26 research outputs found

    An architect's relation to structure: Analysis of Pinki cultural sports center by Ivan Antić

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    Architecture represents the synthesis of form, function and construction. In the works of the architect Ivan Antić this can be read at the first view of the building. A master in designing movement through an object, Antić constantly developed the relationship between function and form, as well as between function and construction. A detailed analysis of his work, projects and drawings, gives insight to these relations, making them clear. The observer can see the architect's logic and simplicity in designing even the most complex buildings. The relationship between the design concept and the way the structure manifests itself in his projects will be presented in this paper. The logic behind the design of Pinki Cultural Sports Center, with emphasis on structure, as well as the relationship between the architect and the engineer can be seen throughout this paper

    Extreme and long-term drought in the La Plata Basin: event evolution and impact assessment until September 2022

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    The current drought conditions across the Parana-La Plata Basin (LPB) in Brazil-Argentina have been the worst since 1944. While this area is characterized by a rainy season with a peak from October to April, the hydrological year 2020-2021 was very deficient in rainfall, and the situation extended into the 2021-2022 hydrological year. Below-normal rainfall was dominant in south-eastern Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, suggesting a late onset and weaker South American Monsoon and the continuation of drier conditions since 2021. In fact, in 2021 Brazilian south and south-east regions faced their worst droughts in nine decades, raising the spectre of possible power rationing given the grid dependence on hydroelectric plants. The Paraná-La Plata Basin drought induced damages to agriculture and reduced crop production, including soybeans and maize, with effects on global crop markets. The drought situation continued in 2022 in the Pantanal region. Dry meteorological conditions are still present in the region at the end of September 2022 with below-average precipitation anomalies. Soil moisture anomaly and vegetation conditions are worst in the lower part of the La Plata Basin, in the southern regions. Conversely, upper and central part of the basin show partial and temporary recovery

    A cold wave of winter 2021 in central South America: characteristics and impacts

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    During the austral winter (June–August) of 2021, the meteorological services of Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Chile all issued forecasts for unusually cold conditions. Record-low minimum temperatures and cold spells were documented, including one strong cold wave episode that affected 5 countries. In this study, we define a cold wave as a period in which daily maximum and minimum air temperatures are below the corresponding climatological 10th percentile for three or more consecutive days. The intense cold wave event in the last week of June, 2021, resulted in record-breaking minimum daily temperatures in several places in central South America and Chile. Several locations had temperatures about 10 °C below average, central South America had freezing conditions, and southern Brazil even saw snow. The cold air surge was characterized by an intense upper-air trough located close to 35° S and 70° W. The southerly flow to the west of this trough brought very cold air northward into subtropical and tropical South America. A northward flow between the lower-level cyclonic and anticyclonic perturbations caused the intense southerly flow between the upper-level ridge and trough. This condition facilitated the inflow of near-surface cold air from southern Argentina into southeastern Brazil and tropical South America east of the Andes. In the city of São Paulo, the cold wave caused the death of 13 homeless people from hypothermia. Frost and snow across southern and southeastern Brazil caused significant damage to coffee, sugarcane, oranges, grapes, and other fruit and vegetable crops. Wine and coffee production fell, the latter by 30%, and prices of food and commodities in the region rose

    Modern and Site Specific. The Architecture of Gino Valle 1946-2003

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    This edition makes available for the first time in English the only critical monograph dedicated to the work of Gino Valle, realized with Luka Skansi with an enormous support of Piera Valle and Pietro Valle. Since his early buildings in the 1950s at Udine in Friuli, northeast Italy, Gino Valle has been recognized by international critics as Joseph Rykwert (author of a Foreword to the book) and Reyner Banham as one of the most original and creative European architects of the post-war period. His artistic talent, associated with a great intellectual curiosity and a genuine passion for new construction systems, led Valle to develop an architectural work that was resolutely open and multiform. His buildings make valuable contributions to debates about the relationship between new architecture and historic surroundings, between industrial and open landscape, urban design and architectural intervention

    Gino Valle

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    A venti anni di distanza dall’uscita dell’unica monografia completa a lui dedicata, da tempo esaurita, il libro ricostruisce in 16 capitoli tematici, corredati con 75 schede descrittive delle principali opere, la complessa e intensa attività progettuale del maestro friulano, tracciando diversi percorsi di lettura attraverso i contesti geografici, i caratteri formali, i linguaggi costruttivi, i riferimenti intellettuali di un’opera che sfugge ad ogni classificazione. Fin dalle prime opere realizzate negli anni ’50 a Udine e nel Friuli, Gino Valle (1923-2003) fu riconosciuto dalla critica internazionale come una delle figure più originali e creative dell’architettura europea del dopoguerra. Il suo talento artistico, associato con una grande curiosità intellettuale e con un’autentica passione per la sperimentazione di nuove tecniche costruttive, portò Valle a elaborare un’opera architettonica decisamente aperta e multiforme. Nei centri minori del Friuli e del Veneto oppure nei contesti metropolitani di New York, Parigi e Berlino, case popolari e banche, stabilimenti industriali e uffici, municipi e palazzi di giustizia rimangono oggi esempi costruiti di grande attualità, opere di riferimento per la discussione di temi progettuali significativi che riguardano la relazione tra nuova architettura e preesistenze storiche, tra insediamenti industriali e paesaggio aperto, tra disegno urbano e progetto di architettura. Una parte molto consistente della sua opera fu dedicata al programma tipicamente “moderno” degli spazi per il lavoro – la fabbrica e l’ufficio – in risposta ad una committenza prima regionale e nazionale (le industrie Zanussi, Fantoni, Olivetti), e successivamente internazionale e multinazionale (l’IBM, la Banca Commerciale Italiana, la Deutsche Bank). [110620.EG ISBN 9788837071738 non documentato in cataloghi] Twenty years after the publication of the only complete monograph to him devoted, written by Pierre-Alain Croset and for a long time out of print, the book reconstructs in 16 thematic chapters, together with 75 descriptive files on the principal works, the complex and intense activity of the Friulian Master, tracing different interpretative routes through the geographical contexts, the formal characters, the constructive languages, the intellectual references of a work that escapes to every classification. Since the first works realized in the years '50 in Udine and in the Friuli, Gino Valle (1923 -2003) has been recognized by the international criticism as one of the most original and creative figures of the European architecture of the postwar period. His artistic talent, in association with a great intellectual curiosity and with an authentic passion for the experimentation of new constructive techniques, brought Valle to elaborate an open and multiform architectural work. In the smaller centers of the Friuli and Veneto or in the metropolitan contexts of New York, Paris and Berlin, social housing and banks, industrial plants and offices, town hall and courts of justice remain today built examples of great actuality, reference works for the discussion of meaningful architectural themes as, for example, the relationship between new architecture and historical context, between industrial settlements and open landscape, between urban design and project of architecture. A very consistent part of its work was typically devoted to the program, typically "modern", of the work spaces (the factory and the office), in answer to clients firstly regional and national (the industries Zanussi, Fantoni, Olivetti), and subsequently international and multinational (the IBM, the Italian Commercial Bank, the Deutsche Bank)

    Gino Valle

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    Fin dalle prime opere realizzate negli anni ’50 a Udine e nel Friuli, Gino Valle (1923-2003) fu riconosciuto dalla critica internazionale come una delle figure più originali e creative dell’architettura europea del dopoguerra. Il suo talento artistico, associato con una grande curiosità intellettuale e con un’autentica passione per la sperimentazione di nuove tecniche costruttive, portò Valle a elaborare un’opera architettonica decisamente aperta e multiforme. Nei centri minori del Friuli e del Veneto oppure nei contesti metropolitani di New York, Parigi e Berlino, case popolari e banche, stabilimenti industriali e uffici, municipi e palazzi di giustizia rimangono oggi esempi costruiti di grande attualità, opere di riferimento per la discussione di temi progettuali significativi che riguardano la relazione tra nuova architettura e preesistenze storiche, tra insediamenti industriali e paesaggio aperto, tra disegno urbano e progetto di architettura. Una parte molto consistente della sua opera fu dedicata al programma tipicamente “moderno” degli spazi per il lavoro – la fabbrica e l’ufficio – in risposta ad una committenza prima regionale e nazionale (le industrie Zanussi, Fantoni, Olivetti), e successivamente internazionale e multinazionale (l’IBM, la Banca Commerciale Italiana, la Deutsche Bank). Questo libro, unica monografia critica dedicata all'insieme dell'opera e del lavoro di Gino Valle, ricostruisce in 16 capitoli tematici, corredati con 75 schede descrittive delle principali opere, la complessa e intensa attività progettuale del maestro friulano, tracciando diversi percorsi di lettura attraverso i contesti geografici, i caratteri formali, i linguaggi costruttivi, i riferimenti intellettuali di un’opera che sfugge ad ogni classificazione

    Brief considerations on the Accademia Bridge in Venice

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    Bridges in Venice - Architectural and structural engineering aspects

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    Evolution of enterprise architecture for intelligent digital systems

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    Intelligent systems and services are the strategic targets of many current digitalization efforts and part of massive digital transformations based on digital technologies with artificial intelligence. Digital platform architectures and ecosystems provide an essential base for intelligent digital systems. The paper raises an important question: Which development paths are induced by current innovations in the field of artificial intelligence and digitalization for enterprise architectures? Digitalization disrupts existing enterprises, technologies, and economies and promotes the architecture of cognitive and open intelligent environments. This has a strong impact on new opportunities for value creation and the development of intelligent digital systems and services. Digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, service computing, cloud computing, blockchains, big data with analysis, mobile systems, and social business network systems are essential drivers of digitalization. We investigate the development of intelligent digital systems supported by a suitable digital enterprise architecture. We present methodological advances and an evolutionary path for architectures with an integral service and value perspective to enable intelligent systems and services that effectively combine digital strategies and digital architectures with artificial intelligence