12,566 research outputs found

    A Rich Population of X-ray Emitting Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Galactic Starburst Cluster Westerlund 1

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    Recent optical and IR studies have revealed that the heavily-reddened starburst cluster Westerlund 1 (Wd 1) contains at least 22 Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, comprising the richest WR population of any galactic cluster. We present results of a senstive Chandra X-ray observation of Wd 1 which detected 12 of the 22 known WR stars and the mysterious emission line star W9. The fraction of detected WN stars is nearly identical to that of WC stars. The WN stars WR-A and WR-B as well as W9 are exceptionally luminous in X-rays and have similar hard heavily-absorbed spectra with strong Si XIII and S XV emission lines. The luminous high-temperature X-ray emission of these three stars is characteristic of colliding wind binary systems but their binary status remains to be determined. Spectral fits of the X-ray bright sources WR-A and W9 with isothermal plane-parallel shock models require high absorption column densities log NH_{H} = 22.56 (cm2^{-2}) and yield characteristic shock temperatures kT_shock ~ 3 keV (T ~ 35 MK).Comment: ApJL, 2006, in press (3 figures, 1 table

    Chandra Reveals Variable Multi-Component X-ray Emission from FU Orionis

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    FU Orionis is the prototype of a class of eruptive young stars (``FUors'') characterized by strong optical outbursts. We recently completed an exploratory survey of FUors using XMM-Newton to determine their X-ray properties, about which little was previously known. The prototype FU Ori and V1735 Cyg were detected. The X-ray spectrum of FU Ori was found to be unusual, consisting of a cool moderately-absorbed component plus a hotter component viewed through an absorption column density that is an order of magnitude higher. We present here a sensitive (99 ks) follow-up X-ray observation of FU Ori obtained at higher angular resolution with Chandra ACIS-S. The unusual multi-component spectrum is confirmed. The hot component is centered on FU Ori and dominates the emission above 2 keV. It is variable (a signature of magnetic activity) and is probably coronal emission originating close to FU Ori's surface viewed through cool gas in FU Ori's strong wind or accretion stream. In contrast, the X-ray centroid of the soft emission below 2 keV is offset 0.20 arcsec to the southeast of FU Ori, toward the near-IR companion (FU Ori S). This offset amounts to slightly less than half the separation between the two stars. The most likely explanation for the offset is that the companion contributes significantly to the softer X-ray emission below 2 keV (and weakly above 2 keV). The superimposed X-ray contributions from FU Ori and the companion resolve the paradox posed by XMM-Newton of an apparently single X-ray source viewed through two different absorption columns.Comment: 21 pages, 3 tables, 6 figure

    New X-ray Detections of WNL Stars

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    Previous studies have demonstrated that putatively single nitrogen-type Wolf-Rayet stars (WN stars) without known companions are X-ray sources. However, almost all WN star X-ray detections so far have been of earlier WN2 - WN6 spectral subtypes. Later WN7 - WN9 subtypes (also known as WNL stars) have proved more difficult to detect, an important exception being WR 79a (WN9ha). We present here new X-ray detections of the WNL stars WR 16 (WN8h) and WR 78 (WN7h). These new results, when combined with previous detections, demonstrate that X-ray emission is present in WN stars across the full range of spectral types, including later WNL stars. The two WN8 stars observed to date (WR 16 and WR 40) show unusually low X-ray luminosities (Lx) compared to other WN stars, and it is noteworthy that they also have the lowest terminal wind speeds (v_infty). Existing X-ray detections of about a dozen WN stars reveal a trend of increasing Lx with wind luminosity Lwind = (1/2) M_dot v_infty^2, suggesting that wind kinetic energy may play a key role in establishing X-ray luminosity levels in WN stars.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Why is the bulk resistivity of topological insulators so small?

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    As-grown topological insulators (TIs) are typically heavily-doped nn-type crystals. Compensation by acceptors is used to move the Fermi level to the middle of the band gap, but even then TIs have a frustratingly small bulk resistivity. We show that this small resistivity is the result of band bending by poorly screened fluctuations in the random Coulomb potential. Using numerical simulations of a completely compensated TI, we find that the bulk resistivity has an activation energy of just 0.15 times the band gap, in good agreement with experimental data. At lower temperatures activated transport crosses over to variable range hopping with a relatively large localization length.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figures; published versio