2 research outputs found
Two-photon decays of vector mesons and dilepton decays of scalar mesons in dense matter
Two-photon decays of vector mesons and dilepton decays of scalar mesons which
are forbidden in vacuum and can occur in dense baryonic matter due to the
explicit violation of Lorentz symmetry are described within a quark model of
the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio type. The temperature and chemical potential dependence
of these processes is investigated. It is found that their contribution to the
production of photons and leptons in heavy-ion collisions is enhanced near the
conditions corresponding to the restoration of chiral symmetry. Moreover, in
the case of the a_0 meson and especially the \rho-meson, a resonant behaviour
(an additional amplification) is observed due to the degeneration of \rho and
a_0 masses when a hot hadron matter is approaching a chirally symmetric phase.Comment: 20 figures, IOP styl