11 research outputs found

    The evaluation of melatonin as a possible antidepressive

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    Melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland, was evaluated in a variety of animal models of depression. Measurements of the frog righting reflex and rat locomotor activity showed that low doses of melatonin have a serotonin-like potentiating effect following monoamine oxidase inhibition. High doses of melatonin caused a reduction in the duration of rat immobility in the Porsolt model of depression and exerted a chlorpromazine-like effect on conditioned avoidance behaviour. In view of the indoleamine hypothesis of depressive disorders, the possibility of melatonin being a potential antidepressive is discussed and it is concluded that melatonin might be useful in the treatment of "agitated" depression

    Effects of Maternal Nightshift Work on Evening Energy Intake, Diet Quality and Meal Timing in the Family: An Observational Study

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    The percentage of women working regular nightshift work has increased in the past decade. While nightshift work has the potential to exert adverse effects on dietary habits, little is known about the impact of a parent working nightshifts on dietary habits in the family. We analysed energy intake, meal timing, and diet quality among dependent children and male partners of 20 female UK National Health Service (NHS) nurses working rotational nightshifts. Comparing nightshift against non-nightshift conditions, we hypothesised that maternal nightshift work would affect the evening energy intake, diet quality and time of eating of dependent children and adult partners. Primary outcomes were absolute energy intake and the proportion of daily energy intake consumed in the evening (16:00–23:59 h). Our results show that in pre-teen children aged 8–12 years (n = 13, mean ± SD, 9.9 ± 1.6 yrs; 9 males), the proportion of total daily energy intake consumed during periods of nightshift work was significantly greater compared to periods of non-nightshifts (45.7% ± 8.8% vs. 39.7% ± 7.0%, mean ± SD, p = 0.012). There was no effect of nightshift work on dietary habits in teenage children or partners. The finding of a greater proportion of daily energy consumed in the evening period in pre-teen children is noteworthy, as it suggests that pre-teen children more dependent than older teenage children may be more vulnerable to disruptions to dietary patterns associated with maternal nightshift work

    Seasonal and Regional Differences in Eating Times in a Representative Sample of the Brazilian Population

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    Human food intake and its timing are a complex behavior that can be influenced by a variety of factors, some of which may vary from season to season or from region to region. In this study, our aim was to investigate the seasonal variation in food intake times, with a particular focus on how these may vary across different regions of a country. We conducted an analysis of data from 20,622 adults from the National Household Budget Survey (POF-IBGE), encompassing complete food diaries collected from individuals residing in Brazil, and thereby ensuring representation across different latitudes. Each participant’s daily food intake was reported for two non-consecutive days at different times in the same week using food diaries. An ANOVA revealed a later food intake time in the evening in high-latitude regions compared to low-latitude regions. The Sidak post-hoc test showed a significant interaction effect between region and season, demonstrating a pattern of early First Intake Time and Eating Midpoint in the Northeast region during spring/summer. Additionally, we observed an independent effect of the region, as early food intake times were found in low-latitude regions. These findings offer a basis for discussing food intake times among individuals living in different regions located on distinct latitudes

    Exogenous melatonin decreases circadian misalignment and body weight among early types

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    Shift workers experience chronic circadian misalignment, which can manifest itself in reduced melatonin production, and has been associated with metabolic disorders. In addition, chronotype modulates the effect of night shift work, with early types presenting greater circadian misalignment when working night shift as compared to late types. Melatonin supplementation has shown positive results reducing weight gain in animal models, but the effect of exogenous melatonin in humans on body weight in the context of shift work remains inconsistent. The aim of this study was thus to evaluate the effects of exogenous melatonin on circadian misalignment and body weight among overweight night shift workers, according to chronotype, under real life conditions. We conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial where melatonin (3 mg) or placebo was administered on non-night shift nights for 12 weeks in 27 female nurses (37.1 yo, ±5.9 yo; BMI 29.9 kg/m2, ±3.3 kg/m2). Melatonin (or placebo) was only taken on nights when the participants did not work night shifts, that is, on nights when they slept (between night shifts and on days-off). Composite Phase Deviations (CPD) of actigraphy-based midsleep timing were calculated to measure circadian misalignment. The analyses were performed for the whole group and by chronotype. We found approximately 20% reduction of circadian misalignment after exogenous melatonin administration considering all chronotypes. Moreover, melatonin supplementation in those who presented high circadian misalignment, as observed in early chronotypes, reduced body weight, BMI, waist circumference, and hip circumference, without any change in the participants’ calorie intake or physical activity levels

    Characterizing the Modern Light Environment and its Influence on Circadian Rhythms

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    Humans have largely supplanted natural light cycles with a variety of artificial light sources and schedules misaligned with day-night cycles. Circadian disruption has been linked to a number of disease processes, but the extent of circadian disruption among the population is unknown. We measured light exposure and wrist temperature among residents of an urban area for a full week during each of the four seasons, as well as light illuminance in nearby outdoor locations. Daily light exposure was significantly lower for individuals, compared to outdoor light sensors, for all four seasons. There was also little seasonal variation in the realized photoperiod experienced by individuals, with the only significant difference between winter and summer. We tested the hypothesis that differential light exposure impacts circadian phase timing, detected via the wrist temperature rhythm. To determine the influence of light exposure on circadian rhythms, we modeled the impact of morning, afternoon, and nighttime light exposure on the timing of the midline-estimating statistic of rhythm (MESOR). We found that morning light exposure and nighttime light exposure had a significant but opposing impact on MESOR timing. Our results demonstrate that nighttime light can shift/alter circadian rhythms to delay the morning transition from nighttime to daytime physiology, while morning light can lead to earlier onset. Our results demonstrate that circadian shifts and disruptions may be a more regular occurrence in the general population than is currently recognized.Significance Statement: Disruption of circadian rhythms has been linked to various diseases, but the prevalence of circadian disruption among the general population is unknown. Light plays a pivotal role in entraining circadian rhythms to the 24-hour day. Humans have largely supplanted natural light cycles with electrical lighting and through time spent indoors. We have shown that individuals experience a disconnect from natural light cycles, with low daytime light exposure, high levels of light-at-night, and minimal seasonal variation in light exposure. We identified measurable changes in the timing of wrist temperature rhythms as a function of differential light exposure during the morning and nighttime hours. Our findings suggest that circadian shifts, and potentially disruption, may be common in the general population

    Effects of physical activity at work and life-style on sleep in workers from an Amazonian Extractivist Reserve

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    Physical activity has been recommended as a strategy for improving sleep. Nevertheless, physical effort at work might not be not the ideal type of activity to promote sleep quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of type of job (low vs. high physical effort) and life-style on sleep of workers from an Amazonian Extractivist Reserve, Brazil. A cross-sectional study of 148 low physical activity (factory workers) and 340 high physical activity (rubber tappers) was conducted between September and November 2011. The workers filled out questionnaires collecting data on demographics (sex, age, occupation, marital status and children), health (reported morbidities, sleep disturbances, musculoskeletal pain and body mass index) and life-style (smoking, alcohol use and practice of leisure-time physical activity). Logistic regression models were applied with the presence of sleep disturbances as the primary outcome variable. The prevalence of sleep disturbances among factory workers and rubber tappers was 15.5% and 27.9%, respectively. The following independent variables of the analysis were selected based on a univariate model (p40 years), and having musculoskeletal pain (≥5 symptoms). Rubber tapper work, owing to greater physical effort, pain and musculoskeletal fatigue, was associated with sleep disturbances. Being female and older than 40 years were also predictors of poor sleep. In short, these findings suggest that demanding physical exertion at work may not improve sleep quality

    The effect of urbanization on sleep, sleep/wake routine, and metabolic health of residents in the Amazon region of Brazil

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    Studying communities with different levels of urbanization may further the understanding of risk factors underlying metabolic diseases. The present study is unique by comprising detailed assessment of sleep and activity, biological rhythms, and metabolic factors of men from the same geographical location and place of birth that reside in different, rural vs. town, stages of urbanization. Sleep patterns, activity, and metabolic indicators in two groups (rural, n = 22 and town/urban, n = 20) of men residing in an Amazonian community (Xapuri, Acre, Brazil) were compared. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, and metabolic variables – fasting glucose, insulin resistance, triglycerides, total HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and VLDL cholesterol – were assessed. Sleep patterns, light exposure, and physical activity levels were additionally assessed by actigraphy, plus daily activities were recorded in diaries for 10 days. Town/urban dwellers were found to have significantly higher body weight, fasting glucose, insulin levels, and insulin resistance than rural dwellers, whereas triglycerides levels were similar. Town/Urban dwellers had shorter sleep duration (p < .01) and later sleep onset and offset times (p = .01). Our findings show an association between stage of urbanization and presence of risk factors for metabolic disorders, such as overweight, insulin resistance, increased glucose levels, short sleep duration, and less natural light exposure during work times

    Supersensitivity of patients with Bipolar-I-Disorder to light-induced phase delay by Narrow Bandwidth Blue Light

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    BACKGROUND: Bipolar disorder is a severe chronic mental disorder. There is a bidirectional relationship between disease course and circadian phase. Significant circadian phase shifts occur during transitions between episodes, but episodes can also be elicited during euthymia by forced rapid changes in circadian phase. Although an instability of circadian phase has been described in multiple observational reports, no studies quantifying the propensity to phase shift following an experimental standardized stimulus have been published. This study therefore aimed to assess whether patients with bipolar I disorder (BDI) are more prone to phase delay following blue light exposure in the evening than healthy control subjects. METHODS: Euthymic participants with BDI confirmed by Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I (n = 32) and healthy control subjects (n = 55) underwent a 3-day phase shift protocol involving exposure to a standardized dose of homogeneous, constant, narrow bandwidth blue light (478 nm, half bandwidth = 18 nm, photon flux = 1.29 × 10(15) photons/cm(2)/s) for 2 hours at 9:00 pm via a ganzfeld dome on day 2. On days 1 and 3, serial serum melatonin assessments during total darkness were performed to determine the dim light melatonin onset. RESULTS: Significant differences in the light-induced phase shift between BDI and healthy control subjects were detected (F(1,82) = 4.110; p = .046), with patients with bipolar disorder exhibiting an enhanced phase delay (η(2) = 0.49). There were no significant associations between the magnitude of the phase shift and clinical parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Supersensitivity of patients with BDI to light-induced phase delay may contribute to the observed phase instability and vulnerability to forced phase shifts associated with the disorder

    A review of human physiological responses to light: Implications for the development of integrative lighting solutions

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    Architectural lighting has potent biological effects but applied lighting practices that capitalize on this potential have been limited. In this review, we endeavor to consolidate and synthesize key references that will be useful for lighting professionals, with the goal of supporting knowledge translation into pragmatic lighting strategies. Specifically, we explain relevant terminology, outline basic concepts, identify key references, provide a balanced overview of the current state of knowledge, and highlight important remaining questions. We summarize the physiological effects of light on human health and well-being, including a description of the processes underlying the photic regulation of circadian, neuroendocrine, and neurobehavioral functions. We review seminal work elucidating the elements mediating the potency of light for these physiological responses, with specific attention to factors critical for interpreting those findings. In parallel, we explain and endorse melanopic Equivalent Daylight Illuminance ( ) as the \u1d438 \u1d43765 \u1d463, \u1d45a\u1d452\u1d459 preferred measure to quantify the biological potency of light. Ultimately, while future studies are necessary to further facilitate the translation of laboratory knowledge to domestic and workplace settings, the immediate potential for applied lighting to better support human health is clear. Aiming for integrative lighting solutions that have biologically high potency light during the day and low potency during the night is perhaps the most immediate improvement to be made in order to better support applications for humans