13 research outputs found

    Interference of 7-hydroxymethotrexate with the determination of methotrexate in plasma samples from children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia employing routine clinical assays

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    The accuracy of two clinical assays, the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay (EMIT) and fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA2), universally employed for measurement of plasma levels of methotrexate (MTX) in children administered a high dose of this drug for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia was evaluated here. Because of its superior specificity, sensitivity, and precision, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was selected as the reference method with which the other two procedures were compared using approximately 420 different plasma samples for method comparison. 7-Hydroxymethotrexate (7-OHMTX), the major plasma metabolite of MTX, that can be detected in plasma at relatively high concentrations for long periods following infusion of a high dose of MTX, was also quantitated by HPLC. Forty-two and 66 h after infusion, the plasma level of MTX was overestimated in 2% and 3% of the samples by the FPIA2 procedure in 5% and 31% by the EMIT assay. The overall correlation coefficients (r(2)) for the values obtained by FPIA2 or EMIT versus those based on HPLC were 0.989 and 0.663, respectively. The presence of 7-OHMTX exerted a highly significant influence (p = 0.0007 as determined by the unpaired t-test) on MTX measurement by the EMIT assay. We conclude that the rapid automated procedures routinely used at present and in particular EMIT, suffer from cross-reactivity with metabolites of MTX. Thus, the relatively high percentage of samples in which the level of MTX is overestimated at check-points by EMIT may result in longer periods of hospitalization, higher costs and prolonged administration of elevated doses of "rescue" leucovorin with an increased risk for relapse

    High dose methotrexate treatment in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia may be optimised by a weight-based dose calculation.

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    BACKGROUND: The inter-individual variation in exposure to methotrexate is considerable after intravenous high dose methotrexate (HDMTX) administration and both under- and over exposures may have dire consequences. Thus, optimal dose individualisation is of paramount importance. PROCEDURE: We studied how pharmacokinetic parameters were related to outcome in 340 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). A population pharmacokinetic model was developed with data from 1284 HDMTX courses in 304 children evaluating age, height, weight, body surface area (BSA), sex, serum creatinine and serum alanine aminotransferase as potential covariates. RESULT: Body weight improved the population pharmacokinetic model significantly more than any of the other patient characteristics, indicating that body weight may be the better way of dose normalisation. In a logistic regression analysis, higher values of clearance as well as volume of distribution were related to increased relapse risk in the standard (SR) and intermediate risk (IR) groups as well as in the entire cohort. A higher weight was strongly associated with worse outcome in the SR and IR groups, (P = 0.0186 and 0.0121, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that dose normalisation of methotrexate according to body weigh may give more predictable pharmacokinetics of methotrexate and may also improve the outcome for children with ALL. Pediatr Blood Cancer © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Effects of recombinant human prothrombin on thrombin generation in plasma from patients with haemophilia A and B.

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    The present study was done to investigate the impact of FII levels and increases thereof on the haemostatic potential in plasma from haemophilia A and B patients with and without inhibitors

    Methotrexate concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid and serum, and the risk of central nervous system relapse in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

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    The aim of the study was to characterize the relationship between the pharmacolkinetics of methotrexate in serum and concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid, and to analyse the association to risk of a central nervous system relapse in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. In this retrospective study, 353 children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treated with high-dose methotrexate according to the Nordic Society of Pediatric Haematology and Oncology-92 acute lymphoblastic leukaemia protocol were studied. Data from 18 patients with a subsequent central nervous system relapse and 335 event-free patients were available. In 34 patients the methotrexate concentrations were monitored repeatedly during each 24-h methotrexate intravenous infusion and a cerebrospinal fluid sample was taken at the end of the infusion. Using statistics separating interindividual and intraindividual variability, methotrexate concentration in cerebrospinal fluid was found to be significantly dependent upon both serum concentrations at the end of infusion and the area under the concentration curve in serum (P<0.0017 and <0.002, respectively). The logistic regression analysis revealed that high patient median serum methotrexate concentrations at the end of infusion were significantly associated with decreased risk for a central nervous system relapse in the standard risk group (P=0.02) and the number of courses with a calculated cerebrospinal fluid concentration of more than 1 mu mol/l (P=0.048) with a decreased risk of a central nervous system relapse in the combined (standard risk and intermediate) risk group. In conclusion, methotrexate concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid are dependent on methotrexate concentrations in serum and serum area under the concentration curve. Multivariate analysis indicates that an increased exposure to methotrexate is related to decreased risk for central nervous system relapse