen Redefreiheit bzw. zum Publikationsrecht für religiöse Extremisten; Zweifel oder fester Glaube an Gott (Skala Deismus); Glaube an: ein Leben nach dem Tod, Himmel, Hölle, Wunder, Reinkarnation, Nirwana, übernatürliche Kräfte verstorbener Vorfahren; Einstellung zu einer höheren Wahrheit und zum Sinn des Lebens (Gott kümmert sich um jeden Menschen persönlich, nur wenig persönlicher Einfluss auf das Leben möglich (Fatalismus), Leben hat nur einen Sinn aufgrund der Existenz Gottes, Leben dient keinem Zweck, eigenes Tun verleiht dem Leben Sinn, persönliche Verbindung mit Gott ohne Kirche oder Gottesdienste); Religion der Mutter, des Vaters und des Ehepartners bzw. Partners; Religion, mit der der Befragte aufgewachsen ist; Kirchgangshäufigkeit des Vaters und der Mutter; persönliche Kirchgangshäufigkeit in der Jugend; Häufigkeit des Betens und der Teilnahme an religiösen Aktivitäten; Schrein, Altar oder religiöses Objekt (z.B. Kreuz) im Haushalt des Befragten; Häufigkeit des Besuchs eines heiligen Ortes (Schrein, Tempel, Kirche oder Moschee) aus religiösen Gründen; Selbsteinschätzung der Religiosität und Spiritualität; Wahrheit in einer oder in allen Religionen; Vorteilhaftigkeit der Ausübung einer Religion (Skala: inneren Frieden und Glück finden, Freundschaften schließen, Unterstützung in schwierigen Zeiten, Gleichgesinnte treffen). Optionale Items (nicht in allen Ländern ausgeführt): wiedergeborene Christen; Einstellung zur Bibel; Fragen, die grundsätzlich für alle Länder anwendbar sind: Bekehrung zum Glauben nach einem Schlüsselerlebnis; persönliche Opfer als Ausdruck des Glaubens wie Fasten oder Einhalten einer speziellen Diät während heiliger Zeiten wie z.B. Ramadan; Konzept von Gott (semantisches Differential: Mutter/Vater, Herr und Meister/Ehepartner, Richter/Liebender, Freund/König); Glaube an Glücksbringer, Wahrsager, Gesundbeter und Horoskope; demokratische oder göttliche Gesetze als Grundlage für Entscheidungen zwischen richtig und falsch; Einstellung gegenüber verschiedenen religiösen Gruppen (Christen, Muslime, Hindus, Buddhisten, Juden, Atheisten oder Nicht-Gläubige). Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter; Familienstand; Zusammenleben mit einem Partner; Jahre der Schulbildung, höchster Bildungsabschluss; länderspezifischer Bildungsgrad; derzeitiger Beschäftigungsstatus des Befragten und seines Partners; Wochenarbeitszeit; Beruf (ISCO-88) des Befragten und seines Partners; Vorgesetztenfunktion; Beschäftigung im privaten oder öffentlichen Dienst oder Selbständigkeit des Befragten und seines Partners; Selbständige wurden gefragt: Anzahl der Beschäftigten; Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft; Einkommensquellen des Befragten (länderspezifisch), Haushaltseinkommen (länderspezifisch); Haushaltsgröße; Haushaltszusammensetzung; Parteipräferenz (links-rechts), länderspezifische Parteipräferenz; Wahlbeteiligung bei der letzten Wahl; Konfession; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Selbsteinstufung auf einer Oben-Unten-Skala; Region und Ortsgröße (länderspezifisch), Urbanisierungsgrad; Geburtsland und ethnische Herkunft. Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Datenerhebungsart;Gewichtungsfaktoren

    International Social Survey Programme 2008: Religion III (ISSP 2008)

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    Content: attitudes towards religious practices.Topics: assessment of personal happiness; attitudes towards pre-maritalsexual intercourse; attitudes towards committed adultery; attitudestowards homosexual relationships between adults; attitudes towardsabortion in case of serious disability or illness of the baby or lowincome of the family; attitudes towards gender roles in marriage; trustin institutions (parliament, business and industry, churches andreligious organizations, courts and the legal system, schools and theeducational system); mobility; attitudes towards the influence ofreligious leaders on voters and government; attitudes towards thebenefits of science and religion (scale: modern science does more harmthan good, too much trust in science and not enough in religious faith,religions bring more conflicts than peace, intolerance of people withvery strong religious beliefs); judgement on the power of churches andreligious organizations; attitudes towards equal rights for allreligious groups in the country and respect for all religions;acceptance of persons from a different religion or with differentreligious views in case of marrying a relative or being a candidate ofthe preferred political party (social distance); attitudes towards theallowance for religious extremists to hold public meetings and topublish books expressing their views (freedom of expression); doubt orfirm belief in God (deism, scale); belief in: a life after death,heaven, hell, religious miracles, reincarnation, Nirvana, supernaturalpowers of deceased ancestors; attitudes towards a higher truth andtowards meaning of life (scale: God is concerned with every human beingpersonally, little that people can do to change the course of theirlives (fatalism), life is meaningful only because God exists, life doesnot serve any purpose, life is only meaningful if someone provides themeaning himself, connection with God without churches or religiousservices); religious preference (affiliation) of mother, father andspouse/partner; religion respondent was raised in; frequency ofchurch attendance (of attendance in religious services) of father andmother; personal frequency of church attendance when young; frequencyof prayers and participation in religious activities; shrine, altar ora religious object in respondent’s home; frequency of visiting a holyplace (shrine, temple, church or mosque) for religious reasons exceptregular religious services; self-classification of personalreligiousness and spirituality; truth in one or in all religions;attitudes towards the profits of practicing a religion (scale: findinginner peace and happiness, making friends, gaining comfort in times oftrouble and sorrow, meeting the right kind of people).Optional items (not stated in all countries): questions in countrieswith an appreciable number of Evangelical Protestants): ´born-again´Christian; attitudes towards the Bible (or appropriate holy book);questions generally applicable for all countries: conversion of faithafter crucial experience; personal sacrifice as an expression of faithsuch as fasting or following a special diet during holy season such asLent or Ramadan; concept of God (semantic differential scale: mother -father, master - spouse, judge - lover, friend - king); belief in luckycharms, fortune tellers, faith healers and horoscopes; social rules orGod’s laws as basis for deciding between right and wrong; attitudestowards members of different religious groups (Christians, Muslims,Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Atheists or non-believers.Demography: sex; age; marital status; steady life partner; years ofschooling; highest education level; country specific education anddegree; current employment status (respondent and partner); hoursworked weekly; occupation (ISCO 1988) (respondent and partner);supervising function at work; working for private or public sector orself-employed (respondent and partner); if self-employed: number ofemployees; trade union membership; earnings of respondent (countryspecific); family income (country specific); size of household;household composition; party affiliation (left-right); country specificparty affiliation; participation in last election; religiousdenomination; religious main groups; attendance of religious services;self-placement on a top-bottom scale; region (country specific); sizeof community (country specific); type of community: urban-rural area;country of origin or ethnic group affiliation.Additionally coded: administrative mode of data-collection; weightingfactor; case substitution

    International Social Survey Programme: Religion I-III ADD ON - ISSP 1991-1998-2008

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    The release of the cumulated ISSP ´Religion´ modules for the years 1991, 1998 and 2008 consists of two separate datasets: ZA5070 and ZA5071. This documentation deals with the supplementary dataset ZA5071. It contains all those, mainly national-specific background variables that belong to the current ISSP standard, but could not be cumulated for various reasons. The variables, however, can be matched easily to the cumulated file if necessary. A comprehensive overview on the contents, the structure and basic coding rules of both data files can be found in the following guide: Guide for the ISSP ´Religion´ cumulation of the years 1991, 1998 and 2008 Religion - (non-cumulated background variables of the individual modules) Variables for all countries and modules if available: country-specific education and degree; country-specific occupation (respondent as well as partner); earnings of respondent (country specific); family income (country-specific); country-specific party affiliation; size of community (country-specific); country of origin or ethnic group affiliation (country-specific); type of community: urban-rural area. Single variables: spouse’s working for private or public sector or self-employed 2008; self-placement on a top-bottom scale 2008, administrative mode of data-collection 2008, case substitution flag 2008

    International Social Survey Programme: Religion I-III - ISSP 1991-1998-2008

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    The release of the cumulated ISSP ´Religion´ modules for the years 1991, 1998 and 2008 consists of two separate datasets: ZA5070 and ZA5071. This documentation deals with the main dataset ZA5070. It contains all the cumulated variables, while the supplementary data file ZA5071 contains those variables that could not be cumulated for various reasons. However, they can be matched easily to the cumulated file if necessary. A comprehensive overview on the contents, the structure and basic coding rules of both data files can be found in the following guide: Guide for the ISSP ´Religion´ cumulation of the years 1991, 1998 and 2008 Content: attitudes towards religion. Topics: Assessment of personal happiness; responsibility of government for providing jobs and reduction of the difference between rich and poor; attitudes towards pre-marital sexual intercourse; attitudes towards committed adultery; attitudes towards homosexual relationships between adults; attitudes towards abortion in case of serious disability or illness of the baby or low income of the family; attitudes towards gender roles in marriage; attitude towards tax fraud and incorrect information to get benefits from government; trust in institutions (parliament, business and industry, churches and religious organizations, courts and the legal system, schools and the educational system); attitudes towards the influence of religious leaders on voters and government; judgement on the power of churches and religious organizations; doubt or firm belief in God (deism, scale); belief in: a life after death, heaven, hell, religious miracles; attitudes towards the Bible (or appropriate holy book); attitudes towards a higher truth and towards meaning of life (scale: God is concerned with every human being personally, little that people can do to change the course of their lives (fatalism), life is meaningful only because God exists, life does not serve any purpose, life is only meaningful if someone provides the meaning himself); we each make our own fate; turning point in life and new commitment to religion; religious preference (affiliation) of mother, father and spouse/partner; religion respondent was raised in; frequency of church attendance (of attendance in religious services) of father and mother when the respondent was a child; personal frequency of church attendance at the age of 11-12; frequency of prayers and participation in religious activities; self-assessment as religious; belief in lucky charms, fortune tellers, faith healers and horoscopes; born again experience; concept of God (semantic differential scale: mother - father, master - spouse, judge - lover, friend - king); world image: much evil vs. much good, man is good vs. corrupt; people can be trusted; attitudes towards the benefits of science and religion (scale: modern science does more harm than good, too much trust in science and not enough in religious faith, religions bring more conflicts than peace, intolerance of people with very strong religious beliefs); attitude towards truth in religion (very litte truth in any religion, basic truths in many religions or truth only in one religion); attitude if law conflicts with religious principles. Demography: sex; age; marital status; steady life partner; years of schooling; highest education level; current employment status (respondent and partner); hours worked weekly; occupation (ISCO 1988) (respondent and partner); supervising function at work; working for private or public sector or self-employed; number of employees; trade union membership; size of household; household composition; party affiliation (left-right); participation in last election; attendance of religious services; religious main groups; subjective social class; region (country-specific). Additionally coded: weighting factor

    International Social Survey Programme: Work Orientations IV - ISSP 2015

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    Attitude towards work. Work orientation. Conflict and social exclusion. Subjective experience of job. Work satisfaction. Non-standard employment. Work life balance. Job and working flexibility. Human capital. Outcome of work. Employability, new job. Topics: work centrality (a job is just a way of earning money vs. would enjoy having a paid job even if the money is not needed); importance of selected demands of a job like job security, high income, etc. (work values); work life balance: willingness to give up good job opportunities for the benefit of the family; willingness to remain in a job that is not satisfying for the benefit of the family; conflict and social exclusion: experience of discrimination with regard to work, for instance when applying for a job; main reason for the discrimination; experience of harassment at the workplace by superiors or co-workers (for example bullying, physical or psychological abuse); solidarity and conflict with regard to trade unions (workers need strong trade unions to protect their interests vs. strong trade unions are bad for the country´s economy); preferred employment arrangements (full-time, part-time, less than 10 hours a week, no paid job at all); currently working for pay (employment status); preference for more work (and money) or for reduction in working hours (work longer hours and earn more money, work the same number of hours and earn the same money, or work fewer hours and earn less money); characteristics (social dimension) of own job; subjective experience of job: frequency of hard physical work and stressful work; non-standard employment: frequency of working at home during the usual working hours and working on weekends; job and working flexibility concerning starting and finishing times; non-standard employment: usual working schedule in the main job; job and working flexibility: organisation of daily work (free decision, decision within certain limits, no free decision); work life balance: difficult to take an hour off during working hours to take care of personal or family matters; demands of the job interfere with the family life and the demands of family life interfere with the job; human capital: usefulness of the abilities learned from past work experience for the present job; job training over the past twelve months to improve job skills; judgement on the relations between management and employees and the relations between workmates/ colleagues (working atmosphere); outcome of work: work satisfaction in the main job; identification with firm or organisation; occupational commitment (would change the present type of work for something different, proud of the present type of work); employability/ new job: expected difficulties in finding a new job at least as good as the current one; likeliness of job search in the next twelve months; worried about the possibility of losing own job; job and working flexibility: accepted concessions to avoid unemployment (acceptance of a job that requires new skills, acceptance of a lower paid position, acceptance of temporary employment, longer travel to reach the place of work, movement within the country, movement to a different country); existence of a side job in addition to the main job; earning from the additional job(s) in total compared with the main job. Respondents who are not currently employed were asked: ever worked for pay for one year or more; month and year the last paid job ended; work satisfaction in the last job; main reason for the end of last employment; interest in finding a paid job; expected difficulties in finding a new job; worried about the possibility of not finding a job; accepted concessions in order to get a job (acceptance of a job that requires new skills, acceptance of a lower paid position, acceptance of temporary employment, longer travel to reach the place of work, movement within the country, movement to a different country); job seeking activities in the past twelve months and training to improve own job skills; currently looking for a job; main source of economic support; worried about the possibility of losing this main economic support. Optional items: recent work histories: ever worked for pay over the past five years; experience of selected changes in working life (unemployment for a period longer than three months, change of the employer, change of the occupation, started own business/ became self-employed, took up an additional job); self-assessment of current financial situation; change of current financial situation compared to five years ago; expected financial situation in five years; attitude towards senior citizens´ work (good for the country´s economy, employed people aged 60 and over take jobs away from younger people). Optional background variable: self-assessment of physical and mental health. Additional compulsory background variable: age of the youngest child in the household. Demography: sex; age; year of birth; years in school; education (country specific); highest completed degree; work status; hours worked weekly; employment relationship; number of employees; supervision of employees; number of supervised employees; type of organisation: for-profit vs. non profit and public vs. private; occupation (ISCO-08); main employment status; living in steady partnership; union membership; religious affiliation or denomination (country specific); groups of religious denominations; attendance of religious services; top-bottom self-placement; vote in last general election; country specific party voted in last general election; party voted (left-right); self-assessed affiliation of ethnic group 1 and 2 (country specific); number of children; number of toddlers; size of household; earnings of respondent (country specific); family income (country specific); father´s and mother´s country of birth; marital status; place of living: urban – rural; region (country specific). Information about spouse/ partner on: work status; hours worked weekly; employment relationship; supervises other employees; occupation (ISCO-08); main employment status. Additionally encoded: respondent-ID number; date of interview (year, month, day); case substitution flag; mode of data collection; weight

    International Social Survey Programme: Family and Changing Gender Roles IV - ISSP 2012

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    Familie und Wandel der Geschlechterrollen. Themen: Einstellung zur Berufstätigkeit von Müttern; Rollenverteilung von Mann und Frau in Beruf und Haushalt; präferierter Umfang der Berufsausübung von Frauen während verschiedener Phasen der Kindererziehung; Einstellung zu Ehe, zum Zusammenleben ohne Heirat sowie zu Scheidung; Einstellung zu Alleinerziehenden und Kinderbetreuung durch gleichgeschlechtliche weibliche und männliche Paare (alternative Familienformen); ideale Kinderzahl für eine Familie; Einstellungen gegenüber Kindern: Ansichten über die Bedeutung von Kindern für das Leben; Gleichstellung, Pflege und Sozialpolitik: Einstellung zu Elternzeit für Vollzeit arbeitende Eltern und präferierte Dauer der Elternzeit; Finanzierungsquelle für Elternzeit, präferierte Aufteilung der Elternzeit zwischen Mutter und Vater; bester Weg zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf für eine Familie mit einem Kind im Vorschulalter und die am wenigsten wünschenswerte Option; Hauptzahler für die Kinderbetreuung von Kindern im Vorschulalter (Familie selbst, Regierung oder aus öffentlichen Mitteln oder Arbeitgeber); Familie oder Institutionen, die in erster Linie Unterstützung bieten sollte für ältere Menschen; Hauptzahler für diese Hilfe für ältere Menschen; Zeitbudget für beide Partner für Arbeiten im Haushalt und die Betreuung von Familienangehörigen; Verwaltung der Einkünfte in der Ehe oder Partnerschaft; Verteilung von Pflichten im Haushalt und in Familienangelegenheiten; Bestimmung des Zeitanteils an der Hausarbeit; Entscheidungsgewalt innerhalb der Partnerschaft bei Wochenendaktivitäten und bei der Kindererziehung; Hauptverdiener (Partner mit höherem Einkommen); Belastung durch Familie, Arbeit und Haushalt; Einschätzung des allgemeinen persönlichen Glücks; Zufriedenheit mit der Arbeitssituation und dem Familienleben; Selbsteinschätzung der Gesundheit; Berufstätigkeit der Mutter während der Kindheit des Befragten; Erwerbstätigkeit des Befragten und des Ehepartners / Partners in verschiedenen Phasen der Kindererziehung. Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter; Geburtsjahr; Jahre in der Schulbildung; Bildung (länderspezifisch); höchster Bildungsabschluss; Erwerbstätigkeit; wöchentliche Arbeitszeit; Arbeitsverhältnis; Anzahl der Mitarbeiter; Vorgesetztenfunktion; Anzahl der beaufsichtigten Mitarbeiter; Organisationsart (Profit / Non-Profit bzw. öffentlich / privat); Beruf (ISCO- 88); Haupterwerbsstatus; Zusammenleben mit einem Partner; Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft; Religionszugehörigkeit oder Konfession (länderspezifisch); Gruppen von Glaubensgemeinschaften; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Selbsteinstufung auf einer Oben-Unten-Skala; Beteiligung bei der letzten allgemeinen Wahl; Parteipräferenz (länderspezifisch) und Wahlverhalten bei der letzten Wahl; links-rechts-Einstufung der gewählten Partei; ethnische Zugehörigkeit (länderspezifisch); Anzahl der Kinder; Anzahl der Kleinkinder; Haushaltsgröße; Einkommen des Befragten (länderspezifisch); Familieneinkommen (länderspezifisch); Familienstand, Wohnsitz: Stadt- Land; Region (länderspezifisch). Informationen zum Ehepartner bzw. Partner bezüglich: Erwerbstätigkeit; Wochenarbeitszeit; Arbeitsverhältnis: Vorgesetztenfunktion; Beruf (ISCO-88); Haupterwerbsstatus; Bildung und Alter des derzeitigen Ehegatten bzw. Partners; Dauer der aktuellen Beziehung. Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Interviewdatum; case substitution flag; Erhebungsmethode; Gewichtungsfaktor

    International Social Survey Programme: Family and Changing Gender Roles III - ISSP 2002

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    Family and gender roles. Topics: attitude towards employment of mothers and married women; roledistribution of man and woman in occupation and household; preferredextent of employment for women during different stages of childraising; attitudes towards marriage, single-parenting, cohabitationbefore marriage, and divorce; views on the significance of children inlife; views on paid maternity leave and on financial aid for workingparents; management of income in marriage or partnership; allocation ofduties in the household and in family matters; time budget forhousekeeping and sharing of housekeeping for both partners; frequencyof disagreement about the sharing of housekeeping; decision making inmatters of child raising, weekend activities and buying major thingsfor home; principal earner (partner with higher income); stress causedby family, work and household duties (scale); estimation of generalpersonal happiness; satisfaction with employment situation and familylife; employment of mother during childhood of respondent; employmentin various phases of child raising. Demography: sex; age, marital status; living together with a partner;years of school education and highest education level (degree); countryspecific education; current employment status; working hours per week;occupation (ISCO-88); working in private or public sector; occupationalself-employment and number of employees; supervising function at work;size of household; composition of household; highest education level(degree) of spouse / partner; current employment status of spouse /partner; occupation of spouse (ISCO-88); working hours per week ofspouse; spouse employed in public service; union membership;respondent`s earnings; family income; party affiliation (left-right);party affiliation (country specific) and election behaviour; religiousdenomination; attendance of religious services; self-placement on atop-bottom-scale. Also encoded was: region (country specific); urban-ruralself-assessment; size of community (country specific); ethnic identity;mode of data collection; weighting factor