3 research outputs found

    Determinants of hypertension in school-aged boys and girls in Silesia voivodeship

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    Wst臋p Regionalne zr贸偶nicowanie rozpowszechnienia nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego (AH) u dzieci i m艂odzie偶y w Polsce mo偶e sugerowa膰 r贸偶nice w wyst臋powaniu determinant贸w podwy偶szonych warto艣ci ci艣nienia t臋tniczego (BP) w tej grupie wiekowej, zwi膮zanych z czynnikami ustrojowymi i 艣rodowiskowymi. Celem pracy by艂a ocena potencjalnych uwarunkowa艅 wyst臋powania HT u dzieci i m艂odzie偶y w wieku szkolnym w wojew贸dztwie 艣l膮skim. Materia艂 i metody Epidemiologiczne badanie przekrojowe przeprowadzono w roku szkolnym 2005/ /2006 w 6 losowo wybranych szko艂ach wojew贸dztwa 艣l膮skiego. Badaniem obj臋to 674 dzieci w wieku 6&#8211;18 lat. Ci艣nienie t臋tnicze mierzono 3-krotnie sfigmomanometrem rt臋ciowym wed艂ug metody Korotkowa, zgodnie z zaleceniami aktualnej wersji raportu Horana, przyjmuj膮c 艣redni膮 z trzech odczyt贸w jako tak zwan膮 warto艣膰 decyzyjn膮. Czynniki ryzyka okre艣lano na podstawie wynik贸w badania kwestionariuszowego. Wyniki Wykazano dodatni膮 korelacj臋 mi臋dzy warto艣ci膮 BP i warto艣ci膮 masy cia艂a (r = 0,4&#8211;0,6; p < 0,05) oraz wska藕nik masy cia艂a (BMI) (r = 0,3&#8211;0,6; p < 0,05). Potwierdzono wp艂yw nadmiernej masy cia艂a na wyst臋powanie AH w grupie uczni贸w szko艂y podstawowej (ch艂opcy: OR = 27,65; 95% CI: 3,03&#8211;139,0; p < 0,001 oraz dziewcz臋ta: OR = 3,4; 95% CI: 0,7&#8211;16,7; p = 0,08) i gimnazjum (ch艂opcy: OR = 5,7; 95% CI: 1,12&#8211;31,0; p = 0,01 oraz dziewcz臋ta: OR = 8,3; 95% CI: 1,1&#8211;97,0; p = 0,02). Podwy偶szone BP wyst臋powa艂o cz臋艣ciej u dzieci matek z wykszta艂ceniem wy偶szym (ch艂opcy w gimnazjum: OR = 6,06; 95% CI: 0,7&#8211;136,0; p = 0,06 oraz dziewcz臋ta w szkole podstawowej: OR = 5,12; 95% CI: 0,85&#8211;39,0; p = 0,04). Udokumentowano istotny wp艂yw rodzinnego obci膮偶enia chorobami uk艂adu kr膮偶enia na cz臋sto艣膰 wyst臋powania AH w艣r贸d ch艂opc贸w w gimnazjum (OR = 43,3; 95% CI: 3,67&#8211;117,0; p < 0,001). Nie potwierdzono wp艂ywu karmienia piersi膮, masy urodzeniowej cia艂a oraz czynnik贸w ekonomicznych na cz臋sto艣膰 wyst臋powania HT u badanych dzieci. Wnioski Na warto艣膰 BP u badanych dzieci najwi臋kszy wp艂yw mia艂y: wiek, masa cia艂a, BMI, wykszta艂cenie rodzic贸w oraz obci膮偶enie rodzinne w kierunku chor贸b uk艂adu kr膮偶enia lub oty艂o艣ci. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzaj膮 tez臋 o regionalnym zr贸偶nicowaniu wyst臋powania uwarunkowa艅 AH.Background Territorial differentiation of arterial hypertension (AH) occurrence in children and adolescents suggests discrepancies in spread of its determinants (host and environmental) in this age group. The aim of the study was to estimate possible risk factors of AH in school-aged children and adolescents in Silesia voivodeship. Material and methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in the school period 2005/2006 in six randomly chosen schools in four towns in Upper Silesia region. The study comprised 674 children aged 6-18. BP was taken three times a week, using a mercury sphygmomanometer, by Korotkov method, following the guidelines of the current version of Horan&#8217;s report. BP mean value, calculated from these measurements, was taken for analysis as the decisive one. Risk factors were assessed on the basis of a questionnaire. Results Strong positive correlations between BP and body mass (r = 0.4-0.6; p < 0,05), and BMI (r = 0.3-0.6; p < 0,05) were found. The impact of excessive body mass on AH occurrence was confirmed in primary school students (boys: OR = 27.65; 95% CI: 3.03-139.0; p < 0.001 and girls: OR = 3.4; 95% CI: 0.7-16.7; p = 0.08) and junior high school students (boys: OR = 5.7; 95% CI: 1.12&#8211;31.0; p = 0.01 and girls: OR = 8.3; 95% CI: 1.1-97.0; p = 0.02). Elevated BP was more frequent in children whose mothers declared higher educational level (boys in junior high school: OR = 6.06; 95% CI: 0.7&#8211;136.0; p = 0,06 and girls in primary school: OR = 5.12; 95% CI: 0.85-39.0; p = 0.04). The influence of familiar occurrence of heart diseases on AH was of great importance in junior high school boys (OR = 43.3; 95% CI: 3.67-117.0; p < 0.001). We did not reveal the impact of breastfeeding, birth weight and socioeconomic status on AH prevalence in the surveyed children. Conclusions The most marked influence on BP in the students was observed in relation to their age, body mass, BMI, parents&#8217; educational level and familial occurrence of heart diseases and obesity. The obtained results confirm the thesis of territorial discrepancies in the occurrence of AH risk factors

    Birth weight and birth length, and blood pressure in children and adolescents

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    Wst臋p Masa urodzeniowa cia艂a mo偶e determinowa膰 warto艣膰 ci艣nienia t臋tniczego (BP) w p贸藕niejszym wieku. Celem pracy by艂a ocena wp艂ywu masy i d艂ugo艣ci urodzeniowej cia艂a na warto艣膰 BP u dzieci i m艂odzie偶y w Polsce. Materia艂 i metody Badanie przekrojowe przeprowadzono w grupie 6097 os贸b (2949 ch艂opc贸w i 3148 dziewcz膮t) w wieku 7-18 lat (艣rednio 12,6 &#177; 3,4 roku), zamieszka艂ych w woj. 艣l膮skim (n = 2386), mazowieckim (n = 1906) i wielkopolskim (n = 1805). BP mierzono sfigmomanometrem rt臋ciowym, zgodnie z obowi膮zuj膮cymi zaleceniami. Informacj臋 o urodzeniowej masie i d艂ugo艣ci cia艂a uzyskano z danych zawartych w ksi膮偶eczce zdrowia dziecka. Wyniki Ci艣nienie skurczowe (SBP) wynosi艂o 艣rednio 110,2 &#177; 11,5 mm Hg, natomiast rozkurczowe (DBP) - 67,8 &#177; 7,8 mm Hg. Masa urodzeniowa cia艂a wynosi艂a 艣rednio 3338,2 &#177; 527,9 g, a d艂ugo艣膰 urodzeniowa cia艂a - 53,2 &#177; 5,5 cm. Parametry te by艂y by艂y one najwy偶sze w woj. mazowieckim i wynosi艂y odpowiednio: 3370,4 &#177; 535,4 g i 54,5 &#177; 3,3 cm. Warto艣ci BP oraz badanych parametr贸w noworodkowych by艂y istotnie statystycznie wy偶sze u ch艂opc贸w ni偶 dziewcz膮t, z wyj膮tkiem woj. wielkopolskiego. Po uwzgl臋dnieniu roli p艂ci, wieku, aktualnego BMI, miejsca zamieszkania oraz czasu trwania ci膮偶y, nie wykazano znamiennego wp艂ywu masy urodzeniowej cia艂a (w kg) na warto艣膰 BP (odpowiednie wsp贸艂czynniki regresji liniowej wynosi艂y: bSBP = = &#8211;0,4; p = 0,3 oraz bDBP = 0,2; p = 0,5). Udokumentowano natomiast dodatni, istotny wp艂yw d艂ugo艣ci urodzeniowej na warto艣膰 BP (bSBP = 0,05; p = 0,04 oraz bDBP = 0,07; p = 0,0006). Wnioski Wyniki badania ujawni艂y niewielki, ale istotny statystycznie wp艂yw d艂ugo艣ci urodzeniowej na warto艣膰 BP w p贸藕niejszym wieku oraz brak wp艂ywu masy urodzeniowej cia艂a na warto艣膰 BP u dzieci i m艂odzie偶y w Polsce.Background Birth weight may influence on blood pressure (BP) at later life. The study aimed to test whether birth weight and birth length program blood pressure at later life in children and adolescents in Poland. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was performed in a randomly selected sample of 6097 children and adolescents (2949 boys and 3148 girls), aged 7-18 (mean 12.6 &#177; 3.4), inhabitants of Silesia Region (n = 2386), Masovia Region (n = 1906) and Wielkopolska Region (n = = 1805). BP was taken using a mercury sphygmomanometer, following the current guidelines. Birth outcomes were obtained from routine obstetrical records. Results Mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) was 110.2 &#177; 11.5 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was 67.8 &#177; 7.8 mm Hg. Mean birth weight was 3338.2 &#177; 527.9 g, and birth length was 53.2 &#177; 5.5 cm. Both parameters were the highest in children in Masovia Region; 3370.4 &#177; 535.4 g and 54.5 &#177; 3.3 cm, respectively. BP and birth outcomes were statistically significantly higher in boys than in girls, except Wielkopolska Region. After adjustment for gender, age, current BMI, place of residence and time of gestation, no statistically significant impact of birth weight (in kg) on BP was found, with the coefficients of linear regression bSBP = -0.4 (p = 0.3) and bDBP = 0.2 (p = 0.5). However, statistically significant impact of birth length on BP was confirmed: bSBP = 0.05 (p = 0.04) and bDBP = 0.07 (p = 0.0006). Conclusions The results revealed small but positive and statistically significant impact of birth length on BP at later life in children in Poland. However, no role of birth weight in BP alteration was found

    Analysis of the Relationship among Cognitive Impairment, Nutritional Indexes and the Clinical Course among COVID-19 Patients Discharged from Hospital&mdash;Preliminary Report

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    Numerous data indicate the presence of cognitive impairment in people who have undergone COVID-19, often called COVID Fog (CF). This phenomenon persists even 6 months after infection, and its etiology and pathogenesis are not fully known. The aim of this article was to analyze the relationship among cognitive functioning, clinical data and nutrition indexes in patients discharged from the COVID-19 hospital of the Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland. The sample comprised 17 individuals&mdash;10 women and 7 men, with ages of 65 &plusmn; 14 years. Cognitive impairment was measured with the use of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The nutrition parameters included: hemoglobin, red blood cells, total cholesterol and its fractions, triglycerides, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, phosphates, calcium and sodium. The analysis showed that albumin concentration significantly correlated with the total MoCA score and especially with the short-term memory test score. Conversely, total cholesterol, and especially LDL concentrations, were highly and negatively associated with the MoCA score. In conclusion: markers of nutritional status are correlated with the severity of CF. Individuals with malnutrition or risk of malnutrition should be screened for CF. Further studies need to be performed in this area