16 research outputs found


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    Toxascaris leonina causes a dystrophy of deciduacytes, villus necrosis, deterioration of blood circulation between mother and an embryo and immunopathological alteration in placenta. A chronic insufficiency in placenta develops. Normal development of puppies is broken. Puppies are born underdeveloped and with the lowered viability.Паразитирование Toxascaris leonina вызывает развитие альтеративных и приспособительных изменений в плаценте. Дистрофия клеток, нарушение маточно-плацентарного кровообращения, иммунопатологические изменения приводят к гипотрофии и гипоксии плодов

    Динамика зараженности домашних собак кишечными паразитами в городе Перми

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    The purpose of the research is comparative analysis of the dynamics of intestinal helminth and protozoa infections in domestic dogs in Perm, and establishment of a relationship between the prevalence of infection with certain pathogens.Materials and methods. Samples of feces from domestic dogs from Perm were material for the study. Feces were examined by the combined Kotelnikov-Khrenov method and method of successive washing. The results were processed statistically using the Statistica 10.0 software.Results and discussion. The prevalence of infection with parasites over a 15-year period ranged from 15.38% in 2006 to 44.30% in 2008, and 26.54% in average. The leading position is occupied by Sarcocystis spp. (Lankester, 1882) – 5.92%, Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) – 5.50% and Isospora canis (Nemesri, 1960) – 2.6%, while the rest of the parasites account for an insignificant amount of identified cases. Statistical analysis of the ten most common parasites among dogs in Perm by years showed a direct relationship between the lungworm Oslerus osleri (sin Filaroides osleri, Cobbold, 1876) and the heteroxenous Coccidia Sarcocystis spp. (rs = 0.572; P < 0.05), as well as a negative correlation between Cryptosporidium spp. (Tyzzer, 1907) and Isospora ohioensis (Dubey, 1975) (rs = -0.526; P < 0.05). When studying Toxocara infection in dogs in different seasons of the year, an increase in the infection prevalence was noted in February with a minimum in July-August. For isosporosis, we identified the spring (March) and more pronounced autumn (September) peaks in infection. Sarcocystosis reached minimum levels of the infection prevalence in September with peaks in May-July. Any correlation between the degree of T. canis, Sarcocystis spp. and I. canis infection in domestic dogs has not been found, which indicates an independent circulation of these pathogens in the urban environment, which does not allow for long-term forecasts of levels of infection, and this must be taken into account when organizing the work of veterinary service.Цель исследований – сравнительный анализ динамики зараженности домашних собак на территории города Перми кишечными гельминтами и простейшими, а также установление взаимосвязи между экстенсивностью инвазии отдельными патогенами.Материалы и методы. Материалом для исследования служили пробы фекалий домашних собак города Перми. Фекалии исследовали комбинированным методом Г. А. Котельникова, В. М. Хренова, а также методом последовательных промываний. Полученные результаты обрабатывали статистически с применением программы Статистика 10.Результаты и обсуждение. Экстенсивность инвазии (ЭИ) паразитами за 15-летний период составила от 15,38% в 2006 г. до 44,30% в 2008 г., и в среднем – 26,54%. Лидирующее место занимают Sarcocystis spp. (Lankester, 1882) – 5,92%, Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) – 5,50 и Isospora canis (Nemesri, 1960) – 2,6%, тогда как на долю остальных паразитов приходится незначительный объем выявленных случаев. Статистический анализ встречаемости десяти наиболее распространенных среди собак города Перми паразитов по годам показал прямую связь между легочной нематодой Oslerus osleri (sin Filaroides osleri, Cobbold, 1876) и гетероксенной кокцидией Sarcocystis spp. (rs = 0,572; Р < 0,05), а также отрицательную корреляцию между Cryptosporidium spp. (Tyzzer, 1907) и Isospora ohioensis (Dubey, 1975 (rs = -0,526; Р < 0,05). При изучении уровней зараженности собак токсокарами в разные сезоны года отмечен подъем ЭИ в феврале с минимальным значением в июле-августе. Для изоспороза выявлены весенний (март) и более выраженный осенний (сентябрь) пики инвазии. Саркоцистоз достигал минимальных уровней ЭИ в сентябре с пиковыми значениями в мае-июле. Какая-либо корреляция между степенью зараженности домашних собак T. canis, Sarcocystis spp. и I. canis не установлена, что свидетельствует о независимой друг от друга циркуляции данных патогенов в условиях городской среды, которая не позволяет строить долгосрочные прогнозы в отношении уровней инвазии, и это необходимо учитывать при организации работы ветеринарной службы


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    Abstract Objective of research: Analysis of epizootic situation on toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis in human and domestic animals on the territory of the Perm region; determination of causes of disease distribution and search for methods of the fight against these diseases. Materials and methods: Analysis of statistical data of the Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Perm region for the years 2011-2015. Feces from domestic cats and dogs of Perm city were investigated by Kotelnikov-Khrenov method with the use of ammonium nitrate solution. Analysis of veterinary and sanitary rules, standards and sources of literature was conducted by statistical, logical and historical methods. Results and discussion: Toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis are widespread infections of human, productive and nonproductive animals; they may cause different pathological processes up to death of persons with HIV infection. Toxoplasmosis is annually found in human, Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis spp. are regularly detected in cats and dogs, T. gondii oocysts found in fecal samples from domestic cats; besides qualitative veterinary and sanitary expertise of meat and meat products from farm animals is not carried out. Nevertheless, systematic fight against these infectious diseases is not conducted due to gaps and contradictions related to veterinary and sanitary standards and rules. To organize a fight against toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis, it is necessary to make changes to the valid normative documents to regulate legal relationships and attract attention of a wide range of people to this problem; in particular, to make changes to valid Sanitary Norms and Regulations 3.2.3215-14 in relation to toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis. The data on invasion should be added to the plan of anti-epizootic measures on productive animals (cattle, goats, sheep, pigs). It is necessary to elaborate and implement the available cheap express - methods (allergic intradermal test with toxoplasmine and sarcocystine) for diagnosis of these diseases. Development and approval of new «Rules of veterinary inspection of slaughtered animals and veterinary-sanitary expertise of meat and meat products» appropriately considering toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis are required to prevent infestation of human through animal products.Цель работы - изучение эпидемиологической и эпизоотической обстановки по токсоплазмозу и саркоцистозу на примере Пермского края, выявление причин распространения и поиск способов организации борьбы с этими болезнями. Материалы и методы. Анализ статистических данных Центра гигиены и эпидемиологии в Пермском крае за 2011-2015 гг. Фекалии домашних плотоядных города Перми исследовали комбинированным методом Котельникова-Хренова с раствором нитрата аммония. Анализ санитарных и ветеринарных правил и норм, периодических изданий проводили сравнительно-правовым, статистическим, логическим и историческим методами. Результаты и обсуждение. Токсоплазмоз и саркоцистоз являются широко распространенными инвазиями человека, продуктивных и непродуктивных животных, вызывающими развитие различных патологических процессов вплоть до летального исхода у лиц с иммунодефицитом. При ежегодном выявлении токсоплазмоза у человека, регулярном обнаружении спороцист Sarcocystis spp. у кошек и собак, периодическом обнаружении ооцист T. gondii в пробах фекалий домашних кошек, а также отсутствием качественной ветеринарно-санитарной экспертизы мяса и мясных продуктов от сельскохозяйственных животных, планомерная борьба с данными инвазиями не проводится в связи с пробелами и противоречиями со стороны ветеринарных и санитарных правил. Для организации борьбы с токсоплазмозом и саркоцистозом необходимо на законодательном уровне внести изменения в имеющиеся нормативные документы с целью регулированияданныхправоотношенийипривлечениявниманияксуществующейпроблеменеопределенного круга лиц. В частности, в действующий СанПиН 3.2.3215-14 внести изменения в отношении токсоплазмоза и саркоцистоза. Включить данные инвазии в план противоэпизоотических мероприятий у продуктивных животных (крупный и мелкий рогатый скот, свиньи). Разработать и внедрить прижизненные, доступные и дешевые экспресс-методы (внутрикожная аллергическая проба с токсоплазмином и саркоцистином) диа- гностики указанных заболеваний. Требуется разработка и принятие новых «Правил ветеринарного осмотра убойных животных и ветеринарно-санитарной экспертизы мяса и мясных продуктов», направленных на про- филактику заражения человека через продукты животного происхождения, в которых должны быть отра- жены в должной мере токсоплазмоз и саркоцистоз


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    Objective of research: to study the caryopathic effect of bio-preparation Bacillus subtilis 12В on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of white mice after a single intra-abdominal administration of the Fasciola hepatica extract. Materials and methods: The investigations were conducted on white male mice after oral use of preparation Sporovite based on B. subtilis 12B; then the intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extracts at a dose of 100 mkg/head was applied. The protein extract from F. hepatica was administered to mice of the second group, and animals of the third group received only the probiotic Sporovite. Animals of the fourth group did not get the preparation and served as controls. 48 hours later the animals were killed; touch smears obtained from testis were stained by the Romanovsky method and examined under a microscope what enables to determine the mitotic index and the number of pathological meiosis forms. The experiments were conducted on lambs whose seminal vesicles were placed into a solution of 10% Formalin and examined histologically. 2-3µ-thick slices were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin by Van Gieson method and examined under a microscope at 50, 400 and 1000 x magnifications. Results and discussion: During the pathomorphological and caryomitotic studies of testis of white mice and lambs after administration of Sporovite on the background of intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extract the reduction of negative effects on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of testis in animals wasn’t observed. A decrease in mitotic index by 2-3 times and a high amount of pathological forms were registered. The number of metaphases with preterm chromosome disjunction under the joint effect of F. hepatica and B. subtilis extracts has decreased by half.Цель исследования – изучение кариопатического действия биопрепарата Bacillus subtilis 12B на состояние сперматогенного эпителия белых мышей после однократного внутрибрюшинного введения экстракта Fasciola hepatica. Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили на белых мышах самцах, которым перорально задавали биопрепарат споровит на основе B. subtilis 12B, а затем внутрибрюшинно вводили экстракт F. hepatica в дозе 100 мкг/гол. Мышам второй группы вводили белковый экстракт F. hepatica, а животным третьей группы – только споровит. Животные четвертой группы препарат не получали и служили контролем. Через 48 ч мышей убивали и из семенников готовили мазки-отпечатки, которые окрашивали по Романовскому и микроскопировали с определением митотического индекса и числа патологических форм мейоза. Проведен опыт на баранчиках, семенники которых помещали в 10%-ный раствор формалина и подвергали гистологическому исследованию. Срезы толщиной 2-3 µ окрашивали гематоксилином и эозином и по методу Ван Гизон и исследовали при увеличении микроскопа в 50, 400 и 1000 раз. Результаты и обсуждение. При патоморфологическом и кариомитотическом исследовании семенников белых мышей и баранчиков после введения споровита на фоне внутрибрюшинного введения соматического экстракта F. hepatica не установлено снижения негативного воздействия на состояние сперматогенного эпителия семенников животных. При этом снижается митотический индекс в 2-3 раза, число патологий остается на высоком уровне. Число метафаз с преждевременным расхождением хромосом при одновременном действии экстракта F. hepatica и B. subtilis снизилось наполовину


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    Objective of research: to study the caryopathic effect of bio-preparation Bacillus subtilis 12В on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of white mice after a single intra-abdominal administration of the Fasciola hepatica extract. Materials and methods: The investigations were conducted on white male mice after oral use of preparation Sporovite based on B. subtilis 12B; then the intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extracts at a dose of 100 mkg/head was applied. The protein extract from F. hepatica was administered to mice of the second group, and animals of the third group received only the probiotic Sporovite. Animals of the fourth group did not get the preparation and served as controls. 48 hours later the animals were killed; touch smears obtained from testis were stained by the Romanovsky method and examined under a microscope what enables to determine the mitotic index and the number of pathological meiosis forms. The experiments were conducted on lambs whose seminal vesicles were placed into a solution of 10% Formalin and examined histologically. 2-3µ-thick slices were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin by Van Gieson method and examined under a microscope at 50, 400 and 1000 x magnifications. Results and discussion: During the pathomorphological and caryomitotic studies of testis of white mice and lambs after administration of Sporovite on the background of intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extract the reduction of negative effects on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of testis in animals wasn’t observed. A decrease in mitotic index by 2-3 times and a high amount of pathological forms were registered. The number of metaphases with preterm chromosome disjunction under the joint effect of F. hepatica and B. subtilis extracts has decreased by half.Цель исследования - изучение кариопатического действия биопрепарата Bacillus subtilis 12B на состояние сперматогенного эпителия белых мышей после однократного внутрибрюшинного введения экстракта Fasciola hepatica. Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили на белых мышах самцах, которым перорально задавали биопрепарат споровит на основе B. subtilis 12B, а затем внутрибрюшинно вводили экстракт F. hepatica в дозе 100 мкг/гол. Мышам второй группы вводили белковый экстракт F. hepatica, а животным третьей группы - только споровит. Животные четвертой группы препарат не получали и служили контролем. Через 48 ч мышей убивали и из семенников готовили мазки-отпечатки, которые окрашивали по Романовскому и микроскопировали с определением митотического индекса и числа патологических форм мейоза. Проведен опыт на баранчиках, семенники которых помещали в 10%-ный раствор формалина и подвергали гистологическому исследованию. Срезы толщиной 2-3 µ окрашивали гематоксилином и эозином и по методу Ван Гизон и исследовали при увеличении микроскопа в 50, 400 и 1000 раз. Результаты и обсуждение. При патоморфологическом и кариомитотическом исследовании семенников белых мышей и баранчиков после введения споровита на фоне внутрибрюшинного введения соматического экстракта F. hepatica не установлено снижения негативного воздействия на состояние сперматогенного эпителия семенников животных. При этом снижается митотический индекс в 2-3 раза, число патологий остается на высоком уровне. Число метафаз с преждевременным расхождением хромосом при одновременном действии экстракта F. hepatica и B. subtilis снизилось наполовину

    Morphological changes in placenta of tracker dogs at Toxascaris leonina infection

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    Micromorphological changes in placenta tissues of tracker dogs spontaneously infected with Toxascaris leonina are studied. Microscopic study enables to esti-mate the following changes occurring in placenta: involutive changes, adaptive compensatory changes, blood flow disturbances and inflammations. As a result of conducted studies it was determined that T. leonina causes alternative processes in dogs' placenta: dystrophy of decidual cells, of choroid epithelium up to formation of necrosis; blood flow disorders at the utero-placental level; change of thickness of barrier between maternal and fetal blood circulation; immunopathological changes, not complete adaptive compensatory processes. The above mentioned changes result in hypotrophy and hypoxia of fetus

    Morphological changes in placenta of guard dogs at Toxascaris leonina infection

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    Toxascaris leonina causes a dystrophy of deciduacytes, villus necrosis, deterioration of blood circulation between mother and an embryo and immunopathological alteration in placenta. A chronic insufficiency in placenta develops. Normal development of puppies is broken. Puppies are born underdeveloped and with the lowered viability

    Dynamics of intestinal parasite infections in domestic dogs in the city of Perm

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    The purpose of the research is comparative analysis of the dynamics of intestinal helminth and protozoa infections in domestic dogs in Perm, and establishment of a relationship between the prevalence of infection with certain pathogens.Materials and methods. Samples of feces from domestic dogs from Perm were material for the study. Feces were examined by the combined Kotelnikov-Khrenov method and method of successive washing. The results were processed statistically using the Statistica 10.0 software.Results and discussion. The prevalence of infection with parasites over a 15-year period ranged from 15.38% in 2006 to 44.30% in 2008, and 26.54% in average. The leading position is occupied by Sarcocystis spp. (Lankester, 1882) – 5.92%, Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) – 5.50% and Isospora canis (Nemesri, 1960) – 2.6%, while the rest of the parasites account for an insignificant amount of identified cases. Statistical analysis of the ten most common parasites among dogs in Perm by years showed a direct relationship between the lungworm Oslerus osleri (sin Filaroides osleri, Cobbold, 1876) and the heteroxenous Coccidia Sarcocystis spp. (rs = 0.572; P < 0.05), as well as a negative correlation between Cryptosporidium spp. (Tyzzer, 1907) and Isospora ohioensis (Dubey, 1975) (rs = -0.526; P < 0.05). When studying Toxocara infection in dogs in different seasons of the year, an increase in the infection prevalence was noted in February with a minimum in July-August. For isosporosis, we identified the spring (March) and more pronounced autumn (September) peaks in infection. Sarcocystosis reached minimum levels of the infection prevalence in September with peaks in May-July. Any correlation between the degree of T. canis, Sarcocystis spp. and I. canis infection in domestic dogs has not been found, which indicates an independent circulation of these pathogens in the urban environment, which does not allow for long-term forecasts of levels of infection, and this must be taken into account when organizing the work of veterinary service


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    Abstract Objective of research: Analysis of epizootic situation on toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis in human and domestic animals on the territory of the Perm region; determination of causes of disease distribution and search for methods of the fight against these diseases. Materials and methods: Analysis of statistical data of the Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Perm region for the years 2011-2015. Feces from domestic cats and dogs of Perm city were investigated by Kotelnikov-Khrenov method with the use of ammonium nitrate solution. Analysis of veterinary and sanitary rules, standards and sources of literature was conducted by statistical, logical and historical methods. Results and discussion: Toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis are widespread infections of human, productive and nonproductive animals; they may cause different pathological processes up to death of persons with HIV infection. Toxoplasmosis is annually found in human, Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis spp. are regularly detected in cats and dogs, T. gondii oocysts found in fecal samples from domestic cats; besides qualitative veterinary and sanitary expertise of meat and meat products from farm animals is not carried out. Nevertheless, systematic fight against these infectious diseases is not conducted due to gaps and contradictions related to veterinary and sanitary standards and rules. To organize a fight against toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis, it is necessary to make changes to the valid normative documents to regulate legal relationships and attract attention of a wide range of people to this problem; in particular, to make changes to valid Sanitary Norms and Regulations 3.2.3215-14 in relation to toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis. The data on invasion should be added to the plan of anti-epizootic measures on productive animals (cattle, goats, sheep, pigs). It is necessary to elaborate and implement the available cheap express - methods (allergic intradermal test with toxoplasmine and sarcocystine) for diagnosis of these diseases. Development and approval of new «Rules of veterinary inspection of slaughtered animals and veterinary-sanitary expertise of meat and meat products» appropriately considering toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis are required to prevent infestation of human through animal products


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    Objective of research: to study the caryopathic effect of bio-preparation Bacillus subtilis 12В on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of white mice after a single intra-abdominal administration of the Fasciola hepatica extract. Materials and methods: The investigations were conducted on white male mice after oral use of preparation Sporovite based on B. subtilis 12B; then the intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extracts at a dose of 100 mkg/head was applied. The protein extract from F. hepatica was administered to mice of the second group, and animals of the third group received only the probiotic Sporovite. Animals of the fourth group did not get the preparation and served as controls. 48 hours later the animals were killed; touch smears obtained from testis were stained by the Romanovsky method and examined under a microscope what enables to determine the mitotic index and the number of pathological meiosis forms. The experiments were conducted on lambs whose seminal vesicles were placed into a solution of 10% Formalin and examined histologically. 2-3µ-thick slices were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin by Van Gieson method and examined under a microscope at 50, 400 and 1000 x magnifications. Results and discussion: During the pathomorphological and caryomitotic studies of testis of white mice and lambs after administration of Sporovite on the background of intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extract the reduction of negative effects on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of testis in animals wasn’t observed. A decrease in mitotic index by 2-3 times and a high amount of pathological forms were registered. The number of metaphases with preterm chromosome disjunction under the joint effect of F. hepatica and B. subtilis extracts has decreased by half