147 research outputs found

    On geometric phases for quantum trajectories

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    A sequence of completely positive maps can be decomposed into quantum trajectories. The geometric phase or holonomy of such a trajectory is delineated. For nonpure initial states, it is shown that well-defined holonomies can be assigned by using Uhlmann's concept of parallel transport along the individual trajectories. We put forward an experimental realization of the geometric phase for a quantum trajectory in interferometry. We argue that the average over the phase factors for all quantum trajectories that build up a given open system evolution, fails to reflect the geometry of the open system evolution itself.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of the 13th CEWQO 2006 in Vienn

    Validity of rotating wave approximation in non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation

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    We examine the validity of the rotating wave approximation (RWA) in non-adiabatic holonomic single-qubit gates [New J. Phys. {\bf 14}, 103035 (2012)]. We demonstrate that the adoption of RWA may lead to a sharp decline in fidelity for rapid gate implementation and small energy separation between the excited and computational states. The validity of the RWA in the recent experimental realization [Nature (London) {\bf 496}, 482 (2013)] of non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation for a superconducting qubit is examined.Comment: Changes, old figure replaced two new figures, journal reference adde

    Comment on `Detecting non-Abelian geometric phases with three-level Λ\Lambda systems'

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    In their recent paper, Yan-Xiong Du et al. [Phys. Rev. A 84, 034103 (2011)] claim to have found a non-Abelian adiabatic geometric phase associated with the energy eigenstates of a large-detuned Λ\Lambda three-level system. They further propose a test to detect the non-commutative feature of this geometric phase. On the contrary, we show that the non-Abelian geometric phase picked up by the energy eigenstates of a Λ\Lambda system is trivial in the adiabatic approximation, while, in the exact treatment of the time evolution, this phase is very small and cannot be separated from the non-Abelian dynamical phase acquired along the path in parameter space.Comment: Explicit proof that the non-Abelian geometric phase is trivial added, journal reference adde