10 research outputs found
Employment Impact of Inner-city Development Projects: The Case of Underground Atlanta
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Factors affecting property tax reliance: Additional evidence
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1986
- Field of study
Buy or burn?: Empirical tests of models of crime using data from a general population
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effect of school district structure on education spending
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Intercity competition and the size of the local public work force
- Author
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
- B.S. Frey
- C. Lovell
- C. Tiebout
- D. Epple
- D.L. Sjoquist
- E. Ostrom
- E.S. Savas
- G. Tullock
- J.A. Stimson
- J.E. Chubb
- J.Q. Wilson
- J.T. Bennett
- L. Schnore
- L.M. Spizman
- M. Olson
- M. Schneider
- M. Schneider
- M. Schneider
- M.B. Hill
- P. Peterson
- P.N. Courant
- R. Ehrenberg
- R. Ehrenberg
- R. Liebert
- R. Parks
- R.J. Staaf
- R.M. Stein
- R.M. Stein
- R.P. Inman
- R.W. Schmenner
- T.J. DiLorenzo
- T.N. Clark
- V. Ostrom
- W.A. Niskanen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Four Years Later: A Clinical Update on Latanoprost
- Author
- Alm A.
- Altuna J.C.
- Ardjomand N.
- Aslanides I.M.
- Asrani S.
- Aung T.
- Bucci M.G.
- Camras C.B.
- Camras C.B.
- Camras C.B.
- Damji K.F.
- Diestelhorst M.
- Drago F.
- Drance S.M.
- Drance S.M.
- DuBosar U.
- Dutkiewicz R.
- Eisenberg D.L.
- Emmerich K.H.
- Enyedi L.B.
- Fechtner R.D.
- Flammer J.
- Fuchs M The Latanoprost Drug Observation Group.
- Gaddie I.B.
- Garzozi H.
- Greve E.L.
- Hassard A.
- Hejkal T.W.
- Higginbotham E.J.
- Hung P.T.
- Johnstone M.A.
- Kaiser H.J.
- Kent A.R.
- Kiuchi Y.
- Krag S.
- Kuwayama Y.
- Lai J.S.
- Linden C.
- Martin L.
- Mastropasqua L.
- Mermoud A.
- Mertts M.
- Messmer C.
- Miyake K.
- Miyake K.
- Netland P.A.
- Nicolela M.T.
- Nordmann J.P.
- O'Donoghue E.P.
- Ocklind A.
- Orzalesi N.
- Pfeiffer N.
- Quigley H.A.
- Racz P.
- Rainer G.
- Rulo A.H.
- Saccà S.
- Sagara T.
- Scherer W.J.
- Scherer W.J.
- Schumer R.A.
- Shin D.H.
- Simmons S.T.
- Sjoquist B.
- Sjoquist B.
- Sjoquist B.
- Smith S.L.
- Spiegel D European Latanoprost Study Group.
- Sponsel W.E.
- Stewart O.
- Stewart W.C.
- Stewart W.C.
- Stewart W.C.
- Susanna R.
- Susanna R.
- Suzuki M.
- Tamada Y.
- Thygesen J.
- Thylefors B.
- Vetrugno M.
- Veyrac G.
- Wand M.
- Warwar R.E.
- Watson P.G.
- Wensor M.D.
- Yamamoto T.
- Yip L.W.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Adolescents' Perceptions of Opportunities in the U.S. South: Postracial Mirage or Reality in the New Black Mecca?
- Author
- Alridge D.P.
- Bashi V.
- Bell D.A.
- Carnevale A.P.
- Carter P.L.
- Chapman C.
- Cooper A.
- Drake S.
- Fetterman D.M.
- Frey W.
- Glaser B.
- Harlan L.R.
- Harlan L.R.
- Jackson P.
- Jerome E. Morris
- Johnson V.C.
- Keith M.
- Kochhar R.
- Lacy K.R.
- Lareau A.
- Lemann N.
- Love B.L.
- Massey D.
- McLeod J.
- Miles M.
- Ogbu J.U.
- Ogbu J.U.
- Oliver M.L.
- Pattillo-McCoy M.
- Sara E. Woodruff
- Sjoquist D.L.
- Sum A.
- Tamman M.
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Vickerman M.
- Waters M.C.
- West M.R.
- Wilkerson I.
- Williams H.A.
- Wise T.
- Yin R.K.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The New Metropolitan Reality in the US: Rethinking the Traditional Model
- Author
- Baldassare M.
- Beauregard R.A.
- Berger B.M.
- Bernadette Hanlon
- Bernard R.M.
- Bernard R.M.
- Bluestone B.P.
- Bluestone B.P.
- Bobo L.D.
- Burgess E.W.
- Cashin S.D.
- Cervero R.
- Corbin Sies M.
- Downs A.
- Farley R.
- Feiock R. C.
- Fishman R.
- Gans H.J.
- Hayden D.
- HudnutIII W.H.
- Jackson K.T.
- Jargowsky P.A.
- John Rennie Short
- Judd D.
- Katz B.
- Kelly B.M.
- Knox P.L.
- Lang R.E.
- Lucy W.H.
- Massey D.
- Miller D.A.
- Mumford L.
- Muth R.F.
- O'Connor A.
- Orfield M.
- Palen J.J.
- Sjoquist D.L.
- Teaford J.
- Thomas Vicino
- Warner JR, S.B.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Socioeconomic Conditions and Property Crime:.
- Author
- Avio K.L.
- Becker G.
- Benson Bruce L.
- Bernard Thomas J.
- Block M.K.
- Box George E.
- Braithwaite John
- Brier Stephen S.
- Brown S.E.
- Cantor David
- Carroll Leo
- Chester C. Ronald
- Chiricos Theodore G.
- Cloninger Dale O.
- Cohen Jacqueline
- Cohen Lawrence E.
- Cohen Lawrence E.
- Cohen Lawrence E.
- Cohen Lawrence E.
- Cook Philip J.
- Corman Hope
- Cullen Francis T.
- Danziger Sheldon
- Danziger Sheldon
- DeFronzo James
- Deutsch Joseph
- Devine Joel A.
- Farrington David P.
- Firebaugh Glenn
- Gillespie Robert W.
- Gottman John M.
- Hale Chris
- Heineke J.M.
- Howsen Roy M.
- Hughes Michael
- Jacobs D.
- Lewbel Arthur
- Manski Charles F.
- Mead Lawrence M.
- Meier Robert F.
- Nagin Daniel
- Parker Robert N.
- Patterson E.
- Phillips Margaret B.
- Plotnick Robert
- Pogue T.F.
- Raffalovich Lawrence E.
- Reiss
- Sampson Robert J.
- Sjoquist D.L.
- Smith Douglas A.
- Stack Steven
- Steffensmeier Darrell J.
- Stoker Thomas M.
- Wilson William J.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Avio K.L.
- Avio K.L.
- Avio K.L.
- Avio K.L.
- Bean P.
- Becker G.S.
- Bentham J.
- Bochel D.
- Bottomley A.K.
- Braithwaite J.
- Briese C.R.
- Bullard C.
- Carr-Hill R.A.
- Challinger D.
- Cook P.J.
- Eatherly B. J.
- Ehrlich I.
- Ehrlich I.
- Ehrlich I.
- Gottfredson D.M.
- Gunning J.P.
- Haag E.
- Heineke J.M.
- Higgins T.
- Holtman A.G.
- Kassebaum G.
- Kemp M.C.
- Landes W.M.
- Lees D.
- Lewis D.E.
- Lipton D.
- Mallar C.D.
- Manski C.F.
- Martinson R.
- Mathur V.K.
- Myers S.L.
- Neher P.A.
- New South Wales Department of Corrective Services
- O'Leary V.
- Phillips L.
- Potas I.
- Pouliguen Y.
- Rinaldi F.
- Rizzo M.J.
- Rural Bank of New South Wales
- Schmidt J.
- Sjoquist D.L.
- Smith A.
- Stanley D.T.
- Stern N.H.
- Taggart R.
- Thaler R.
- Tomasic R.
- Waller I.
- West D.J.
- Witte A.D.
- Zimring F.E.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study