4 research outputs found

    An Efficacy of Covid – 19 Pandemic: Recovery of Workplace Environment and Ecosystem

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    The Covid-19 pandemic started in the late December 2019 and is still progressing globally at a rapid rate. The easy spreading nature of the covid-19 causative virus has made most of the countries to implement complete lockdown. The lockdown measure taken by most countries to combat the disease has not only assisted in decreasing the rate of spread but also the pollution of the workplace environment and environment as a whole. In the absence of most human and industrial activities that cause pollution, the nature is on its way in purifying itself. Without human intervention, the pollution free environment and its interaction with the ecosystem is bouncing back at a faster pace. The article explained the impact of lockdown measures on the reduction of environmental pollution on a global scenario.

    Studies on Labour Safety in Construction Sites

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    Construction industry has accomplished extensive growth worldwide particularly in past few decades. For a construction project to be successful, safety of the structures as well as that of the personnel is of utmost importance. The safety issues are to be considered right from the design stage till the completion and handing over of the structure. Construction industry employs skilled and unskilled labourers subject to construction site accidents and health risks. A proper coordination between contractors, clients, and workforce is needed for safe work conditions which are very much lacking in Indian construction companies. Though labour safety laws are available, the numerous accidents taking place at construction sites are continuing. Management commitment towards health and safety of the workers is also lagging. A detailed literature study was carried out to understand the causes of accidents, preventive measures, and development of safe work environment. This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey, which was distributed among various categories of construction workers in Kerala region. The paper examines and discusses in detail the total working hours, work shifts, nativity of the workers, number of accidents, and type of injuries taking place in small and large construction sites

    A Study on Statutory Provisions for Construction Safety in India

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    There are about 8.5 million workers employed in the construction sector in India. Construction workers constitute a major portion of the unorganized labour and are characterized by their casual nature of employment, temporary relationship with the employer, prolonged and uncertain working hours, lack of safety and health measures, and inadequacy of basic amenities and welfare facilities. There are many legislation clauses providing safeguards for contract workers in India. Construction safety has been made legally enforceable after the enactment of The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act in 1996 and the Central Rules in 1998. This paper details various statutory provisions for construction safety in India with specific reference to the BOCW Act, Central Rules, and State Rules

    Analiza przepisów bezpieczeństwa w budownictwie w Indiach

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    There are about 8.5 million workers employed in the construction sector in India. Construction workers constitute a major portion of the unorganized labour and are characterized by their casual nature of employment, temporary relationship with the employer, prolonged and uncertain working hours, lack of safety and health measures, and inadequacy of basic amenities and welfare facilities. There are many legislation clauses providing safeguards for contract workers in India. Construction safety has been made legally enforceable after the enactment of The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act in 1996 and the Central Rules in 1998. This paper details various statutory provisions for construction safety in India with specific reference to the BOCW Act, Central Rules, and State Rules.Pracownicy budowlani stanowią duży odsetek niezorganizowanej siły roboczej. W Indiach istnieje wiele przepisów prawnych zapewniających bezpieczeństwo pracownikom kontraktowym. Sektor budownictwa wiąże się z dużym zapotrzebowaniem na siłę roboczą i uwzględniając pośrednie miejsca pracy, zatrudnia ponad 35 milionów ludzi. Praktyki zarządzania zdrowiem i bezpieczeństwem w procesie budowlanym mogą być świadczone na różnych etapach zatrudnienia. Wysoce niezadowalający jest fakt, że wdrożenie przepisów dotyczących zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa w budownictwie nie przyniosło żadnej poprawy. W opracowaniu zostały omówione różne przepisy dotyczące bezpieczeństwa w budownictwie w Indiach. Wejście w życie przepisów dotyczących bezpieczeństwa w budownictwie znacznie przyczyni się do ochrony pracowników budowlanych przed zagrożeniami o charakterze zawodowym